Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 921: : This action is too showy

Although Steve is impatient, he is not a reckless person.

   The game business against Huanyu Technology seems illegal, but if all the windows you use are pirated, what else do you have to say?

   You are not a Microsoft customer, what more can you ask of Microsoft?

   In addition, Steve started with Huanyu Technology's Fantasy Westward Journey, which seems to have nothing to do with this dispute over the operating system.

   But in fact, to destroy the game of Huanyu Technology is to destroy the operating system project of Huanyu Technology.

   Although Huanyu Technology looks huge, from the beginning to the end, the most profitable thing is their online games.

   is their online game, which supports a series of other businesses of Huanyu Technology.

   There is no online game, not to mention the hardware e-commerce of Huanyu Technology, even a YY may not be able to sustain it.

   Under Steve’s order, a few days later, Fantasy Westward Journey, which had been operating normally, suddenly dropped.

   "My grass, why did I drop the connection?"

   "The official website didn't say notifications?"

"what happened?"

   Many players who have been playing the game feel puzzled, and a series of phone calls have been made to the official website.

   As for the game department of Huanyu Technology, they are even more strange.

   Is it a virus.

   But everything is running normally on the server.

   There is also a signal.

  After a series of searches, the technician found the key to the problem, which was the problem of the operating system.

   That is to say.

  Windows blocked Fantasy Westward Journey.

   This blockade is done through the system update patch program.

   Of course, this program is not intended to deal with Fantasy Westward Journey. The official introduction of Microsoft Windows is a special patch for Panda Burning Incense. But although this patch is a patch, Fantasy Westward Journey suffers.

   "Mr. Zou, this is Microsoft's ghost for us."

   "I will report to President Chen immediately. In addition, there is a notice from your Fantasy Westward Journey that the server is affected by the panda burning incense virus and is urgently maintained."


   Zou Tao was extremely anxious.

   When he had a meeting before, he had thought that Microsoft would use their online games.

   It’s just that even though I thought so at the time, I felt that the probability was not high for the time being.

  Unexpectedly, Microsoft was so shameless that it shut down Fantasy Westward Journey using system permissions.

   "Chen, it's not good, Microsoft has blocked our Fantasy Westward Journey."

   "I received the message."

   "Do you want to report to the top?"

"Being not."

   Chen Yu waved his hand.

   "Mr. Chen, I think I should let the boss know about such an important matter."

   "The above will definitely know, but they know that for the time being they will not be easy to move Microsoft."

   "Why can't we move, Microsoft is using monopoly to unfairly compete."

   "Zou Tao, don't worry, don't forget, domestic ows users are all pirated users."


"I sent someone to investigate. This time Microsoft only targeted all pirated users. Genuine users have not been affected in any way. Moreover, I expect that Microsoft will not dare to block our Fantasy Westward Journey for long. It is estimated that they will soon The ban will be lifted."

"But even so, it will hit our Fantasy Westward Journey very seriously. Moreover, today Microsoft dares to do this to our Fantasy Westward Journey, and tomorrow, he dares to fight our Kyushu, Legend... and a series of online games. Even. , Our browser business, instant messaging business, e-commerce... etc. will all be affected by them."

   It is impossible for Zou Tao not to be in a hurry.

   If the game department is affected, it will affect the entire Huanyu Technology.

   For this, how could Chen Yu not know.

   In fact, he is more anxious than Zou Tao.

  The most profitable business of Huanyu Technology has been affected so much. If he can still be clear, he will not take the game seriously.

   Just in front of Zou Tao, Chen Yu had to be calm and composed.

   "Okay, I will contact you on the top one, and you will make a response strategy according to the previous plan."

   After Zou Tao left, Chen Yu called Zhang Jianming over.

   "Mr. Chen, has Microsoft moved our online game business?"


   Chen Yu nodded: "Zou Tao told me just now, I asked them to respond according to the original plan."

   "Zou Tao's plan cannot resolve the threat from Microsoft. The most fundamental solution is to ask the top to put pressure on the micro office."

   "There are also difficulties with the upper head, don't you remember that the upper head looked for us some time ago?"

   Although the development of Huanyu Technology has not received too much support from the top, in fact, the top has always been very concerned about Huanyu Technology.

   When Huanyu Technology officially started the war with Microsoft before, relevant personnel were sent to Huanyu Technology to find out the situation.

   Furthermore, they also expressed their encouragement and worry.

   Chen Yu understands this very well.

   At this time, it’s actually very difficult to handle it.

   Since it is a business matter, it should be solved in the mall.

   Microsoft uses the operating system's authority to block the online games of Huanyu Technology, but this does not mean that Huanyu Technology will recognize it.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Yu said, "Brother Jian, you will send someone to the Microsoft China headquarters tomorrow."

   "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

   "First pretend that we recognize counsel, and try to delay the time."

   "This is okay. However, I'd better go in person, and it seems more sincere."

   "That's OK, try to be more aggressive."

   "Don't worry, a man who can bend and stretch, that's nothing."

   After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhang Jianming left. He had to prepare well for negotiations with Microsoft.

   However, confession is just a fool.

   How could Chen Yu admit counsel.

   Then, Chen Yu found Liang Bo again.

   "Mr. Chen, are you looking for me?"


   The matter is urgent, and Chen Yu didn't introduce Liang Bo too much. He said directly: "We must know about the affairs between us and Microsoft. I won't say anything about it. You should know the importance of this."

   "Mr. Chen, I know, just say what you want."

   Although Liang Bo is in charge of the mobile phone business, he is naturally very concerned about the company and Microsoft Pk.

   Announcement, [ Resource Artifact ] Really good, it is worth installing one, after all, it can be cached for reading, offline reading!

  He has been cheering for the company secretly, hoping that the company can withstand this wave of pressure.

   "There is an important thing for you to do now."

   After sorting out the language, Chen Yu said: "You have stayed in Huaqiangbei before, how do you know about Huaqiangbei?"

   "I can't say that I fully understand, but basically, Huaqiangbei has studied a series of businesses."

   "Well, does Huaqiangbei sell pirated windows system CDs?"

   "Yes, many."

   Liang Bo said: "Basically, the current domestic vendors of pirated windows system CDs are in Huaqiangbei. At the same time, most of the pirated CDs on the market are also streamed from them."

   "Okay, now that you know, you send someone to secretly contact them and let their pirated CDs burn our Huanyu system."

   "Okay, President Chen, I will definitely do things well."

   Knowing that the matter was urgent, Liang Bo was ready to leave immediately.

   "Liang Bo, come back, if you don't understand clearly, just leave."

   "Mr. Chen, didn't you cooperate with pirated CD vendors?"

   "Cooperation is cooperation, I mean They still sell pirated windows system CDs, but the system inside is directly replaced with our Huanyu system."

   "The civet cat changes the prince?"


Chen Yu smiled slightly and said: "The company will also cooperate with you and will secretly launch a new version of the Huanyu system. Anyway, if the user purchases their CD and installs the Huanyu system, we have to let him in a short time I can’t find that this is a windows system."

   "But what if the user discovers that the business of these pirated system vendors is affected?"

   "Give them subsidies, and we will make up for them as many CDs as they sell."

   "Yes, Mr. Chen."

   Liang Bo was a little excited.

   Before, he still didn't understand what Chen Yu wanted to do.

   But after listening, Liang Bo suddenly realized.

   "Mr. Chen, your strategy is really too..."

   "What is it?"

   "No, nothing."

   "Just say what you want, I won't say anything about you."

   "It's really nothing."

   "That's OK, go ahead."

   Not caring about Liang Bo's inner thoughts, Chen Yu waved his hand.

   Liang Bo, who left Chen Yu’s office, finally said what he said in his heart: "Nima, this action is really nasty."

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