Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 840: : The mobile phone market is making a comeback

"Zhizhong, there must be a problem in this, definitely."

Samsung, Lee Jae-yong is a little crazy this time.

He doesn't care about the sales of the KTV VOD system, he cares more about the sales of their Samsung high-end TVs.

But from the side, the sales of KTV VOD system also determines the sales of Samsung's high-end TVs.

However, in the KTV battle on the Chinese side, Samsung lost terribly.

At the same time, this is also reflected in the sales of high-end TVs.

The sales volume of Huanyu Super TV exceeded 200,000 units that month.

And they Samsung.

No need to read it.

There are less than 1,000.

Before, Samsung still had some opinions on some TV experts who ignored their Samsung TV.

Now, they are embarrassed to say.

Less than 1,000 units sold that month, you are ashamed to let others comment.

However, it is precisely because of such high sales, which makes Li Zairong seriously suspect that there must be a problem.

"Zhizhong, what the **** is going on?"

Li Jae Rong stared at Jin Zhizhong.

Jin Zhizhong is one of his generals, and he has been doing very well in the TV sector before.

However, in the area of ​​high-end TVs, there have been constant mistakes recently, and he can't help but be annoyed.

"Mr. Li, we are currently conducting a comprehensive inspection of the song order system of Huanyu Technology, and I believe that problems will be found."

Jin Zhizhong was also depressed.

In fact, when they worked on the Samsung song order system before, they disassembled the Huanyu song order system.

After all, it's a copy, and it must be disassembled for research.

It can be said that they already know the Huanyu song order system very well.

But that's it, the situation in reality has made them unpredictable.

From Jin Zhizhong's professional perspective on electronics, he felt that there must be something wrong with the audio system.

In other words, Universal Technology has definitely conducted special research and development on audio systems.


After dismantling again, Jin Zhizhong found all the problems.

It turns out that Huanyu Technology really carried out special research on the sound system.

They made certain modifications to the sound card of the Huanyu VOD system.

This sound card can fine-tune the voice sung by consumers.

Don't underestimate such fine-tuning.

With such a small fine-tuning, he saved countless consumers who didn't know how to sing.

He can play a certain role in beautifying the sound.

It's like PS.

It's okay if people don't look very good, and a P picture will definitely look a lot better if you fix it.

As for why I didn't find it before.

Because they thought that the sound card was just a normal sound card, and they did not pay special attention to it.

But now, although the appearance of the sound card is the same as that of a normal sound card, the internal changes have already been made.


"Huanyu Technology really cannot be underestimated."

"It's just that if we upgrade the sound card again, it will be three months later."

In line with Samsung, there are also a number of electronics giants such as Panasonic and Sony.

In fact, after Samsung joined the KTV VOD system, they also joined.

Just like Samsung, they are all killed by Universal Technology’s KTV VOD system.

Affected by this, they once again dismantled the Huanyu song order system in an all-round way.

Upon turning over, they saw the doorway.

It's just that although the doorway can be seen, it is difficult to catch up with Huanyu Technology's KTV system.

On their own, their KTV VOD system is slower than Huanyu Technology.

If you add a special sound card at this time, it will be slow again.

One step is slow, every step is slow.

To wait for them to come up with a brand new KTV song on demand system, it will take half a year.

For electronic products, who knows what will happen in half a year.

After half a year, after you make a brand new KTV song on demand system, Huanyu Technology’s KTV song on demand system may have been reduced to 20,000 yuan per set, or even more than 10,000 yuan per set.

Nothing compared to others, just because of this price advantage, they can be cleared out directly.

It is precisely because of this that Samsung and Panasonic are extremely uncomfortable.

You know, before this, some of their routines were used to clean up TV manufacturers in China.

When your technology fails to keep up, I will use technology to overwhelm you.

When your technology keeps up, I will use the price to pressure you.

When the price keeps up after you support the whole country, they will push you down by launching new products.

In any case, China will be overwhelmed by them.

But now, everything is reversed.

This situation also makes the world's top electronic product giants nervous and angry.

In the electronics market, no Chinese company has ever been able to challenge them.

For this reason, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, including Nokia, a group of senior executives suddenly gathered together.

This time the gathering, the outside world cannot know.

But a few days later, the mobile phone industry suddenly became turbulent.

Samsung Electronics announced that they will launch the most high-end touch phone with a price of only 5,000 yuan.

Sony also announced that they have developed the most advanced resistive screen technology and applied it to the latest mobile phones at a price of only about 5,000.

Nokia's strength is even more impressive. They also said that the new Nokia 7300 is equipped with the latest Symbian system, supports touch, supports flash, supports photo watermarking, mobile phone storage up to 1G, and expandable. The price is only 4900 yuan.


After losing in Super TV, they found their place in mobile phones.

Before being pressed by the Lizi mobile phone, after a period of research and development and innovation, they finally kept up.

And, in order to catch the pear phone by surprise, they also set the price to around 5,000.

Of course, this price is not cheap.

But compared to the 6000 yuan of the pear mobile phone, it is much cheaper.

For laymen, they might think that Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, and the others are in the high-end LCD If not, they will not switch to another battlefield.

But in fact, this is not the case.

The other battlefield itself is about to start, and it has nothing to do with whether it turns or not.

In addition, even if it is a battlefield, in fact, this is also effective for combating the super TV of Huanyu Technology.

You know, whether it is a mobile phone or a super TV, they currently need an LCD screen.

But to manufacture LCD screens, this is not so easy.

The confidence of Huanyu Technology is that they have already laid out the production of LCD screens.

For example, BOE invested in several production lines.

If it's just BOE, that's fine.

However, if BOE cooperates with Huanyu mobile phones and future super TVs, this will create an integrated LCD screen industrial chain for Huanyu Technology.

As the most important LCD screen for TVs and mobile phones, he has played a vital role.

Killing Huanyu Technology's mobile phone is equivalent to suppressing Huanyu Technology's super TV on the other hand.

At the same time, their BOE will also be under tremendous pressure.

Just imagine.

If Huanyu Technology’s own mobile phones cannot be sold by then, how can BOE’s production capacity be increased?

If the production capacity cannot be increased, the price will not go down.

If the price is not lowered, the sales volume will naturally not increase.

Sales cannot increase, and production capacity will shrink again.

In this cycle, BOE, which has invested tens of billions of dollars, will be finished in an instant.

This is no joke.

There is no order in the manufacturing industry, there is only one word, and that is death.

Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Nokia...will buy BOE screens?

No need to think about it.


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