Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 882: : Vipshop model

"In fact, although the competition in Huanyu Mall is great, it is not without opportunities. Just find the right entry point."

"What's the starting point?"

"Let's put it this way, to find this entry point, you must first understand the model of Huanyu Mall. Although Huanyu Mall looks like b2c, there are also classifications in b2c. For example, it is divided into self-operated business, direct business, and franchise Business. The self-operated business is done by Huanyu Technology itself, the direct-operated business is done by the brand company, and the franchise business is the business of the dealers and the franchised brands. You can’t do self-operated business, and you can’t do direct business now, you now All you can do is join."

"Chen Yu, we know about this, is there any problem here?"

"Don't worry."

Chen Yu did not rush or slow, and said again: "Although these three businesses are not the same, in fact they also have similarities. They sell some big brand products. For example, Gree, Midea, Changhong, Nike, Adidas... Wait. On the other hand, there are few second- and third-tier brands that are not particularly well-known, but few have entered."

"However, only the first-tier big-name products are bought, and the second- and third-tier brands are not very interesting to everyone."

"This is not necessarily true. What if the clothes of second- and third-tier brands are sold at high discounts?"

Huanyu Mall is different from Huanyu Department Store.

Take the clothing category as an example. Although the first-line clothing brands in Huanyu Mall will also have discounts and promotions, they are gradually basically the same as the reality, and at most cheaper.

"If you take second and third-tier brand products to the mall and sell them at very favorable prices, there will definitely be a certain market."

"Then why not put the second and third tier brands in department stores?"

"Because your price in department stores can't match other stores."

This is actually the previous model of Vipshop.

Although Huanyu Mall also has discounts, the discounts have a bottom line.

Huanyu Department Store, there is no bottom line for the discount.

In addition, the quality of Huanyu Department Store is not as good as Huanyu Mall.

If users with a certain brand and quality are needed, they will buy it at Huanyu Mall.

Of course, if you don’t care about quality, but price, then go to Huanyu Department Store.

Although the two are the same e-commerce company, the target groups of the two are not the same, and there will be no conflict.

However, the Vipshop model is completely different from Huanyu Mall, a new model of Huanyu Department Store.

This model has attracted a lot of users by establishing cooperation with second- and third-tier brands, and then through discount promotions.

"There is a key question here. How can we get such a favorable source of second and third-tier brands."

At this time, Lu Xue asked the key.

Although the second and third tier brands are second and third tier, they are also brands.

Since it is a brand, their price must be more expensive than ordinary products.

If their price does not have a certain advantage, then even if they start selling in the mall, they will not sell much.

But they are just franchisees, not manufacturers, and they simply cannot get such cheap sources.

"This is also a direct order, and I have directly negotiated with second and third-tier brands."

"They can't give us a lower price."

"This is not necessarily the case. You have to know that the current market environment is a buyer's market, not a seller's market. In other words, now that supply exceeds demand, many first-tier brands are under great inventory pressure. This is true for first-tier brands, and second and third-tier brands survive. The pressure is even greater. Moreover, many second- and third-tier brands have not established their own online sales channels. You can use your own advantages to get a relatively low price. In this way, consumers can use a relatively low price Although I did not see a particularly big-name product, I bought a product with extremely guaranteed quality and style."

Chen Yuyun said calmly.

He knows the e-commerce market too well.

Of course, this understanding is not that Chen Yu is so smart or so powerful, nor is he knowledgeable.

Although he studied economics, all the foundations he established are the data accumulated by Huanyu e-commerce.

With countless merchants across the country staying on the Huanyu e-commerce platform, Chen Yu can almost say that he has mastered the most first-hand data resources in the market.

These resources seem to be some cold data, but they are a huge business if they are taken out.

However, the words come back again.

For Chen Yu, this kind of business is just so-so, and Chen Yu has no interest.

Chen Yu is a platform, it is impossible for him to open a store to sell things.

No matter how good the things sold in this shop are, Chen Yu will not mix it up.

"I... Chen Yu, what major do you study?"

Li Hui on one side was dumbfounded.

At any rate, they are highly talented students at Peking University, but today they were given a lively lesson by Chen Yu.


Chen Yu said.

"Is the economics major of Shenzhen University so good?"

Li Hui couldn't believe it.

Although she is not saying that she looks down on Shenzhen University, Shenzhen University is indeed a very ordinary undergraduate college.

This is why Li Hui had always felt that Chen Yu was not worthy of Lu Xue.

But when Chen Yu turned his eyes, let alone their Peking University undergraduates, even postgraduates might not be able to tell.

Moreover, Chen Yu is not a rhetoric, but insight with incomparable practical and operational significance.

After turning over this story, Li Hui couldn't wait to go back and open a mall shop on the spot.

"Of course it's amazing. Think about what the deep city is. The most profitable place is in the deep city. Although we don't have any advanced theories, the deep city's vision of the market is not comparable to ordinary people."

"Well, you are great."

Chen Yu was a little bit shocked, but Li Hui was dissatisfied and said: "Then why don't you do e-commerce?"


Chen Yu was taken aback.

Seeing Lu Xue's embarrassed laugh, Chen Yu asked, "Why should I do e-commerce?"

"Why not, if you say the model is good, this is a big deal."

"Big business? Can it make more money than our home selling hot pot?"

Li Hui was speechless in an instant.

This answer is really wonderful.

Hot pot Xishi's valuation is about to exceed 10 billion, and it still cares if you open a shop online.

Even if you open a store online for a lifetime, it is not enough for them to make a month.


"Lu Xue, what do you think of the model your boyfriend said?"


"Then what do you plan to do?"

"Go back to the studio and count the cash flow of the company."

After a meal, Chen Yu said that he had left beforehand.

Lu Xue didn't leave Chen Yu either.

Anyway, Chen Yu has become an exchange student at Peking University, and it will be very convenient to meet in the future.

However, Lu Xue was more interested in the model Chen Yu said, and planned to return to the studio to discuss it in detail.

"Lu Xue, the studio now only has a cash flow of more than 300,000 yuan. I am afraid that some are not enough."

Huanyu Mall is different from Huanyu Department Store.

Huanyu Department Store does not compulsorily pay a deposit, even if it is paid, the deposit is very small, only about 1,000 yuan.

However, as a platform for brand operators, Huanyu Mall, the deposit is a relatively large expenditure, about 100,000 yuan.

Some larger ones require a deposit of more than 300,000 yuan.

Of course, for a lot of brand owners, such a deposit naturally has no problem.

However, for Lu Xue and the other small shopkeepers who were engaged in department stores, they suddenly took out a deposit of about 100,000, which was really hesitant.

Of course, 300,000 in cash is not impossible to come up with a 100,000 deposit.

The problem is that the remaining 200,000, if you just do some publicity, it is estimated that it will be almost gone.

Furthermore, this model seems to make sense and very logical.

But this is just staying at the stage of envisioning. What is the real practice? Only after doing it can I know ~ If all these funds are invested, in case of failure, the money in it will be lost. NS.

"If we want to get a relatively low source of second- and third-tier brands, I estimate that the initial initial capital will be at least 1 million. Even, 1 million is not enough."

Li Hui sorted out the general plan.

Although the model that Chen Yu said before is feasible, in the specific operation, it is not just a mouth.

For example, the issue of purchasing sources of funds.

Although the inventory of second- and third-tier brand clothing is under pressure, they cannot give you in vain.

If you want them to lower their prices, of course you can, but you have to buy more products.

Otherwise, if you send one and want to give you a low price, they won't bother to take care of you.

"Or, Lu Xue, something to your boyfriend?"

"Of course, I don't mean to give it for nothing, I mean, as an investment."

Afraid of Lu Xue's misunderstanding, Li Hui explained.

"Forget it, he doesn't like such a small business."

Lu Xue smiled and said.

This caused Li Hui to be hit hard, but instead he became worried about Lu Xue.

I just thought that Chen Yu was a rich second generation.

Even if Chen Yu performed well behind him, he was just a rich second generation with good mentality and good character.

Such a rich second generation is better than the average rich second generation, but not necessarily so good.

But now, Chen Yu is not only the Fuji generation with good character, but also the rich second generation with good personal ability.

Is such a rich second generation still the rich second generation in people's eyes?

"Well, where are you going to collect the remaining 700,000?"

"Go back to discuss with my father, mortgage my house, and then borrow some... It should be able to make up for 700,000 yuan."

"No way, Lu Xue, you are desperate..."

Li Hui was dumbfounded.

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