Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 907: : Can we use PayPass?

Of course, not only mobile phones are purchased in installments, but also computers, notebooks, netbooks, gaming notebooks, the 4th generation Pears and Pears mobile phones of Universal Technology.

Compared with mobile phones, these electronic products are undoubtedly more expensive.

In particular, the high-end products of Huanyu Technology can cost more than 5,000 or even 9,999.

Such a price, to be honest, ordinary people can't afford it.

But now, as long as the down payment is 20%, can you still not afford it?

"Ahhhh, I have always wanted to buy a game notebook from Huanyu Technology, this time I finally have a chance."

"Well, I have always wanted to buy the 4th generation of pears, but unfortunately there is no money. This time I will make a down payment and buy him back."

"Actually, I just need to buy a computer and play games online."

In reality, there is so much I want to buy.

You bought a mobile phone, maybe you want to buy a computer.

You bought a computer, maybe you want to buy the 4th generation of pears.

Not to mention some ordinary people, even if some conditions are acceptable, they can't satisfy all the things they want to buy at once.

But Huanyu’s staging really gave them all the opportunities.

They can't afford to pay the full amount directly, so how can they not be able to afford it in installments?

"Boss, I want to know what to do with this installment of yours?"

"Boss, how much interest does the installment have?"

"Boss, isn't it troublesome to install installments?"

The flood of passengers has been transformed into purchases.

Previously because of a series of products of Huanyu Technology that have been suppressed by TSMC.

At this moment, the sales volume is like rocket launch.

However, some other foreign electronic product manufacturers that TSMC has cooperated with before, but under the surge of a series of electronic products of Universal Technology, instantly suppressed back to the prototype. Even, not only were they suppressed back to prototypes, while Huanyu's series of electronic products soared, their sales also stagnated. In an electronic product mall of Novosibirsk, there are only a handful of foreign electronic product transactions in one day.

"Mr. Chen, awesome, our Huanyu staging is really awesome."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen, how about introducing such a good business to us?"

"Mr. Chen, we are the brains of your Huanyu Technology."

A lot of domestic electronics manufacturers naturally discovered this situation.

They felt the pressure before, and even some electronic companies are almost unable to withstand it.

After all, TSMC, Intel, and Samsung dominate the industry.

Regardless of the price or the supply chain, they are subject to a lot of them.

Now that they lower the price, the previous cooperation with Huanyu Technology has become tasteless.

However, just when they could not withstand the pressure and were ready to invest on the side of TSMC, Huanyu Technology resorted to a big move.

One move to Huanyu's staging will directly digest the three-party suppression of TSMC into the invisible.

not only.

They also tend to fight back.

Not only did they regain their original market, they also defeated their market steadily.

As it is now.

Under the power of Huanyu staging, which company can stand it?

No matter how cost-effective your mobile phone is, is it comparable to the installment of Huanyu Technology?

No matter how high-quality your computer is, can you buy a computer back from Huanyu Technology for only 1,000 yuan?

"Everyone is too polite. We have always been in an alliance before, now, and in the future."

Faced with several major domestic electronics companies who came to Huanyu Technology to seek cooperation, Chen Yu did not break.

Although Chen Yu knows that these companies are less likely to switch to TSMC.

But there is no morality or immorality in business matters.

If others can't stand the pressure, the company will go bankrupt. It is impossible to cooperate with you all the time.

If you want others to follow you all the time, if you want others to always use your chip, and always let you work on behalf of you, you can only bind absolute interests.

If there is no benefit, which one is with you?

This is a very realistic thing.

Of course, Chen Yu didn't think there was anything.

Therefore, even though Chen Yu can see everything clearly, Chen Yu still treats them the same as before.

"Our Huanyu staging is not only for us Huanyu Technology, of course, if you also want to cooperate, it is also possible."

Chen Yu did not refuse.

His Huanyu staging is naturally to be promoted.

One is for their own PayTong business.

Another, saving a lot of domestic electronics manufacturers is also saving themselves.

If they die, and Huanyu Technology uses its own chips for its own family, how can the entire ecosystem be made?

"Mr. Chen, what you said is true?"

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

"Mr. Chen, thank you."

The heads of several major electronics manufacturers can hardly believe it.

They thought that coming to Huanyu Technology today might have to pay a certain price.

After all, how can a nuclear weapon like this easily cooperate with others.

Even if you want to cooperate, you have to ask for some benefits.

Moreover, they had thought about cooperating with TSMC before, and even communicated with them.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu didn't care at all and still cooperated with them.

This kind of mind can't be done without admiration.

At the same time, they secretly felt lucky.

Fortunately, they still wanted to be stable at the time, and they didn't switch to the TSMC camp so quickly.

If you really vote in the past... then you really are asking for more blessings.


"What's going on, what is going on?"

"Isn't it said that Huanyu Technology's sales performance is average?"

"Also, how did the sales of electronic products from other domestic electronics manufacturers in China recover?"

Looking at the latest data report, Zhang Zhongmou almost thought it was a mistake.

You know, Huanyu Technology was still busy coping with their suppression some time ago.

Other domestic electronics manufacturers in China have long been overwhelmed.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, the situation reversed instantly.

"Mr. Zhang, it is mainly because Huanyu Technology has launched a business called Huanyu Installment."

"Huanyu staging?"

"Yes, this is a financial product that Universal Technology cooperates with major banks. Consumers can purchase products through down payment, one-year or two-year instalment, which is equivalent to buying a product with a loan."

"This is nothing new."

This kind of installment is actually equivalent to credit cards used in European and American countries.

When you don't have any money, you can use it for overdraft first.

The same applies to what Huanyu Technology uses.

"Nokia, Motorola, Sony, Samsung... can't they follow up and also launch installment business."

"At present, we have contacted them, and they are also considering this aspect of business, but there are two problems in this."

"Which two questions?"

"One is that the financial business has always been more cautious in reviewing in Even if such a business is really carried out, it is estimated that the review will take a long time. But this is not the most important reason, the most important The reason is that this business has financial risks."

"You are talking about the problem that consumers cannot repay?"

"Yes, there is no credit card mechanism in China like the European and American countries, so there is no complete credit system."

"Then Huanyu Technology doesn't worry about it?"

"Because they used Alipay."

The assistant explained: “PayTong is a third-party payment tool launched by Universal Technology. It was only used for payment before, but later Universal Technology attached it to the credit attribute. As long as the users who have activated PayTong, the system will act according to them. A credit scoring for the operation and capital situation of the company. Although such a credit system is not as complete as Europe and the United States, it can greatly avoid the risk of fund return."

"Chen Yu is such a genius."

Zhang Zhongmou patted the table.

He didn't expect that Chen Yu could even think of counterattacks in such a crisis.

Moreover, the strength of this counterattack was stronger than the strength of the three of them to suppress them.


The current situation has become that it is not that Universal Technology is under pressure, but that their TSMC, Intel, Samsung... and a series of electronic manufacturers cooperating with them are in trouble.

"Then what if we also use Huanyu Technology's Alipay?"

Can't help but Zhang Zhongmou said.

However, after speaking, Zhang Zhongmou felt that he had said a very mentally handicapped problem.

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