Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 909: : The status of Huanyu Technology (2 in 1)

"I didn't expect Microsoft to be so cautious."

Before, Chen Yu always felt that windows can monopolize the world, relying on ecology.

In fact it is.

Without ecology, windows has long been wiped out by others.

But even so.

With such a strong ecosystem, Microsoft still signs strategic cooperation with major PC giants.

It has to be said that Microsoft's cautious nuance is really admirable.

"Chen Yu, you don't want to compete thoroughly with Microsoft."

Wu Haijun asked weakly.

"Old Wu, why can't you compete with Microsoft? You know, we competed with Huanyu Technology back then."

"These are two different things."

Wu Haijun shook his head and said: "The previous competition between you and Microsoft can only be regarded as partial competition. Whether it is instant messaging, browsers, or input methods, Microsoft loses and loses. They may not care very much. However, if you challenge them It’s a complete competition with Microsoft."

"I know this too."

Chen Yu nodded.

He doesn't know the horror of Microsoft.

However, if there is no idea to even move Microsoft, how can you compete with him in the future?

"In fact, we can develop steadily on our own. With the current sales of netbooks, notebooks, and desktop computers, of course, including Shenzhou, it can be regarded as occupying a certain amount of sales. After a few years, we will look for opportunities."

"What year will it be in a few years? It is difficult for us to have too much influence on Microsoft."

Chen Yu naturally understands this.

Regardless of the fact that Huanyu Technology's netbooks, notebooks, and a series of Shenzhou products are selling well.

But no matter how good this one can be sold, it is only in the Chinese market.

In addition to the Chinese market, the 4th generation of Pears performed well.

Others are very general.

What is the Chinese market, Microsoft's market is the global market.

Relying on the power of Huanyu Technology, it is not known how many years will it take to make his computers and notebooks global.

After all, in the traditional PC field, this red sea without much innovation, even if it is a market share of 1 point, you may not be able to grab it in a year.

This is why Chen Yu thought of ASUS and Acer in Taiwan.

Whether it is ASUS or Acer, they are the top PC suppliers in the world.

At this time their share is much larger than that of Lenovo.

Compared with the PC market of Huanyu Technology, Acer and Asus are almost 10 times the PC market of Huanyu Technology.

"No matter what, I am going to take a trip to Taiwan."

Although I know that Microsoft has strategic cooperation with some of these super companies.

But cooperation is such a thing, if you can cooperate, you can be separated.

As long as the benefits are sufficient.


"Uncle Wenqi, Aunt Xuehong, this time I didn't bring you any good gifts from the mainland, so I brought two pears for 4 generations."

Taiwan City.

Chen Yu did not go directly to Asus and Acer, but first made appointments with Chen Wenqi of VIA and Wang Xuehong of htc.

The three have known each other a long time ago, and they have a lot of cooperation with each other, so naturally they have a good relationship.

With that said, Chen Yu brought two pears for the 4th generation.

"Tsk tusk, the fourth generation of the gold version of Pear, Chen Yu, you are generous."

"Aunt Xuehong, don't laugh at me, it's just a small thing, so generous in your eyes."

"This is not a small thing. It is said that your 4th generation of pears alone will make 100 billion yuan a year."

"100 billion, how can there be so many."

Chen Yu shook his head.

"Why not so much, let me help you settle an account."

Wang Xuehong is very concerned about the 4th generation of pears: "At present, your 4th generation of pears has sold 7 million units at 10,000 yuan each, which is 70 billion. Based on the current sales, you can sell at least 2,000 a year. Ten thousand, which is 200 billion."

"Aunt Xuehong, depending on what you said, don't cost it."

"Okay, after removing the cost, at least 100 billion will be earned."

"What about giving distributors profits, channel expenses, publicity expenses, and taxes?"

"Go on rolling, all this is covered in it, don't tell me that your net profit is not 50%."

"Aunt Xuehong, how can this money be so profitable."

Chen Yu said haha.

He won't continue discussing this topic.

As for how much money did the 4th generation of Pear make?

Chen Yu didn't know.

He left the question of how much money he made to the chief financial officer.

From now on, Chen Yu will come here. I don't like money. I never touch money.

"When it comes to making money, Uncle Wenqi's chips make money."

Chen Yu turned the topic to VIA's c4 chip.

Since Huanyu Technology launched the netbook, it has not been Huanyu Technology that has made the most money, but VIA Electronics.

As for the reason.

That is, most of the chips used in netbooks are VIA Electronics.

Although Huanyu Technology's own netbook has used some Tianwen 2nd generation, Tianwen 2nd generation is still inferior to VIA's c4 processor. Therefore, Tianwen 2nd generation is only used on Huanyu netbooks. This also leads to the fact that the performance of the Huanyu netbook is not very good, but the overall performance of the netbook is not very good.

In addition, the netbook is the first product launched by Huanyu Technology, and the attractiveness of this kind of pioneer is still very strong.

However, except for Huanyu Netbooks and Shenzhou Netbooks which use Tianwen 2nd generation chips, most of the other netbook chips use VIA.

Although Intel and amd have also launched chips in this market.

But because of the obvious advantages of c4's low energy consumption, c4 processors are also liked by a lot of pc giants.

In addition, there is another reason.

That is, VIA Electronics is a Taiwanese company, and there are several PC giants in Taiwan.

Asus, Acer, Mingji...... These three PC giants occupy more than 30% of the global market share.

Everyone is from Taiwan, so naturally they use their own chips.

In addition, some other PC giants also use c4 chips.

In the netbook market, VIA chips suddenly occupy more than 70% of the market.

With such a large market, VIA Electronics, which was originally beaten by Intel without the power to fight back, was instantly resurrected and reborn in Nirvana.

"Chen Yu, why did it get on my head?"

Chen Wenqi spread his hands.

"Uncle Wenqi, I can't say that Aunt Xuehong, so I have to push it over your head."

"Don't use me as a Wrigley, it's useless, tell you, I have no place in the family."


Chen Yu was dumbfounded and gave Wang Xuehong a thumbs up.

Wang Xuehong glared at Chen Wenqi: "What nonsense, what else do you have no status, what status do you want."

"No, no, I don't need any status. My wife says what she says."

"Then what did you just say?"

"I'm wrong."

Chen Yu naturally saw it with relish.

"While going, didn't you see the little guy Chen Yu watching the fun?"

Wang Xuehong saw Chen Yu watching the show and said, "Let's talk about it, what do you do in Taiwan this time, don't you just give us pears?"

"In fact, it's nothing, just want Uncle Wenqi and Aunt Xuehong to help?"

"What's busy?"

"I would like to ask Aunt Xuehong to express my love to TSMC Zhang."


Wang Xuehong was a little surprised: "Chen Yu, this is not like your personality."

"No way, it's a lot of pressure."

Chen Yu said helplessly: "I believe you also know that TSMC has joined with Samsung, and Intel has put pressure on us for a while. Recently, we have been forced by them to be overwhelmed."

"I think you caught TSMC by surprise. Your Huanyu is paying very well."

"What's great, it can only keep the local market, and other markets are not what they say."

This is naturally not the purpose of Chen Yu's finding the two.

Chen Yu said that this was just a temporary intention.

The fact that Microsoft has reached strategic cooperation with major PC giants stimulated Chen Yu.

Microsoft has monopolized the world, but still reached strategic cooperation with a number of PC giants.

Although Huanyu Technology has made some achievements, it has made many enemies.

If you can fool your opponents strategically and give Huanyu some more time, it would be best.

However, Wang Xuehong seemed to see Chen Yu's thoughts: "Come on, you are telling me to fool people. Do you think Zhang Zhongmou is so good to deceive? Who told you to dig into his general Lin Ben. Besides, you guys. He has smashed tens of billions into the lithography machine market, and it is impossible for him to let you go."

"I just talked."

Chen Yu smiled: "If you can't fool you, you can't fool you. But, Aunt Xuehong, where are you on?"

"When you are on your side, but other people are not stupid, you should put away this little trick."

"That's all right."

Chen Yu had to give up this idea, and then said: "Then I will tell the truth. This time I came to Taiwan not for Zhang Zhongmou. I wanted to meet Shi Congtang and Shi Zhenrong."

"ASUS and Acer?"

Shi Congtang is the chairman of ASUS.

Shi Zhenrong is the founder and chairman of Acer.

"Yes. However, I am not very familiar with the two heads, so I would like to ask Aunt Xuehong to introduce it."

"What do you want to chat with them?"


After thinking for a while, Chen Yu said: "I want to ask them to support our Huanyu system."

You can't hide this matter if you want to hide it.

In such a big contest, where can be sneaky.

This kind of contest is definitely a battle with real swords and guns.

"No, Chen Yu, are you going to have a positive pk with Microsoft?"

Chen Wenqi, who hadn't spoken much before, said in surprise: "I urge you to think about it. I believe you also know the strength of Microsoft, it's not something you can move if you want."

"Because I know Microsoft's strength and its influence, I should compete with them even more."

"Chen Yu, tell me what you think."

Wang Xuehong, who has always been a strong woman, didn't say anything, she wanted to hear Chen Yu's thoughts.

"In fact, there is no idea. Just like our idea of ​​lithography machine, we don't want to be controlled by others."

This said, both of them nodded.

What Chen Yu said, why didn't the two of them know?

To say that they are controlled by others, they are prestigious, and they have learned htc a long time ago.

Just like VIA Electronics.

Because VIA uses Intel's x86 architecture, VIA has always been passive.

If it weren't for Chen Yu's help, VIA would have been killed by Intel.

But even so, even now, VIA is still subject to Intel.

"What you said makes sense, and I also understand your ideas. Whether you are engaged in chips or systems, or even lithography machines, your ideas are very good and forward-looking. But, after all, Microsoft is not TSMC, nor is it Intel, they have a huge ecosystem. Countless hardware and software manufacturers around the world are dependent on their systems before they get the benefit distribution, including our VIA Electronics. If you want to be positive with Microsoft, to be honest, I am not optimistic about Huanyu Technology……"

As a technology school, Chen Wenqi sensibly analyzed to Chen Yu.

"Uncle Wenqi, I also understand what you said, but if this is the case, then we will be subject to others for the rest of our lives. Once our business develops to a certain extent, they will block you, just like Intel did to VIA. It's the same as prosecuting."


Chen Wenqi didn't know what to say.

According to him, if you compete with Microsoft, Huanyu Technology will definitely be over.

But if you don't compete with Microsoft, the future will be their VIA Electronics.

"I think China must not only have its own Chinese core, but also its own domestic operating system. This is not only a requirement for information security, but also a need to get rid of the influence of Microsoft and create a piece of it that belongs to our China. The demand for roads. Otherwise, we will not only be restricted by Microsoft, but other companies will also be restricted by them. Such restrictions are like a cage, which always surrounds you, even if you have potential and growth... You can't escape his control."

This is not Chen Yu talking nonsense.

Looking at the history of Internet it in the past.

Before the mobile Internet, the Chinese Internet was completely controlled by the Western Internet represented by Microsoft and Intel.

But after the mobile Internet, it also broke the Microsoft Intel alliance.

As a result, a series of high-tech companies have appeared one after another.

Today's headlines, Douyin, Didi Taxi, mobile payment, Meituan... etc.

If you were still under the control of Microsoft and Intel at that time, I am sorry, what Douyin, what taxi, what mobile payment, what Meituan... you all go to hell. Even if they can appear, they can destroy it, or support their own forces.

"I agree with Chen Yu."

Listening to Chen Yu quietly, Wang Xuehong unexpectedly chose to support Chen Yu.

"Xuehong, you?"

"Wenqi, Chen Yu is right. If Huanyu Technology does not follow this path, sooner or later they will suffer our previous experience."

"Xuehong, you may be wrong. I don't want Huanyu Technology to compete with Microsoft, but it is not this time. After Huanyu Technology develops and grows, you may be more certain but Chen Yu is Shaking his head: "Uncle Wenqi, I thought about what you said before, but the longer you take, the more disadvantaged it is for us. "

Even in the past mobile Internet era.

Although the mobile Internet era has broken Microsoft's dominance, in the PC segment, Microsoft is still the dominant player.

In other words, even in 2020, 2021, 2022, or even 2030, you may not be able to find the right opportunities.

But for Chen Yu, now is a good time for Huanyu Technology.

As for why I chose now instead of later.

One is according to the historical process, next year is 2006, Microsoft will launch their Vista system.

This system is Microsoft's worst system, and it will be resisted by countless companies.

It is 2005, and there are still a few months to 2006. It is time for Huanyu Technology to attack now.

Second, in 2006, according to the progress of Huanyu Technology, they will launch a real smart phone.

Although Chen Yu believes that their smartphones can definitely change the world.

But... Chen Yu had to make two-handed preparations.

Although smart phones are powerful, Chen Yu's opponents are equally extraordinary.

Microsoft is a big challenge.

Microsoft can assemble its own strength to challenge Chen Yu in the area of ​​smartphones.

In other words.

Now moving Microsoft's windows can also divert Microsoft's attention well.

Chen Yu's thoughts.

It is naturally best to break the monopoly of Microsoft.


It is also a big strategy for them to always focus on traditional PCs and not trouble Chen Yu in the field of mobile Internet.

At the same time, Chen Yu also wants to establish the status of Huanyu Technology by launching a war with Microsoft.

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