Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 648: : Open all kinds of cheats to game tyrants

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"Such a good condition, I think, Gree has no reason to disagree."

Dong Minzhu didn't hesitate anymore and agreed.

Chen Yu's model can not only make Gree profitable, but what is even more rare is that the intervention of Huanyu Mall can also force other dealers. If Huanyu Mall becomes bigger in the future, the pressure on major distributors will be even greater.

Just imagine.

Huanyu Mall can shorten the collection period, why can't you?

Of course, in theory, physical dealers can also shorten the payment cycle

But for large home appliance supermarkets, even if they can shorten it, they don't want to shorten it.

If you put the funds in your own hands, you can do more.

Just like if the balance in Alipay can be used by itself, hehe...not to mention other things, just putting it in to earn interest is also a terrible amount of data. Not to mention, the physical store can really take the money away and use it first.

Such as expanding the scale and so on.

But at this time there is competition for dealers, and they have to make concessions.

Of course, the issue of the payment cycle is not just a problem of Gree Electric, it is also a problem of the entire manufacturing industry.

Dealers drag the manufacturer's payment back, similarly, Gree will drag the payment back of other parts suppliers.

However, each company has its own magical powers in this part of the payment cycle.

I can’t control other people’s payment by myself, but if you delay my payment, I have to find a way to recover the payment.

"Then thank you Mr. Dong too much."

After reaching a cooperation with Dong Minzhu, Chen Yu did not return to Shencheng, but went to Dongshan Province.

There is also a well-known home appliance company, Haier.

In terms of brand awareness, Haier is even better than Gree at this time.

After all, Gree currently only manufactures air conditioners. Although it also does others, it is not well-known.

But Haier now does air conditioners, refrigerators, color TVs, and all home appliances, and they are doing very well.

Especially his brand, as long as it is posted on Shanghai Er, many people will buy it with confidence.

The reason why it is so awesome is that in addition to the excellent products of Haier itself, it is also related to their services.

Sincere forever.

I have to say that this ad slogan does not know how many consumers have been captured.

Like Gree, Haier did not agree at first.

However, after Chen Yu stated their self-employment model and shortened the payment cycle, there was no surprise, Haier agreed.

Shortening the payment is definitely a big killer at present.

Not to mention that Chen Yu can use this trick to kill the physical appliance supermarket by surprise, even if they know in advance, they can't do it with Huanyu Mall.

In terms of cost, the operating cost of a physical home appliance supermarket is much larger than that of an online platform.

Especially when they are still expanding their stores on a large scale.

The investment in each store is hundreds or even tens of millions.

Money is needed here.

It can be placed on the online shopping platform, even if it is expanded, the website is still that website.

At best, he spends a little more money on hardware broadband.

Don't say it's been two months, I really have to work hard with them, one and a half months, one month, Chen Yu can give it.

In the following time, Chen Yu did not run other manufacturers.

There are many well-known domestic appliance manufacturers, and it is impossible for Chen Yu to run every one of them.

The rest of the work can be handed over to Huang Zheng.

As for Chen Yu, he returned to the deep city and found Zou Tao again.

I told Zou Tao about another game last time, but I don’t know what happened to him?

It's about Huanyu Technology's pocketbook, so Chen Yu cannot take it seriously.

"Zou Tao, how is the game going?"

When he came to Huanyu Game, Chen Yu found Zou Tao the first time.

"Mr. Chen, we have already made a preliminary plan, but we haven't set up a project yet."

"The project hasn't been approved yet. Why, is there any problem?"

"The main issue is the free game mode. We don't know how to grasp this degree."

"Talk about it?"

Although Chen Yu doesn't personally play games on the front line, he has played a lot of games.

What kind of game I haven't seen before.

Don't say it's like this kind of free game. Chen Yu has played all kinds of people attacking girls.

"We researched some other free online games on the market and found that their RMB players are quite abnormal. One person can single out two or even three. This is too disruptive to the balance of the game. But if they are not given such a strong strength, I am also worried that these RMB players will not spend money to play games."

"Look, the mind is still not open. Didn't I tell you before. Since it is a free game, our first priority is RMB players. We want to balance the game and want RMB players to spend money. Where is this kind of thing? . If you want to make money, then give people players all kinds of cheats."

"Then one person of the same level singled out three people, isn't the strength too abnormal?"

"No, it's a pervert that one person singles out three people. I want those players who have spent money to single out 10 people, no, 100 people, 1,000 people..."

"100 people, 1,000 people?"

Zou Tao was dumbfounded.

Even if he once accepted Chen Yu's concept, but one person singled out 100 people, 1000 people, is this not a fool?

"Mr. Chen, we are playing games, not writing."

This is the founder of virtual online games.

As a subordinate of Chen Yu, Zou Tao has naturally seen online games written by Chen Yu.

Although Chen Yu's writing is very enjoyable, when the harem is the harem, when the stallion is the harem, it is the stallion.

When it's time to drive, just drive, and when it's time to drive, it's time to drive.

What to do with 100 people, 1000 people heads-up.

In Chen Yu's, the protagonist went down with a single move and directly killed tens of thousands of people.

Of course, this is bragging. It's one thing to be enjoyable. But in reality, how can it work?

It's already abnormal to single out 3 people alone. I have to single out a hundred people or a thousand people.

If so, what games do you guys still play?

"I know I'm playing games."

Chen Yu glared at Zou Tao: "Can't you play games against 100 people and 1,000 people?"

"This, this... really not good."

"why not?"

"It's too much for RMB players."

"They have charged up, so naturally they have to expand."

"You can't open this big even after you recharge it."

"Then what if this player charged 1 million yuan?"

"Any player will charge 1 million RMB?"

Zou Tao was taken aback.

Then I knew that in reality, someone had actually charged so much money.

For example, in their legendary world, a local tyrant smashed more than 1 million into it.

It was reported in the news at the time.

Many people think whether this guy has a problem with his brain.

But there is no problem with people's brains at all.

You never know that the 1 million he smashed is only one percent of his income, or even one ten million, one ten thousandth.

"The number of people who can charge 1 million is a minority after all."

"Then a person who charges 1 million becomes a charge of 10 million?"

"10 million?"

Zou Tao shook his head with a rattle: "It's can it be impossible."

"With so much money, it is impossible for them to play online games."

"Hehe, according to your opinion, all those who play games are Diaosi, are they all poor?"

The former national husband Wang Sicong is so rich that he spends most of his social time playing games.

Chen Yu said: "Don't look at the world with our worldly eyes. Rich people don't necessarily have to be tall. Rich people also have to eat and sleep, and they also like to pretend to be coercive. Especially in games, they may be in reality. They are also low-key and humble, but once they are on the Internet, they will show their true personality."

"Remember, we will succeed by catching these local tyrants."

In Chen Yu's concept, to play games, we must strike accurately.

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