Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 649: : Netbook is about to start

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"Mr. Shao, I heard that the founder of Huanyu Technology recently visited Gree's Dong Zong and Haier's Zhang."

"This is normal, right."

"Although it's normal, except for Chen Yu, Tianhuanyu Mall seems to have a lot of actions these days."

The three alliances of eBay, Taobao, and Excellence.

At this time, the leaders of the three major e-commerce platforms are discussing the next cooperation.

However, regarding the actions of Huanyu Technology, the three major platforms are extremely concerned.

"I also heard."

Ma Yun said at this time: "Huanyu Mall may also have a wave of promotions."


Excellent Wang Shu frowned: "Is it aimed at us?"


Ma Yun nodded.

"They just launched a wave of promotions, they shouldn't."

Said Shao Yibo, founder of eBay.

"The model of Huanyu Mall is b2c, which is different from their Huanyu Department Store c2c. In theory, another wave of promotions will not have much impact on them."

"This too."

Shao Yibo nodded.

The customer groups of B2c and c2c are somewhat different.

B2c pays more attention to the brand and big items.

C2c is generally small and cheap.

One is a more mature group, and the other is a young consumer group.

Although there are some overlaps between the two, the problem is not big.

"According to the news I got, Huanyu Mall not only contacted Gree and Haier this time, they also reached secret cooperation with major electronic brands, including other brands."

Wang Shutong still pays more attention.

The reason for paying attention, Zhuoyue itself is the first to engage in b2c business.

Although they are now preparing to cooperate with c2c, the b2c business is unlikely to be lost.

"Mr. Wang, don't be fooled."

Ma Yun reminded Wang Shutong.

"Mr. Ma, what do you say?"

"how to say……"

Ma Yun was a little embarrassed.

He has some embarrassment to say that they compete with Huanyu Technology.

However, there are three alliances, Jack Ma still said: "You must know that we have done Taobao b2c and c2c business."

"I have understood."

"Maybe others will think that our Taobao business positioning is not clear, which is really helpless. The first thing we did was c2c, but I believe you all know that the c2c business is not profitable at all. But Huanyu Mall launched a b2c business, we I was immediately attracted by the b2c business."

"The model of placing orders online and picking up goods offline is indeed very powerful."

Wang Shutong said in admiration secretly.

Ashamed to say.

Their excellence was the first to do b2c, but this model was first proposed by Huanyu Mall.

Moreover, the model of Huanyu Mall must be modeled after being excellent.

"At that time, we thought so too, but when we followed up with b2c, Huanyu Technology secretly started c2c."

"I see."

If Wang Shutong has realized something: "You are worried that this time Huanyu Technology is developing its b2c business in a big way, but it is actually just a fool. He is fooling us?"


Ma Yun nodded: "I also understand these years. Although b2c looks beautiful, it doesn't make much money. The one that really suits the Chinese model is c2c. As long as we build a good platform, we can let more users Shopping on the platform, even if you don’t make money now, the future market will be terrifying."

"I also feel that way."

Shao Yibo also nodded.


The three looked at each other and nodded unanimously.

Be firm to c2c and don't be fooled by Huanyu Technology.


"Mr. Chen, do you really think someone will spend 10 million?"


Chen Yu nodded: "Tell you, there are several big bosses of listed companies playing in our legendary world. In addition, there are a series of celebrities who also like to play online games."

"No way."

"What's not going to be. Don't worry, as long as we do the game well, we won't worry about these big guys not spending money."

When you know that in the past life is greedy for playing Blue Moon, Nima is a game where there is a recharge entry anywhere, and his monthly turnover is billions, you will understand how willing people who play games should be to spend money.

"Mr. Chen, let's take a closer look later."

"Okay, hurry up and start the project, the company needs money everywhere in the company."

"President Chen, why do you want to draw our blood every day."

"Don't worry, when other businesses make money in the future, you can play games as you like."

After explaining, Chen Yu is making money, Chen Yu is very impatient.

In other words, it has been anxious recently.

Although I wanted to make more money before, I didn't have a big goal at that time.

Just hope that the Internet business is done well.

At present, the various domestic Internet businesses have been deployed. Although it cannot be said that the world is invincible, and some have not yet entered the mature stage, they basically have a certain degree of certainty for future generations.

At this time, what Chen Yu wanted to do most was a smart phone.

To be a smart phone, then you have to be an operating system.

To make an operating system, it must also develop a chip.

To develop chips, you have to have your own chip foundry factory.

To have its own chip foundry factory, it is necessary to have all kinds of equipment for producing chips.

Like the etching machine, ion implanter, lithography machine, etc...

Fortunately, especially for the lithography machine, if this piece is not taken, the neck will be strangled in addition to the choking in the future.

However, the conditions for making smart phones are not yet available.

But at this time, Chen Yu began to pave a series of roads for making smart phones.

For example, netbooks.

The netbook plan looks like a computer plan, but it is also a smartphone plan.

The operating system used in this website is an operating system built with linux.

Of course, moving to mobile phones in the future needs to be streamlined and optimized.

In addition, the chip in the netbook, although the VIA chip of the x86 architecture is used.

But the transition to the mobile phone chip in this piece also has great reference significance.

Before that, Chen Yu and Chen Wenqi and his wife talked about the semiconductor industry, the side of Tai Wan is developing very well.

ASE is also very strong in the field of TSMC, which is processing wafers, MediaTek, which is doing mobile phone chips, and the downstream packaging and testing of chips.

These companies can actually cooperate with each other.

Of course, this series of plans is too large to be completed at once.

But Chen Yu knew that the road had to be walked step by step.

When you open the road, even these companies will come to the door in person.

Just like the current e-commerce business of Huanyu Technology Chen Yu has set up the e-commerce platform, and basically a lot of companies come to cooperate with them.

But regardless of cooperation or non-cooperation, Chen Yu needs money now.

The income on the game side is very stable, which also gives Chen Yu more confidence.

But if you can make more money in other businesses, that would be great.

Netbooks are the money-making projects that Chen Yu is looking forward to most recently.

"Old Wu, how is our netbook advancing?"

"I thought you kid didn't remember that there was a netbook business."

"Why, I feel distressed when I smashed so much money into it."

"Just know that it hurts, come here and show you something."

Wu Haijun, the founder of Shenzhou Computer, who is also in the deep city, said with a smile on the phone.

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