Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 776: : Questions about the three G

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"Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology is coming?"


At Lenovo headquarters, Fu Xiaobing was slightly surprised.

Although he is no stranger to Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology, such a visit in person is usually not a trivial matter.

Of course, the trivial matter won't bother the teacher, and you can just make an appointment with the two of you to have a chat.

However, thinking of Fetion recently launched by mobile, Fu Xiaobing understands a little bit.

"Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology has a vision, arrangements."


For Chen Yu, Fu Xiaobing admired them very much.

Although I don't know what Chen Yu personally came to China Unicom for, but he wanted to come to China Mobile.

However, Chen Yu's visit this time brought Fu Xiaobing a different idea.

This also made him look forward to Chen Yu's arrival.

A week later, Chen Yu brought Zhang Jianming to China Unicom.

As one of the three major domestic telecommunications operators, although China Unicom does not have a huge mobile business, its scale is still not comparable to that of ordinary enterprises.

"Mr. Chen, this is our latest data transmission system. The quality and range of data transmission are 100 times stronger than before."

China Unicom CEO Fu Xiaobing personally led the team and introduced a series of Unicom businesses to Chen Yu.

Among them, the key introduction to Chen Yu is the latest data transmission system developed by China Unicom.

This system not only solves the problem of China Unicom's poor signal, but also greatly improves China Unicom's signal quality.

In addition, all-round upgrades have been made to signal safety.

"President Fu, if your system is broken down, I'm afraid it won't lose Mobile."

Chen Yu said with a smile.

"In fact, from a technical point of view, China Unicom is not inferior to China Mobile. As for the business, it cannot be compared with China Mobile for the time being. It is just a matter of the number of base stations."

"I feel so too."

Chen Yu nodded.

Lian wants to say that technology is definitely not bad for mobile.

Even in later generations of 3G, China Unicom is mobile.

However, despite this, due to history and various reasons, China Unicom has always been inferior to China Mobile.

"Mr. Chen, come and take a look at this to know what this is."

"Unicom online business hall."

Looking at the words written on another showroom, Chen Yu was a little confused: "Similar business to Monternet?"

"Mr Chen really has a good eye."

Fu Xiaobing nodded: "Mr. Chen, you are an expert on the Internet, so I hope you can give me more advice."

"President Fu is polite, we are from wild roads and we don't have much skill."

Chen Yu said modestly.

Of course, Chen Yu is modest, but Fu Xiaobing dare not think so.

Dare to underestimate the wild ways of Huanyu Technology, you can't die again.

Take a look at Fetion recently launched by China Mobile. There are businesses like Monternet that have not launched Fetion. This proves that Universal Technology is powerful.

"Mr. Chen, our Unicom online business hall is just a shelf, and there are still many imperfections. At present, the main business is online recharge, and more businesses may be added in the future. At present, we are looking for strategic partners. I know if President Chen is interested."

Fu Xiaobing introduced to Chen Yu from time to time.

While introducing it, it also hinted to Chen Yu about China Unicom's actions in the future.

Chen Yu naturally heard this suggestion.

This also made Chen Yu secretly sigh that today is the right time.

This Fu Xiaobing is ambitious.

However, what Chen Yu wants is ambitious.

If there was no ambition, Chen Yu would have come for nothing today.

After going through the inspection, Chen Yu and Fu Xiaobing sat together alone in the afternoon.

"Mr Chen, sit down and drink tea."

"Thank you Fu Zong."

"Mr. Chen, I recently heard that you have some friction with China Mobile."

"Normal business competition."

"How do I hear the news that the moving manager Wang is going to be real."

Although Wang Jianzhou's threat to Chen Yu did not reach the media, it is difficult to hide such things in the circle.

In the morning, I hinted to Chen Yu that Fu Xiaobing probably knew the situation on both sides.

"Mr. Fu, you know everything, so don't tease me."

"I don't dare to tease Mr. Chen, but I really want to cooperate with Mr. Chen."

Everyone was there in the morning, and this kind of thing cannot be said in detail. Now Chen Yu is the only one, and Fu Xiaobing said: "Mobile Monternet business occupies a lot of your company's mobile YY. There is only one Monternet mobile, I think , Your company is also very passive. Instead of this, it is better to cooperate with us in China Unicom."

"China Unicom's business is still inferior to China Mobile after all."

"Of course, it's not inferior, but far inferior."

Fu Xiaobing was not angry, and continued: "What if I let your company take a share in our Unicom online business hall business?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible."

Chen Yu shook his head.

"nothing is impossible."

Fu Xiaobing said: "Unicom's online business hall business itself is not the main business of our communications operator. It belongs to the value-added business. We don't pay much attention to this internally. pressure."

"It's true."

Chen Yu nodded.

However, Chen Yu is not particularly interested in taking a stake in Unicom's so-called online business hall.

In the future, whether it is China Unicom's online business hall or Monternet's business, it will be destroyed by the concept of mobile Internet.

Doing or not doing this business has no impact.

However, for Unicom's online business hall business, Chen Yu did not refuse.

It is also necessary to build a good relationship with China Unicom.

However, the purpose of his coming today is not for this.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yu said: "Mr. Fu, I want to ask, your Unicom wants to establish an online business hall, not just for value-added services."

"What does Chen think?"

"Although value-added services are good, value-added services are value-added services after all. They are not the main business of communications operators. No matter how well they do, they will not have much advantage in the growth of China Unicom users. If Mr. Fu really has such an idea, I have an idea."

"What idea?"

"For example, innovate in business."

"Mr. Chen, can you be more specific?"

"President Fu, let's put it this way."

To play this good card, Chen Yu must explain clearly to Xiaobing.

"Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom are the three major domestic operators. In terms of the scale of mobile business, China Mobile is the largest, followed by China Unicom, and China Telecom again. The reason for this must be clearer than us. For historical reasons, China Unicom Two networks must be laid. One is cdma and the other is gsm. It is extremely difficult to build a gsm service. If the two services develop at the same time, no matter how strong China Unicom is, it is impossible to compete with China Mobile."

Speaking of why China Unicom is inferior to China Mobile, the most important thing is historical reasons.

When joining WTO in 2000, the United States put forward a condition in the field of communications.

That is, we must accept the US technical standard cdma.

But the most popular communication standard in the world is GSM.

So China Unicom had to develop cdma and GSM at the same time.

In addition, China Mobile itself is the first domestic mobile company to engage in mobile services. China Unicom has not only done it later, but also has to do so much. It's strange that it can surpass China.

"Mr Chen has a lot of research on our communications operators."

"Don't dare."

This is not a research, as long as it is involved in this area.

As for why Chen Yu wants to say this, he must talk about wcdma.

Then, Chen Yu continued: "Mr. Fu, I believe the 3G license will be announced in the next few years."

The 3G communication standard was introduced very early.

Even 3G networks are already in operation in many countries.

Some people may find it strange.

Mobile Internet smart phones have not yet started, how come there is a 3G network?

This is normal.

Under normal circumstances, communication networks are one step ahead of consumer products.

Just like the 5G network of later generations.

5G networks have been set up in many places, but 5G mobile phones have not yet appeared.

This is normal in reality.

Mobile phones are like cars, and communication operators are like paving the way.

To get the car to your door, you must first repair the road.

So communication technology must be at the forefront.

"Japan, the United States, and South Korea have already relocated 3G licenses. I believe we will be fast in recent years."

This is also an open matter.

If nothing happens, 3G licenses will be issued in 2008.

It is 2005, only three years from 2008.

This time is not long. For the three major telecom operators, they are already preparing.

"If nothing happens, I believe China Unicom will be assigned the most advanced wcdma technology."


Although this has not been made public, it is basically a foregone conclusion in the industry.

As for the reason, it is entirely for balanced development.

Otherwise, the most powerful communication technology is assigned to China Mobile, so do other operators still need to compete?

All changed the name to mobile.

"President Fu, I would like to ask you a question. What do you think will mean to you after the 3G license is issued?"

"How should I say I haven't thought about this problem for the time being. No one knows what will develop in the future."

"Does that mean that after the issuance of 3G licenses, consumer communications demand will become greater."

"That is for sure."

Fu Xiaobing nodded: "The 3G standard is more perfect than 2G in terms of speed and signal. I believe that by then, there will be a relatively large outbreak of demand for 3G communications."

"Then, I would like to ask again, is this communication requirement only for calling and texting?"

"Nor say the same. Calls and text messages are only basic needs, and users have more other needs. For example, using mobile phones to surf the Internet."

"President Fu, what you said is so good, what I want to say is to use the mobile phone to surf the Internet."

After turning over the explanation, Chen Yu finally brought Fu Xiaobing here.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple."

Chen Yu said: "If China Unicom wants to expand its business, even if it does everything possible, it will not get much benefit from PK with mobile. Instead of this, it is better to change the battlefield and compete with them on a new platform."

"Chen Yu, you mean we focus on promoting traffic business."

Chen Yu had already said it very clearly, and Fu Xiaobing only thought about it and understood the key point Chen Yu said.

"Yes, it's focused on promoting traffic business."

Chen Yu nodded and said: "In my opinion, the main business of a communications operator must be more than just making phone calls, not just sending and receiving text messages. The most important thing for him is communication traffic. Although everyone has no demand for traffic. Big, but this is the future trend. Especially after the emergence of 3G licenses, this will explode. Instead of promoting this business during 3G, it is better to take a step ahead and occupy the market...Fu, what do you think?"

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