Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 920: : Microsoft's ultimate move, kills Fantasy Westward Journey

"Chen Yu, see who this is?"

In 360 office headquarters, Zhou Hongyi was excited to Chen Yu alone.

"This is?"

Chen Yu is a little strange.

He didn't know this person.

"Don't you recognize it?"

"I don't recognize it."

"Then why do you recommend me to find him?"

Chen Yu understood this.

This person is Li Jun whom Chen Yu asked Zhou Hongyi to find before, and the author of the panda burning incense.

In his previous life, Li Jun became famous because of the panda burning incense. Unfortunately, his virus was very powerful, but he was arrested soon.

Later, he was detained again for setting up an online gambling platform.

It's a pity that a genius boy was trapped in a series of violations.

"Li Jun, hello."

"Chen, Mr. Chen, hello."

"The virus you made is very powerful."

"Actually, I was inspired by Mr. Zhou."

Scratching his head, Li Jun said embarrassedly.

"Haha, let me just say it, Chen Yu, he must have referenced my 3721 logic routine."

"Cannon, yes, you are great."

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly.

Inside, a big hooligan, a little hooligan.


Obviously the big hooligans are powerful.

Although he started with rogue software, he is not against the law.

But looking at Li Jun, there was a pity in his previous life.

Fortunately, in this life Chen Yu asked Zhou Hong to flip through the arrangements, and Li Jun also escaped the disaster.

"Cannon, how do you plan to arrange Li Jun?"

Chen Yu asked after Li Jun left.

"I didn't think about it for the time being, I just asked if he was interested in us, and he came."

"Well, if such a genius is cultivated, he may become a general member of the company when he can. However, he started as a virus and will be cultivated in the right direction in the future."

"This is necessary."

Zhou Hong nodded.

Although he is a rogue, he has always acted within the rules.

"Tell me about the situation at Microsoft."

"Microsoft is uniting major global system security companies to prepare to launch a special killing software for the Panda Burning Incense virus. We expect that they should be able to solve this virus in a week."


"Our virus has achieved its goal, and it is normal that they can solve it."

At present, more than 20 million computers worldwide have been infected, and the security of windows has long been questionable.

As for the back, it doesn't matter whether you feel infected or not.

Chen Yu never thought about infecting all windows computers in the world.

"I think we should vigorously promote our Huanyu system now."

"Oh, Brother Cannon, what do you think?"

"Chen Yu, don't you have Friend Network and Huanyu Video in North America? The IP streams of these two websites are terrifying. Let them help publicize and give Windows a cruel note."

"Brother Cannon, you are awesome."

Chen Yu gave Zhou Hong a thumbs up.

"What's the matter, take advantage of his illness and kill him. Our strength is not as good as Microsoft. If we don't seize this opportunity, it will really be a loss for us."

"Don't worry, we have done this a long time ago."

When deciding to PK with Microsoft, Chen Yu summoned Wang Chang and Li Xuelin from the United States.

The purpose of the recall is naturally to put pressure on Microsoft in the area of ​​public opinion.

Just as Microsoft put pressure on the Huanyu system through public opinion before.

Moreover, Huanyu Technology, which masters the two major media platforms, is obviously more efficient than Microsoft.

Will you replace the windows system?

It's time to not use Microsoft systems.

Panda burning incense detection turns out that windows is so unsafe.

So far, there is still no anti-virus manufacturer in the world that can deal with panda burning incense.

In the Friend Network, one after another about Microsoft, about Panda burning incense, and about windows appeared.

the other side.

However, Huanyu Video makes full use of their short videos to continuously perform scientific notation to users.

Knowledge Science Spectrum: In fact, in addition to the windows system, there is also the Huanyu system that is more widely spread around the world.

Professional knowledge: The security level of Huanyu system is ten times that of windows.

You don’t know what I’m going to answer: Why is the Huanyu system more secure?

Ecological comparison between Huanyu system and windows.

Correction point: Huanyu system can do almost everything Windows does.

Global news: More and more people in China are using the Huanyu system...

The question is, do we want to change to windows.

Replace Huanyu System Operation Guide...

do not doubt.

Some of the above content is not made by Huanyu Technology itself, but is self-published by users.

Huanyu Technology just brought the rhythm of these users' self-publishing.

In fact, even Huanyu Technology does not need to bring rhythm at all.

Panda burning incense is currently a hot spot.

Almost a series of news, a series of videos, the mention of panda burning incense will be extremely eye-catching.

As those short video creators, they know exactly what users like.

As what users like, what kind of content the platform will recommend to you.

The effect of public opinion on Panda Burning Incense, Windows, Microsoft, Huanyu System, etc. is magnified hundreds of times.

Later, you will find that the videos you freely flash are all related to these.


Because they like to watch these, they don't think there is a problem with this kind of push.

In these videos, topics... are constantly stimulated and influenced.

Many people have tried to install the Huanyu system.

not only.

In addition to these two global Internet platforms for public opinion promotion.

Li Kaifu, the person in charge of Huanyu System, also used his influence in Microsoft that year to hold Huanyu System press conferences in major countries around the although this conference will not increase the market share of Huanyu System all at once. .

However, it is necessary to show a face, make an advertisement, and attack the monopoly of windows.

At least this makes everyone know that the pc operating system is not only windows, but also Huanyu system.


"Steve, Huanyu Technology has acquired Haier and Hedy Computer, and they will install the latest Huanyu system. In addition, there are already some users on the market that have begun to try to replace windows..."

The president of Microsoft China reported to Microsoft CEO Steve.

He has been under great pressure these days.

Especially the China side.

Many people have already formed the anti-windows alliance.

Although currently 99% of them still use windows, once such a situation spreads, it will have a huge impact on windows.

As the president of China, it is difficult for him to deal with such incidents effectively, and he can only respond to the headquarters.

"Damn Huanyu Technology."

Steve cursed: "Is it true that Microsoft can't do anything about you?"

"Haupter, which online game is currently the highest concurrent online game of Huanyu Technology?"

"In the global market, that is Kyushu. In China, it is currently a fantasy westward journey."

"Very well, let's start their Fantasy Westward Journey first."

"Steve, if you do this, might the upper side of China put pressure on us?"

"Press? Do you think they have a reason, haupter, you have to know that more than 90% of the windows used in China are pirated..."

Steve's face was pale, he had to make Huanyu Technology pay a huge price this time.

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