Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 733: : Social attributes of Lizi mobile phone

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After the camera function, Wu Kai continued to introduce some other functions.

Such as resistive screen function.

However, the performance of this function is average.

Because other mobile phones have also implemented resistive screen technology, although Huanyu Technology’s resistive screen looks more technological.

But compared to the flash in the camera, the resistive screen is really very general.

As for other dual-card dual-standby, Bluetooth and the like are not uncommon in high-end mobile phones.

In the end, the Lizi mobile phone conference ended here.

As for the price, the same as previously advertised, 6000 RMB.

At the same time, Lizi mobile phones have also appeared in major mobile phone stores in China.

Of course, the main force is the store of Huanyu Technology.

As for the 6,000 yuan pear phone, will anyone buy it?

How do you say this?

Intellectually speaking, the advantages of the Pear mobile phone are amazing, but the disadvantages are also prominent.

The advantage is that the camera function is unique and can be said to be the world's first.

Although some people have tried it, the photos taken by this flash are not so good.

But it is not important.

The important thing is that I have a flash, but you don't.

But the disadvantage is that in addition to the camera function, the others seem to be just average.

Especially his system, some experts have studied it, this system is still a preliminary version, far from the height of the Symbian system.

However, there are many consumer goods in this world that have never been consumed rationally.

Just like the 3rd generation of pears.

Compared with the pear mobile phone, the necessity of the third generation of pear is much worse.

The third generation of pears is not a necessity, but he still buys a lot of people.

As for the Lizi mobile phone, although there are a series of other things that are not good enough, it has one advantage.

When the photo was taken, the light was bright enough to make many people take out their wallets.

"No matter what others think, I will buy it anyway."

"Compared with Nokia's high-end mobile phones, Huanyu Technology's system is really average, but I would rather buy a pear phone. As for why, there is nothing else, only a pear phone is unique."

"If it is just for a flash function, I actually don't want to buy it. However, when I saw that a friend of mine uploaded a photo taken by a Pear mobile phone in his space, I decided that I must also I want to buy one back."

Pretending to be such a thing has existed since ancient times.

The 3rd generation of Lizi has existed, and Lizi mobile phones take this pretense to the extreme.

Especially when the photos taken are uploaded to the Internet, the unique watermarks and pear tags in the photos are all showing to your friends that you own a pear phone. No, not only do you own a pear phone, you also took this pear phone to travel to a taller place, or for eating, shopping, fitness...

I can record all of my life in a series of tall, bit by bit, with the Pear mobile phone.

Moreover, he even wrote the time, I am not bragging.

What does it mean to have pictures and the truth?

The current Pear mobile phone has pictures, truth, time and place, and all kinds of evidence.

In the continuous uploading of such pictures, the sales of Pear mobile phones have also been continuously rising.

Such a rising posture has made a number of global brand mobile phone manufacturers somewhat unpredictable.

Although they were indeed ready to welcome a wave of hot sales as soon as the Pear mobile phone came out.

In any case, although there are some unsatisfactory features of the Lizi phone, the flash function is really amazing.

Even some of their competitors, friends, have some jealousy.

Such amazing features will inevitably usher in a wave of hot sales.

But after careful study, they also believe that this wave of hot sales will not last too long.

Not everyone is willing to spend such a high price to buy a pear phone.

Although the 3rd generation of pears sells very well.

In fact, the 3rd generation of Pears sells very well because of mp3.

No matter how good Mp3 sells, it is only a niche product.

No matter how good Mp3 sells, it can't match the sales of mobile phones.

Therefore, the third generation of pears can be a myth.

But as a mobile phone, he may not.

These predictions also let them breathe a sigh of relief, at least they have time to prepare their flash phones.

However, there was a problem with their prediction.

They suddenly discovered whether the hot sales of Pears had been going on for too long.

"There must be a problem in this."

"Check it out."

Nokia, Motorola, Sony...These mobile phone manufacturers are a little panicked.

If the Pear mobile phone only sells the same sales as the third generation of Pear, they are also very depressed, but they can accept it somewhat.

Moreover, they will immediately add the flash function to their next mobile phone.

But if Pears continue to sell well, even if they add their own flash in the back, it will be useless.

Once something gains momentum, he will create a unique brand.

In the future, if everyone buys your product, it may not be how well your product is doing. Everyone is completely aiming at your brand.

The pear brand has been built very well.

If it is in mobile phones, the pear brand will also be built.

So, let alone in the domestic market, even in the global market, pears may compete with them.

Moreover, the Pear mobile phone was the first to use a flash, although other mobile phones cannot be equipped with a flash. But for many people, other mobile phones are just plagiarism. Although this is not plagiarism, how can consumers care about you?

If it weren't for a flash on the Lizi phone, would you do it?

The Lizi mobile phone is done, and you add it now. What is it if this is not plagiarism?

Invisible, your product is weaker than others.

"Head, this is the sales data of a certain mobile phone supermarket of Lizi Mobile."

Major mobile phone manufacturers began to investigate.

Although it is not possible to obtain data from all sales channels of Pear Mobile, it is still possible to obtain mobile phones from certain mobile phone dealers.

It can be seen from this data.

The sales of Pears reached a peak within a week after its release.

Then it began to slowly fall.

This also confirmed their previous judgment.

But no one expected that after the third week, the sales data of Pears began to grow again.

And this growth did not stop after the third week, he has been continuous.

If you make a graph of this data.

You will find that the sales of Pears in the first week are only just beginning.

The pinnacle of the real Pear mobile phone has not yet come.

Because even now, the sales of Pear mobile phones are constantly increasing.

"How is this going?"

"Are all consumers aiming at this flash?"

"A flash is sold for 6,000 yuan, are they really willing?"

Many mobile phone manufacturers have some puzzles.

They are a little bit unconvinced, how can so many people buy pear phones.

This obviously has greatly exceeded the amount sold before the 3rd generation of pears.

Most importantly, they discovered that the Lizi mobile phone is already ready to export.

This is absolutely not allowed by them.

To fight it is also on the battlefield of Even if China is defeated on this battlefield, they have a series of other battlefields around the world.

If this is knocked out of the country by Huanyu Technology, it will be fine.

They intensified the investigation.

With their investigation, they gradually discovered that all this is not just the credit of the flash.

Although the flash function is amazing, if there is no good transmission condition, it can only be the third generation of Pear.

Why is Pear 3rd generation a niche product?

In addition to his mp3, his most niche place is that the transmission conditions are not enough.

Even if a consumer buys the third generation of pears, he can only affect some people around him.

But Lizi phones are different.

After the intervention of the Internet, his spread has exploded exponentially.

And this spread is not random spread, but very referential spread.

Do you know how Facebook was born?

Do you know how social networks exploded?

Do you know how stealing vegetables got hot?

If you put it in one sentence, that is, Lizi mobile phone is not just a Pear mobile phone, it also has social attributes.

And to bring this social attribute to the top, the biggest credit is not the flash, but the one-click upload function in the Pear mobile phone.

At the time, people just thought this function was convenient and didn't think it had anything.

At least he is not as stunning as a flashlight.

However, with this convenience, the Pear mobile phone has become the hot spot for this wave of hot sales.

It's just a pity...

Before many mobile phone manufacturers only knew how to make mobile phones, but they didn't know much about the Internet.

And why the smart phones of later generations are so awesome.

It's not that they can only do mobile phones, they can also do the Internet.

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