Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 894: : Lying on the grass, really Chen Yu

"This Chen Yu is a classmate of President Lu."

Li Hui introduced to the side.

"Is it also from Peking University?"

"No, he studied Economics at Shenzhen University."

"Shencheng University is good."

The deep city itself is an extremely charming city.

Although Shencheng University is not a school that is too big, but there are many rich people in this school.

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward, and the new generation beats the old..."

Xiong Xiaoge said with emotion.

He didn't think much about Chen Yu.

Of course, when he asked Chen Yu, he just said casually, to ease the atmosphere of confrontation with Lu Xue just now.

However, although Xiong Xiaoge is experienced, but the conversation that day did not get Xiong Xiaoge's satisfactory investment plan.

Although Xiong Xiaoge is really optimistic about Vipshop, he also wants to vote.

But as a venture capitalist, he also has to consider his own interests.

The 10% transfer of shares is really too few.

At the same time, although the valuation of RMB 100 million is not too much, it is indeed high at the moment.

However, this piece of venture capital was not fixed in a day or two.

It feels pretty good to come to the site today.

As for the future investment method, we have to look at it again.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Li, I have benefited a lot from coming to you today. It is getting late, and we are going to go back first. As for the next step, we will keep in touch."

Knowing that he couldn't talk about it today, Xiong Xiaoge was not in a hurry, but was ready to go back first.

Although Lu Xue and Li Hui also wanted IDg to make a decision directly, they also knew that this kind of thing could not come in a hurry.

The more anxious you are, the more shares you will sell in the future.

The more anxious you are, the less financing you will get.

In fact.

In fact, before investing, the two parties are also in a contest.

"Okay, Mr. Xiong, then we will keep in touch."

Lu Xueluo was generous and shook hands with Xiong Xiaoge.

Immediately, the representative of IDg's party returned to the headquarters.

"Xiao Li, pay close attention to Vipshop and other venture capital trends these days."

"Mr. Xiong, are you worried that other venture capitalists will find Vipshop?"

"It's possible."

"We asked about it. Except for us, no one is currently interested in Vipshop."

"No one can say for this. Their model is very novel. The point is that I feel more and more that there must be an expert behind him."

Xiong Xiaoge felt that way before.

Being able to come up with such a brand-new model and completely avoid competition with giants is beyond the imagination of ordinary business founders. Even if Lu Xue and Li Hui are talents at Peking University, they are still young after all.

Of course, that's all.

But after visiting the Vipshop site, this proved Xiong Xiaoge's guess.

If not.

With his experience in venture capital, he can make the opponent take a few steps back on the spot.

But the reality is.

No matter how sophisticated Xiong Xiaoge was, Lu Xue and Li Hui remained still and determined their plans.

This is not something that Shanghai newcomers can do.


Assistant Xiao Liu puzzled: "Mr. Xiong, who is the expert you are talking about?"

"This is still unclear. Although the one named Lu Xue is very capable, she has performed too well. With her current age and experience, she can't do this."

"Will there be backing from the Peking University Academy?"

"I don't know this. By the way, check the identities of Lu Xue, Li Hui, and the three people named Chen Yu."


Investing in enterprises means investing in people.

It is precisely because of this that IDg was able to invest in such a large number of companies in China.

A good project must have a good leader.

If the ability of the entire founding team is average, no matter how good the project is, they will not invest.

Because, in the eyes of Xiong Xiaoge, he believes that such a team will inevitably be destroyed by other teams.

The next day.

The assistant was a little excited to report the information of the three shareholders to Xiong Xiaoge.

"Xiao Liu, what are you doing so excited, have you checked the information of the three shareholders?"

"Check it out."

"Anything to find?"

"The two shareholders, Lu Xue and Li Hui, are the same as Ming's introduction. They are high-achieving students in the Department of Business Administration of Peking University. However, this is called Chen Yu. I don't know if something went wrong."

"what is the problem?"

"According to the information they gave, this shareholder named Chen Yu seems to be the chairman of Huanyu Technology."


Xiong Xiaoge was shocked.

Even when he first saw the name Chen Yu, Xiong Xiaoge thought of Chen Yu, the chairman of Huanyu Technology.

This is a god-like genius in the Internet world.

As a tycoon in the venture capital industry, Xiong Xiaoge naturally knows.

Not only know.

IDg didn't know how much they wanted to invest in Huanyu Technology.

Can be contacted again and again, rejected again and again.

It’s not that Huanyu Technology looks down on IDg, but Huanyu Technology is not short of money at all.

And now.

Many projects of Huanyu Technology are short of money, but now their IDg can not afford some investment.

For example, for their lithography machine project, Huanyu Technology asked them whether to invest in IDg?

Xiong Xiaoge asked how much the lithography machine was about to vote.

According to Huanyu Technology, there is not much, about 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars.

Then...then there is nothing left.

They are venture capital companies.

I like those growth-oriented companies.

This kind of tens of billions of dollars of heavyweight business, they don't have the strength to touch it.

Of course, it's not that I don't have this strength.

The problem is that if they really invest in it, in case of failure, their IDg will have to die.

"Chairman of Huanyu Technology, are you right?"

"I have confirmed it more than a dozen times, and it seems to be true."

"No, confirm again."

The news was so explosive that Xiong Xiaoge couldn't believe it.

How could a big man like Chen Yu, chairman of Huanyu Technology, invest in a small business?

And they have their own e-commerce platform, should they foster another one?


Is this business too small for Chen Yu to be interested?

and also.

If it is really Chen Yu, they have money themselves, so why do they need other venture capital.

With a series of questions, Xiong Xiaoge confirmed once again.

That's right.

It's Chen Yu.

Judging from the information provided by Vipshop, this Chen Yu is the founder of Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Xiong, it seems to be Chen Yu from Huanyu Technology."

The assistant was a little nervous.

"I'll make another call to see."

This thing is really crazy.

Xiong Xiaoge was a little nervous.

He felt that there was something that didn't make sense, but he felt that this was an extremely important opportunity for their IDg.

"Mr. Li, this is Xiong Xiaoge from IDg."

"Mr. Xiong, hello."

"I have something here that I want to confirm to you."

"You say."

"Your shareholder named Chen Yu, what is his identity?"

"Mr. Xiong, I seem to have said before that he is our high school classmate of Mr. Lu."

"Except for high school classmates?"


Li Hui hesitated.

"Mr. Li, isn't it convenient to say?"

"Not really, but I don't know why Mr. Xiong has been entangled with Chen Yu."

"Mr. Li, you are misunderstood. I am not entangled with Chen Yu. You should know that our venture capital values ​​the founding team most. Therefore, we want to know as much as possible about the founding shareholders. For example, his profession, his His identity, his relationship with you, etc..."

"Well, there is actually nothing that can't be said, he is President Lu's boyfriend."


Xiong Xiaoge was dumbfounded.

This is not what he wants.

"Mr. Xiong, can't couples start a business together?"

Li Hui felt a little strange.

"It's not, it's not."

Xiong Xiaoge kept shaking his head.

Many of the companies are between couples and husbands and wives.

But this is not the answer Xiong Xiaoge wants. What he wants to know most is whether Chen Yu is that Chen Yu or not.

"Then do you know Chen Yu's other identities?"

"He is still a student at Shenzhen University."

"How old are you?"

"It should be a junior, yes, junior, next year senior, and then we can graduate, we are a year later than him. Besides, his family is quite rich, or is he a rich second-generation?"

"Rich second generation?"

"Yes, his family just cooks hot pot Xi Shi, not the rich second generation."

"Hot pot Xi Shi, President Li, why didn't you say it earlier."

Some other Xiong Xiaoge will continue to investigate, but when it comes to hot pot Xi Shi, what else do they need to investigate?

Chen Yu, chairman of Huanyu Technology, does not seem to have anything to do with hot pot Xi Shi.

But in their venture capital industry, who didn't know that hot pot Xi Shi was a small business that Chen Yu had done for his dad.

Of course, even this small business has now become a scale of tens of billions.

"Mr. Xiong, does the identity of the rich second generation have an impact on the company?"

Li Hui frowned.

Although Chen Yu is the rich second generation, he is a very capable rich second generation.

Like their current Vipshop, in fact, most of them were made by Chen Yu.

Although he didn't seem to be doing anything.

"No, no."

Xiong Xiaoge shook his head. However, he felt a little weird.

No, they don't know Chen Yu's true identity yet.

It seems that this is possible.

Then he said weakly, "Mr. Li, do you know Mr. Chen has other businesses?"

"This, I don't know. Mr. Xiong, does Chen Yu have other businesses?"

"I don't know, I just ask."

Since Li Hui didn't know, Xiong Xiaoge didn't explain either.

The industry knows that Chen Yu, the founder of Huanyu Technology, has always been low-key There is not even a photo on the Internet.

If Chen Yu didn't say it, who would know that he is the founder of Huanyu Technology.

But isn't this more exciting?

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology played so high.

"Mr. Li, this is the case. After our IDg has decided, we agree to invest in your company."

After taking three deep breaths, Xiong Xiaoge knew that the opportunity was here.

If a company with Chen Yu still doesn't invest, he has to find a piece of tofu and kill him.

However, although it is necessary to vote, it is not a simple vote.

After thinking about it, Xiong Xiaoge said again: "However, we think your Vipshop's valuation is somewhat low."


Li Hui was taken aback?

"Yes, the valuation of 100 million is too low. Mr. Li, maybe you don’t know much about the Internet. A novel model like this, as you Mr. Lu said, this idea alone is worth 100 million. ."

"This... wait, Mr. Xiong, don't you venture capitalists like bargaining?"

Li Hui couldn't turn around a bit.

A few days ago, IDg also said that their Vipshop would overvalue and always bargain there.

Why did they say that they were undervalued after a few days.

Could it be that they still want to bring some more money over.

Is there such a silly venture capital?

"Mr. Li, don't get me wrong. Our venture capitalists like to bargain, so IDg has a huge reputation around the world. IDg never likes to cheat people. We invest as much as you value."

"Mr. Xiong, you guys don't want more shares, right?"

"No no no, President Li, don't get me wrong, 10% of the shares are enough."


"Mr. Li, after our comprehensive evaluation, we feel that your Vipshop's valuation is 1 billion yuan, what do you think?"

Seriously, Xiong Xiaoge said.

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