Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 738: : The game can still be played like this?

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"Talking Tom Cat?"

"There is such a game?"

If such an idea of ​​cutting fruit stunned a lot of people in the industry.

Then, Talking Tom Cat is even more shocking.

This game of Talking Tom Cat is where a cat is.

You click and he will make various actions.

Of course, he can still learn to speak.

He will say what you say.

But the voice spoken is not your original words, but an electronically synthesized voice.

This kind of voice is a bit cute and cute, but when it comes out, it instantly makes people like it.

Especially some children.

They can play for a day with this talking Tom cat.

Even adults, they also like to play.

For example, some game lovers will save the voice of Talking Tom.

Then put these sounds into some movies for electronic editing and synthesis.

Soon, you will find that a movie that originally looked serious, in the voice of Tom cat like this, suddenly becomes extremely serious.

This kind of gameplay also attracted the interest of a large number of other consumers and imitated them for a while.

Accidentally, this kind of imitation turned a "Tudou" video network that had just established a website into flames all of a sudden.

In the entire video ranking list, there are all such spoof videos of Tom Cat's voice.

Of course, Talking Tom Cat is more than just a game.

His impact, in addition to making Lizi mobile phones selling again, is also extremely shocking to a series of other software companies.

Such as Jinshan.

Recently, Jinshan’s Qiubojun has been studying the fruit cutting of pear phones and the talking Tom cat.

It can be said that these two games simply opened up a new world for Qiu Bojun.

He didn't expect that the game can still do this, and the game can still be played like this.

You know, some games on mobile phones before are like pushing houses, rockets, and airplanes.

Even if there is a resistive screen behind, the game that comes out is like snake-eating and xiaoxiaole.

Although it is not to say that it is not fun to eat snakes and Xiaoxiaole is not fun, but compared with cutting fruits and Tom cat, it is too stale and stale.

"Xiao Liu, what do you think of these two games, Fruit Chopping and Talking Tom?"

"Very creative, he has caused a trend."

"If we also enter the field of mobile games, what do you think?"

"Do we also make mobile games?"

Assistant Xiao Liu was taken aback, but nodded and said, "Of course we can. We can leave it to Xishanju Studio."

"It's not just Xishanju, I mean, in the future, we will embrace mobile games in an all-round way, of course, including all kinds of mobile applications."

"To sum up, are we going to make a comprehensive transformation?"


Qiu Bojun nodded.

It has been almost a year since I met Chen Yu last time.

At that time, Chen Yu pointed out the route to Qiu Bojun to develop into mobile phone applications.

But Qiu Bojun really couldn't let go of Jinshan's series of businesses.

Especially Kingsoft Internet Security.

However, this year, Qiu Bojun discovered that the market is no longer the original market.

It turns out that Jinshan is a well-known software company in the eyes of many people.

But in just one year, everyone has gradually forgotten about Jinshan.

Take market share as an example.

The market share of Kingsoft Internet Security has been retreating again and again.

Until now, Kingsoft Internet Security only accounted for only 7% of the domestic market.

Moreover, Qiu Bojun predicts that in another year, they will not even maintain a 7% market share.

Thinking of this, I beg Bojun smiled bitterly.

At that time, Chen Yu's vision was so cruel, he told him directly that there was no chance for Kingsoft Internet Security.

Now, at the same time that Lizi mobile phones are selling, Qiu Bojun has some awakening.

He felt that if he didn't act again, Jinshan might really be over.

"Little Liu, get ready. We will visit Huanyu Technology tomorrow."



"Mr. Chen, Qiu Bojun from Jinshan wants to visit the company."

"For the Bojun?"

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

He hasn't contacted Qiu Bojun for a long time.

However, speaking of Qiu Bojun, Chen Yu remembered the last time Lei Jun left his post.

At that time, Chen Yu went to Jinshan and gave a small suggestion to Qiu Bojun.

But in one year, Jinshan has not changed much.

Although Chen Yu felt it was a pity, it was normal to think about it.

Jinshan was originally the pride of national enterprises, and they have too much business.

It is good for Wps to cooperate with itself.

If you give up on the ground, Kingsoft Drug Tyrant really wants to put it down completely, and it is also reluctant to replace it with Chen Yu.

But the times are like this.

Even if you can't bear it anymore, what should disappear must disappear.

"Jinshan may want to transform."

"I beg Bojun figured it out?"

"I don't know for the time being, but it may have been reminded by our Pear mobile phone."

"Then it couldn't be better."


It is a pity to ask Bojun to be the leader of the domestic software industry.

He is the first batch of software tycoons in China.

At that time, Qiu Bojun had always been the idol of countless software developers.

I include Lei Jun.

Lei Jun also joined Jinshan because he regarded Qiu Bojun as an idol.

But afterwards, everyone knew.

Jinshan is still the same, but Lei Jun is no longer the same.

Lei Jun successfully embraced this era.

But Jinshan insisted on insisting on himself, and finally seemed out of place.

In the end, Qiu Bojun was only about 50 years old but he retired honorably.

Later, there was no news of asking the Bojun.

If the Bojun can figure it out now and let Jinshan transform, it will not be impossible for Jinshan to make greater achievements.

"When will they come?"


"Okay, I will personally greet the general when the time comes."

Chen Yu respected Qiu Bojun.

It is a pity that such a bigwig retired early from the stage of history.

If you can change your mind, a comeback is just around the corner.

The next day.

Ask Bojun and his party to lead the team and rush to Huanyu Technology early.

From a long distance, Qiu Bojun saw the Huanyu Building in front of him.

This makes Bo Qiujun not very embarrassed.

Recalling the glory of Jinshan, Huanyu Technology did not exist at that time.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, the world has changed.

He used to be a big man in the IT industry, but now he can only be ranked in the second-line camp.

"Seeking general, the front is Huanyu Technology."


The assistant's words made Qiu Bojun come back to his senses.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to Huanyu Technology, Qiu Bojun has some guilty conscience.

However, I saw a group of Jinshan employees in the car.

There are a group of elders who followed him all the way.

There are also outstanding newcomers promoted by him.

This is the future of Jinshan.

For myself and for them, even more Jinshan... Qiu Bojun's expression became extremely firm.

A group of convoys steadily stopped at Huanyu Building, Qiu Bojun stepped out of the car.

At this time, it was Chen Yu who came first.

"Please, I've been waiting for you for half an hour here, and you are only here now... If it weren't for my site, I would have to ask you to buy me a meal."

Holding Qiu Bojun's right hand with both hands, Chen Yu showed an extremely sincere smile on his face.

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