Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 765: : Come out, Fetion! ! !

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"Mr. Wang, this is the data from the creation of YY instant messaging to this year."

At the mobile headquarters, CEO Wang Jianzhou reviewed this YY instant messaging data report.

In the data report, YY changed from being a niche instant messaging product to surpassing QQ, eventually defeating Penguin and becoming the only instant messaging software in China. At present, the number of YY simultaneous online users exceeds 25 million, and the number of registered users exceeds 300 million...

With such a data, even Wang Jianzhou, the general manager of Mobile, was extremely shocked.

You know, as of 2005, the number of China Mobile users only exceeded 300 million.

Even with the addition of China Unicom and China Telecom’s PHS services, the total number of users is only 390 million, which has not broken 400 million.

But the total registration volume of a Huanyu Technology YY reaches 300 million?

What concept is this?

Although Wang Jianzhou knows that the number of YY registrations has a lot of water, it cannot be compared with their mobile users.

But no matter how large the water is, the registration number of close to 300 million people still makes Wang Jianzhou feel deeply pressured.

And Wang Jianzhou knows that as the number of YY instant messengers advances, his user scale will explode.

In the future, the number of users of YY instant messaging will exceed the number of mobile users, and this is not impossible.

Although China Mobile is a communications operator, it doesn't care about it.

They only need to be a good communications operator.

However, as a communications operator, Wang Jianzhou is well aware of the changes that instant messaging products will bring to users.

At the same time, it also has an impact on their communications operators.

For example, short message service.

In the past, everyone had to chat and communicate, either by calling or texting.

However, many people now use YY video calls to make calls.

As for sending text messages, what more text messages to send, it costs 1 cent to send a text message, so it is better to talk about YY online.

Even if it is him, he often feels that it is more convenient to communicate with people on the Internet at any time using YY.

Although in general, whether it is phone charges or SMS charges, China Mobile is still experiencing explosive growth. But Wang Jianzhou knows that this is because the overall mobile business has been rising. But when this rise definitely has a bottle shank, once it reaches the bottle shank, then YY will grab the share of movement.

This is not Wang Jianzhou who is worried about the sky.

Wang Jianzhou, who has been in the communications field for decades, has an incomparable sense of crisis.

Especially in the Internet age.

It is not necessarily a competitor who beats you, it may be a crossover.

The most obvious example is the media.

The media used to be TV stations, radio channels, newspapers, and magazines.

but now……

Sorry, it's, it's Universal Portal, Sohu, and NetEase.

Although the traditional media still controls the market.

But in the future, they believe that these major portals are entirely possible to surpass the influence of traditional media.

"Little Liu, let's go to the software department."

Although China Mobile is a communications operator, it also has a software department.

Of course, this software department was not for instant messaging services at first, it was for Monternet.

As the largest software in the mobile field at the time, Monternet did not know how many companies successfully survived.

For example, Penguin, such as YY, these two companies have grown up with the support of Monternet.

It's just not what it used to be.

The formerly popular Monternet has gradually declined.

But even so, Monternet is still the largest mobile platform in China.

"President Wang."

Seeing Wang Jianzhou coming in, all the members of the software department stood up.

"Look at what I'm doing, you guys are busy with you."

Wang Jianzhou smiled and visited the whole department with great interest.

"How is our instant messaging doing?"

"Mr. Wang, it has been done and is testing for bugs. Would you like to try?"

"So fast?"

"Instant messaging itself is a relatively simple software, and the department has been busy with this project recently. If it hasn't been done yet, it would be too disappointing to Mr. Wang's expectations of us."

Jiang Mingchao, the head of the mobile software department and the head of Monternet, responded eagerly.

After speaking, Jiang Mingchao pulled a stool beside him and invited Wang Jianzhou to take his seat.

"President Wang, this is our instant messaging software Fetion, you can use it."

As the general manager of mobile, Wang Jianzhou also often uses instant messaging on the Internet.

Especially recently, Wang Jianzhou has paid special attention to every function of YY.

There is no difficulty in operation, click to register to log in, Wang Jianzhou searched for friends online and added a few friends.

These friends are mobile internal testers to test Fetion bugs.

It took half an hour for Wang Jianzhou to start feeling very good.

Their mobile-developed instant messaging software called Fetion is very beautiful and logical in terms of user interface and difficulty of operation. At the same time, various functions are readily available. Like Feixin Show, this is an imitated YY show. Although it is an imitation, their Fetion show goes a step further on this basis. See, there are dynamic effects.

For Fetion group, they have also upgraded.

Generally, there are only 100 people in the YY group, 200 people in the advanced level, and the advanced level will cost money.

Each of their Fetion can create 5 groups of 500 people.

In addition, they are one step ahead of YY for offline file transfer, breakpoint transfer, cloud storage... these.

In addition, they still use their mobile phone number to register, which is easy and convenient, and can register with one click.

At the same time, because the mobile phone can also be bound to mail, it is also more convenient to send mail.

However, after Wang Jianzhou thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

Fetion is good, but with this, can you **** YY's market?

Wang Jianzhou asked himself.

The answer is that this is impossible.

Think about how QQ died?

He was the number one in the market at the time, but in the end he not only fell to the second place, but also went bankrupt.

Fetion is good, but isn’t it another version of QQ?

At most, one is developed by Penguin and the other is mobile.

Although their mobile is huge, mobile is only a communications operator, not a pure Internet company.

Wang Jianzhou also knew this well.

Speaking of them, they are inter-banks working on instant messaging software, no matter whether it is technology or experience, they can't beat Huanyu Technology. Relying on this alone, the launch of Fetion can only find death.

"Ming Chao, good job."

After flipping the trial game, Wang Jianzhou left the mouse and praised it slightly.

Jiang Mingchao thought that Wang Jianzhou was really praising but he was happy in his heart, and he was ready to say a few humble words. But he didn't want Wang Jianzhou to turn around and continue to say: "It's just that our Fetion is pretty good, but it feels like something is missing."

"President Wang, please also give me some advice."

Jiang Mingchao bent slightly, accepting instructions.

"I ask you, if our Fetion is launched, how can we compete with YY. You know, YY is currently the largest instant messaging software in China. There is no one. Why should we compete with them?"

"Mr. Wang, although YY is powerful, it is not without its shortcomings. I have studied it and more and more users are beginning to use the mobile version of YY. Mobile instant messaging is one of the future development directions. But in the mobile software platform. One piece, our Monternet has always been the number one in the industry. As long as we remove YY from Monternet, we can enter the market instantly."

"Remove YY?"

"Yes, Mr. Wang, YY has been relying on our blood transfusions to live until now. If we did not support YY in Monternet, YY would definitely not be able to live until now. Although their environment is much better now, as long as we Monternet no longer supports them. Even if we cannot completely defeat YY at once, we can use this opportunity to become the second instant messaging company in China."

Jiang Mingchao was extremely confident, as if everything was in his hands.

But when he heard this, Wang Jianzhou sighed.

He has long known that their mobile is not a pure Internet company. In theory, it is difficult to compete with Huanyu Technology.

But Wang Jianzhou still had a glimmer of hope.

After all, these executives have been mixed for so long, and their eyes are still vicious.

However, Jiang Mingchao's answer today disappointed him.

He really wanted to shout, is it because you have been monopolizing for a long time, and you can't even think about it?

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