Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 763: : Various benefits of dogs

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Vanity is something anyone has.

This is on the Internet, even more so.

In fact, the food stealing game itself has elements of vanity. He doesn't seem obvious, but it does exist.

For example, it can grow more advanced dishes.

In order to grow more advanced vegetables quickly, I don't know how many uncles and aunts have spent money on chemical fertilizers.

This is the same as the level of online games, the higher the level, the more vanity.

But now stealing food and incorporating the prop dog into it, is to maximize this vanity.

So, at first, some people just bought ordinary Class 1 dogs.

But gradually, level 2 dogs and level 3 dogs appeared one after another.

As for the level 4 dogs and level 5 dogs, there are also local tyrants who spend money and buy a sparkling wealth.

Having said that, this is actually the same as the domestic environment at that time.

When online games did not come out, computers were operated by people who needed work.

After the online game came out, all ordinary people entered it.

As for the reason?

He's meow, who can stand the temptation of all kinds of equipment and levels of online games.

The same goes for these uncles and aunts who have been stealing food in North America.

Seeing so many awesome high-level dogs, how can these uncles and aunts stand it?

Those who have no money borrowed money to swell their faces to fill up the fat.

If you have money, you should directly recharge to buy a high-level dog.

Of course, it's not all vanity here.

Some purchase high-level props dogs, completely to show their strength.

For example, those who want to chase sister paper. itself is a highly interactive social platform, so he also has great convenience in chasing sister paper.

But before you have to chase sister paper, you have to spend some means.

You have to chat with her, you have to steal food with her, you have to play a series of games with her.

But now, all this is much simpler.

If you are strong enough, you can buy a high-level prop dog.

The girls know at a glance whether you have the strength or not.

Just like the first user to buy a level 5 dog, a level 5 dog is about $100,000.

Under normal circumstances, no one would spend so much money to buy a level 5 dog.

But the local tyrant just bought it.

After the purchase, a series of benefits will follow.

For this, Zach, the founder of Facebook, was also stunned.

He didn't expect that the prop dog could still play like this.

You know, at the beginning, he, like everyone else, felt that if anyone paid a big price for a high-end dog, who would be a fool. However, the series of circumstances that followed were unexpected by him. Even, in order to personally experience the various benefits of buying a high-level dog, Zach personally recharged $100,000 and purchased a level 5 dog.

The same as the rumors outside.

Just ten minutes after he just bought a Level 5 dog, dozens of sisters sent him private chats.

Some even sent him private photos.

In it, there are some girls who he once thought were very dignified and arrogant before this.

She is the goddess of all people in the outside world.

But I didn't expect...

Zach just thought in his heart, and felt the power of such a setting.

It’s just like that after the 100,000 dollar drop. I really don’t know the charm of the 6th and 7th level dogs behind.

If you really bought a level 6 dog or a level 7 dog, those girls won't be able to rush over.

However, Zach did not spend any more money.

He is still willing to pay 100,000 dollars. If he spends 1 million dollars to buy a 6th-level dog, it will be really stupid.

It's just that if he doesn't smash it, someone will smash it.

A user who wears "Coca-Cola" spent 1 million and bought a Level 6 dog.


That's right.

This is a Class 6 dog bought by Coca-Cola with money. The purpose of buying a dog is not for Coca-Cola, and he likes to steal food.

Although many people in their company like to play stealing food.

But more importantly, the purpose of buying a Class 6 dog is to advertise.

"I'm silly, there is such an operation unexpectedly."

"$1 million made Coca-Cola a world-class advertisement."

"I want to say, Coca-Cola, it's a beautiful job."

1 million US dollars to make a sensation in North America, no, a series of countries in Europe and America sensational advertising, just ask whether it's worth it?

Needless to say, compared to those rigid advertisements, this wave of borrowing a pet dog to make the list is several times more effective.

It is said that when Coca-Cola reached the top that day, many users on Facebook wanted to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola.

Drinking Coke while on Facebook, it looks very worthy.

Of course, this is of a commercial nature.

The average user spends 100,000 US dollars on a level 5 dog, which is pretty awesome.

For many ordinary people, this is already considered a local tyrant.

What will you do to the local tyrant?

There may be times when many people will hate the local tyrants, just as they hate the rich second generation.

But this is not true.

If when you find that the person around you is a local tyrant, many people will make friends with the local tyrant.

Of course, also because of the participation of these local tyrants, this also stimulated the popularity of stealing food even more.

Whether it is to make friends with the local tyrants, or to watch the local tyrants, or for other purposes, the fire of stealing vegetables has risen to a higher level than before.

"Weiqi, we immediately adjusted the settings of our prop dog."

When he discovered this, Zach immediately said to his classmates.

He also thought that the prop dog starts at $1, and the maximum is not more than $100. It is a good setting.

But compared with stealing food from, UU Read www. and their Facebook farms are simply crushed.

At the beginning, many Facebook users thought that Facebook Farm had some creativity, and many people were still playing Facebook Farm.

But when they see the dogs in the Facebook farm for only $1, they are not interested at all.

You know, now that everyone buys props, dogs are not just interactions, they are also a part of social interaction.

It's like going out in any car and what clothes you wear.

The social network itself represents you. If you bring such a cheap dog, you are embarrassed.

However, what Zach didn't know was that it was okay if he didn't change the settings. If he changed the settings, Facebook Farm suffered a disaster.

The reason is also very simple.

The prop dog on Facebook Farm is as expensive as Friend’s Stealing Food. Why not buy a prop dog from Friend’s Stealing Food?

There are more users, more players, more friends in your circle.

It is normal to buy a few more advanced dogs in your social circle of friends.

On the contrary, spending more money on Facebook Farm, which seems a bit stupid.

"Oh, I thought that Facebook Farm was a bit innovative, and I wanted to play for a while, now it seems, forget it."

"It's really plagiarizing every day. I don't have my own opinion and bad reviews."

" Level 1 dogs are so dark, and Facebook is so dark. Since they are all so dark, then I will go to"

The Internet has always been the strongest take all.

Not to mention this kind of extremely social website.

Originally, Facebook was far inferior to Friends, but with Yahoo’s support, it could hold on.

But no one thought of it.

The Facebook farm, which looks so innovative, collapsed in a moment...

A series of Facebook farm users can basically be said to have flowed into the friend network.

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