Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 764: : The North American Internet market, but so

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"Classmates, let's talk about why stealing food is so popular today?"

"Of course, since we talked about stealing food, I can't help but talk about the prop dog settings recently launched in the stealing food game. Before we talk, I will do a survey. Classmates, please raise your hand if you have purchased a prop dog?"

Harvard University, computer professor Harry is giving a lecture to students.

After he finished speaking, almost 90% of the classmates raised their hands.

Level 1 prop dog is only $10, any student can afford it.

"It seems that is really powerful. In fact, I also bought a prop dog. Then, please raise your hand if you have bought a Level 2 dog?"

At this time, half of the class raised their hands.

Harry nodded, and once again secretly sighed for its grasp of user psychology.

This group of students does not have much money, but there are still many people who bought Level 2 dogs.

"Then, please raise your hand if you have bought a Level 3 dog."

There are only a few people in the class at this time.

However, when they raised their hands, everyone was a little jealous.

Level 3 dogs only cost 1,000 US dollars. Although they are willing to buy them, although they also want to buy them, they really don't have the money.

However, Professor Harry asked again: "If you have bought a Level 4 dog, please raise your hand."

At this time, only two people in the class raised their hands.


At this time, there was an instant sensation in the classroom.

A level 4 dog is 10,000 US dollars, which is really not affordable for ordinary students.

However, Harry continued to ask: "If you have bought a Level 5 dog, please raise your hand."

At this time, only one raised his hand.

Everything came without any accident, and this student became the focus of the class.

"Haha, this classmate, let's make friends."

Professor Harry made a joke.

However, although there are few students who can spend $100,000, it is not uncommon.

Just like on the Internet, you can see many local tyrants.

"Let’s look at Friend Network again. We’ve already analyzed it before that the fundamental principle of social networks is the six-degree segmentation theory. That is to say, we only need to pass 6 people to get to know all the people in the world. In reality, The theory of six degrees of division is difficult to verify, because in reality we do not have this condition. But on the Internet, everything has been transformed."

"From the food stealing game on, we can see that friends of friends, you can interact with them. Of course, this is the same as the popular prop dog in stealing food recently. This is also an important manifestation of the theory of six degrees of division. In the real world, it is difficult for us to know those who are rich. But by stealing vegetables, we are fully equipped to know those billionaires."

"It is precisely because of the classic theory of six degrees of division that our social networks can spread so fast. Of course, it is also precisely because six degrees of division is built in the real world, so the social network platform of Friends Network is better than the average Internet. The platform is even more attractive..."

Professor Harry continued to explain the theoretical basis of Friend Network to the students.

Of course, in fact, he still has some regrets.

One of their students at Harvard University was doing social networking, which was very successful at the time.

Unfortunately, after the advent of, this website has been in jeopardy.

However, this is not what he wants to consider, is it?


"Mr. Chen, we stole the vegetables and sold the fifth level 6 dog."

"Oh, are they all for advertising?"

"Not all, there is a real local tyrant."

Wang Chang reported to Chen Yu excitedly.

Before, she felt that Chen Yu was crazy about money, but now, she doesn't have enough knowledge.

No, a local tyrant bought a level 6 dog.

Or you have to ask why this local tyrant would buy it?

No why?

I just have money, I just want to buy, I just show off my wealth. What's wrong?

Of course, the number of prop dogs sold is not the most important thing, although it is also very profitable.

But what Friend Network really cares about is IP data.

The facts did not disappoint Chen Yu. The IP visits of broke a new record again that month.

At the same time, their competitor Facebook's IP traffic plummeted by 20%.

This is still supported by Yahoo.

Without Yahoo's backing, it would be possible for them to fall 30% by this wave of operations.

This also strengthened Chen Yu's confidence on the other hand.

The North American market may not be so complicated. In fact, the North American Internet is the same as the domestic Internet.

Even, sometimes the domestic Internet is more competitive than the North American Internet.

In the past, many domestic Internet companies did not have the opportunity to enter the North American Internet, let alone the world.

But now, everything is possible.

Thinking about future generations, there are actually many domestic companies that are very creative, even if they are overseas, they have strong competitiveness.

Like ByteDance's Douyin, although it has some critics, the product is really good.

There is also the browser company Cheetah.

These will have large overseas markets in later generations.

It is 2005. In North America, Chen Yu has too many opportunities overseas.

To this end, Chen Yu also seriously considered for a while.

Take the North American market, the largest and most important overseas market.

The most important Internet companies in the North American market include Yahoo, Google, AOL, video sites YouTube, Amazon, and eBay.

But if you really want to say, Yahoo will die in the future, and in the end it will only have a market value of several billion dollars.

As for AOL, you can tell from the name that he is a local portal website, and he has something like Sina.

The video site YouTube is not bad, but its strength is also average.

The more powerful ones are Amazon and Google.

But whether it is Amazon or Google, Chen Yu has a friend network.

As long as he expands the Friendship Network, the international e-commerce market and the search market, he can completely overcome it by opening up an army of tanks.

Of course, there is also an instant messaging market.

The instant messaging currently used by North American users is MSN and oicq.

But in fact, both msn and oicq will be surpassed by latecomers in North America.

As soon as the mobile Internet appeared, these almost all died.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Yu suddenly felt that these North American Internet giants did not seem to be very powerful.

Competing with them, Chen Yu feels that they are relatively late to domestic Sina.

If it weren't for Chen Yu who has always been relatively calm, Chen Yu would hate to **** them directly.

However, Chen Yu also knows that his foundation in North America is not yet strong.

If you want to enter the North American market, you must first build into a solid foundation.

Immediately Chen Yu told Wang Chang again: "Wang Chang, we can't have only one stealing game. You know, the life cycle of a game is not long."

"Mr. Chen, I understand this."

Wang Chang nodded.

In the end, he had been mixed up in China, and how did Huanyu Technology come out, why would Wang Chang not know.

The online games that have become popular in China have a life cycle. The online games of Huanyu Technology are good, and some of the games of other companies often hang in one or two years. Some even lasted less than a year or two, six months, or three months.

The game of stealing vegetables is inherently flawed.

Although he is very popular now, once the freshness of the users passes, everyone will not be interested in stealing food.

In fact, the same is true for later generations.

It took only one or two years from stealing vegetables to the point where almost everyone stopped playing.

In such a short period of time, had no time to make a transformation, and the food stealing ended up just like that.

"I have set up a game department to develop games."

"We can't develop it ourselves."

Chen Yu shook his head: "Although we can develop our own, but we can guarantee that the developed games will be popular?"

"Mr. Chen, do you mean that we only make a platform?"


Chen Yu said with certainty: “Although is a social networking site, it is also a huge platform. Our YY game in China has such a model. We regard YY game as a small game platform. The small game software developers worked together, so our YY game became the number one in the industry, and no one can surpass it."

"Yes, President Chen, I know how to do it."

Sometimes it's actually very easy to do the Internet.

With Huanyu Technology's mature domestic experience, Wang Chang can replicate these models to North America.

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