Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 898: : Everyone has worked hard, today I will add chicken drumsticks to everyone

Zhang Zhongmou's prestige has tremendous energy in semiconductors.

Although he only does OEM, he doesn't have any consumer products.

But when contemporary workers are at their best, no one dare to underestimate it.

Even Intel and Samsung admire TSMC.

Under Zhang Zhongmou's circle, Intel and Samsung did not hesitate too much.

In fact, like Zhang Zhongmou, they have already felt the pressure of Huanyu Technology.

Especially Samsung, Universal Technology has already competed with Samsung in such businesses as mobile phones, OEMs, TVs, and LcD LCD displays, and some businesses have also overwhelmed Samsung. Just because the market is huge, even if Huanyu Technology comes in, their business is still growing, which makes them slightly overlooked. But after Zhang Zhongmou clarified the pros and cons, several giants knew. If they don't enter anymore and want to contain Huanyu Technology in the future, it will be too late.

A few days later, TSMC, Intel, Samsung, and the four semiconductor giants of the Netherlands asml held a global press conference. The meeting announced that TSMC, Intel, and Samsung will jointly inject US$7 billion into asml and formally study the wet lithography process.

This news may not be understood by ordinary people, and they don't know what they do for such a big move.

But even so, the huge sum of US$7 billion is an extremely terrifying figure.

"Mr. Chen, TSMC and Intel, Samsung has injected US$7 billion into asml."

For the first time, Zhang Jianming came to Chen Yu's office.

You can tell at a glance who this news is aimed most at.

"I saw it."

Chen Yu sits on an office chair in the office.

News like this has already spread all over the world.

Even if Chen Yu didn't ask for the news, he would have received it.

In fact, Chen Yu does not need to inquire about the news. TSMC, Intel, Samsung, and asml held a press conference. They just officially announced to the outside world that they would study the wet lithography process.

"Mr. Chen, TSMC Zhang Zhongmou has a high prestige and is also very influential in the global semiconductor sector. We should make a rapid response strategy."

After Zhang Jianming, Lin Benjian, who received the news, also came over.

"Gong Lin, why are you here?"

Seeing that Lin Benjin was coming, Chen Yu smiled and said, "You and Professor Wang Ren are not professionals in technology research."

"Mr. Chen, although we are researching technology, we also have to pay attention to the movements of the world's semiconductor giants. Just bury our heads in researching technology, and it is not always certain when our technology is out of date."

"It's too late, how come, Mr. Lin, the theory of wet lithography was proposed by you, and we should have the most advantage."

"Mr. Chen, you can't say that."

Lin Bengan shook his head: "Although I proposed the wet lithography theory for the first time, I was actually the first to perfect this theory. In the industry, we also discussed it privately with some other experts at the time. At that time, we thought this was a direction, but because the theory of various aspects was not perfect, we did not go further. But then I discovered that dry lithography technology encountered bottle shanks, so I renewed my idea to wet lithography theory. Go. For this, I have further improved it."

"In other words, TSMC's research in this area is not necessarily weaker than ours?"

"Even, it may be better than us."

Lin Ben said earnestly.

"Better than us."

Chen Yu touched his chin.

He wasn't surprised by Lin Benqian's remarks.

In fact, he had been prepared before.

How could the wet lithography process be able to completely surpass them just by digging a corner?

Even adding Professor Wang Ren dug from Peking University is far from enough.

TSMC, asml, Intel, Samsung... they have mixed in the semiconductor field for decades, and they are all much stronger than Huanyu Technology in terms of technologies accumulated over the past few decades. Not to mention, they still have world-class talents.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Lin, I believe in your strength."

Chen Yu thought for a while, and said to Chief Lin: "You can rest assured to study."

"President Chen, I am worried that they may be one step faster than us."

"It's nothing to take a quick step. Our own research in semiconductors is slower than them."

Many generations of technical people have come here like this, not to mention that they are faster than Huanyu Technology.

With Chen Yu's style of play.

Even if they first developed the wet lithography process, Chen Yu could overturn them.

What's more, they may not be faster than Huanyu Technology.

Seeing that there is still some pressure on Mr. Lin, Chen Yu thought for a while and said, "So, Mr. Lin, let me go to the laboratory with you."

"Mr. Chen, what are you?"

"Let's go, you'll know when you go."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, please come with me."

Bringing Chen Yu, Chief Engineer Lin, Zhang Jianming and others to the laboratory.

At this time, the various technicians in the laboratory are doing their work.

This includes the newly dug Professor Wang Ren, and several senior brothers from Chen Yu who are exchange students at Peking University.

"Everyone, stop."

Mr. Lin said to everyone in the laboratory.

Chen Yu stepped forward and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, it's not so formal. It's actually nothing to come here today, just want to chat with you."

Chen Yu asked everyone to relax, and then asked: "Professor Wang, how are you in the company recently."

"Everything is fine."

"I'm not tired."

"Well, if you are tired, you are tired, and if you are not tired, you are not tired."

"What do you say?"

"Tired because some of us who are engaged in technology often don't even care about food when we start research, and we have to stay up late from time to time."

"It's really hard, isn't it tired?"

"It's not tiring, because we can turn various theories into reality through our research step by step. This is a great sense of achievement in terms of spirit and sense of accomplishment."

Professor Wang Ren told the truth.

When he first entered Huanyu Technology, he still had some worries.

But after joining Huanyu Technology for a period of time, he no longer feels much about Peking University.

In the experimental environment like Huanyu Technology, you can't find it with a lantern at Peking University.

"Professor Wang said it well."

Chen Yu took the lead and applauded.

Then, Chen Yu said: "Presumably everyone knows that recently Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Intel, and Samsung have invested in asml."

"Mr. Chen, you can rest assured that we will work hard to study and try to overcome the wet lithography theory first."

Wang Ren assured Chen Wang, you have thought about it. Wet lithography is an extremely complicated process, so I can’t rush it. Moreover, I don't want everyone to be tired day and night. So, coming here today, I send you a special benefit. "

"The annual salary of Mr. Lin has been increased to 100 million, bonuses and equity are not included."


Lin Bengan didn't expect the sudden increase in salary.

Moreover, OnePlus is so cruel.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Lin. You researchers are the core force of Huanyu Technology."

Of course, this time the salary increase is not just for Lin Bendi, but for everyone in the laboratory.

"Except for Mr. Lin, the other project leaders start with an annual salary of 30 million yuan."

"Senior researcher with an annual salary of 10 million yuan."

"Senior researcher with an annual salary of 5 million yuan."

After speaking, Chen Yu looked at the seniors next to Professor Wang Ren.

It was said before that a few senior brothers were brought in to be Chief Engineer Lin's assistants. In fact, Lin Benqian had assistants a long time ago and he didn't need them.

When Professor Wang Ren was dug up, Chen Yu asked several juniors to follow Professor Wang Ren again.

Several seniors and Professor Wang Ren were very satisfied with this arrangement.

"Also, our junior researcher starts with a minimum of 1 million..."

The so-called junior researchers are the same group of seniors who Chen Yu is at Peking University.

"Mr. Chen, can we also get 1 million a year's salary?"

Hundreds of millions of tens of millions of salaries have been smashed, and the entire laboratory is completely forced.

But no matter how they are forced, it is absolutely impossible for them to ignore the charm of money.

At this time, several senior brothers of Chen Yu at Peking University had already screamed excitedly.

"Hehe, of course."

Chen Yu nodded affirmatively: "Come on, you can get 5 million if you mix with senior researchers in a few years."

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