Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 932: : Come on, pick 1

"I'm silly, it's really called 撸啊撸."

"After serving Huanyu Technology, you are awesome."

"I didn't say it, I must slap it against this name."

"Flick +1."

"Flick +2."

"What should I do as a sister?"

"Don't worry, sister paper, I will lend it to you."


Why is it hot in the past life?

In addition to the strong playability of this game itself, I have to say that the name "Lah" also played a big role.

Although Luah Lu seems to have some shame, he actually represents a kind of online culture.

Just as many people feel that the three words 撸啊撸 are very grounded.

In fact, countless netizens feel very cordial when they hear the three words "Lai Ah Lu".

And the extended "stroke", he is simply a high-level generalization of playing a game.

This also fell to.

After the emergence of 撸啊撸, everyone said that playing games no longer talk about playing games, but talk about playing games.

As the starter survivor, it was already overwhelming.

"Mr. Chen, I really didn't expect our League of Legends to be so popular."

"It's nothing."

Chen Yu actually felt no exception at all.

It's not just the name that surprises people.

In a deeper meaning, yeah yeah also represents a group of netizens.

For most netizens, they are just ordinary people, they don't have any high-level communication, and they don't have much to show off their lives. They spend most of the time in Internet cafes and surf the Internet in Internet cafes. In countless long nights, you can imagine how many days they have spent this time.

It can be said that as soon as the name 撸撸撸 came out, they felt that they were just calling themselves.


No matter what the game is, in order to play the name, they will go to this game to play.

As for why.

There is no why.

To say why.

That is feelings.

Feelings are priceless.

Looting is the most primitive feelings of countless netizens.

"But Mr. Chen, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology did not approve us, and only allowed us to use League of Legends."

"It's ok."

Chen Yu said it didn't matter.

The upper part naturally has the upper part's consideration. If the upper part agrees with you to use the name 撸啊撸, then it will be strange.

Although it cannot be used, it does not mean that Huanyu Technology cannot publicize it in private.

Anyway, everyone now knows that he ah ah yeah, even if he knows his real name in the game is League of Legends, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, now that Huanyu Technology has been blocked by Microsoft for so many games in a row, no matter what Huanyu Technology does, it will open one eye and close one eye.

This is not Chen Yu's self-righteousness.

Some time ago, a representative was sent from the top of the deep city to vaguely convey the meaning to Chen Yu.

The meaning is obvious.

As long as Huanyu Technology can survive and withstand Microsoft's pressure, the upper part can give them the green light.

"By the way, Zou Tao, when will the closed beta?"

"We don't have a closed beta, we will have a public beta."

"very good."

Chen Yu nodded.

If it was before, the internal test could be done, but now Huanyu Technology does not have this time.

"Then do you think how many people can be online at the same time on the first day of the open beta?"

"We expect 300,000 people."

"300,000 people?"

Chen Yu shook his head.

Other game companies are naturally very satisfied with breaking 300,000 people on the first day of the public beta.

But for Chen Yu, he is not satisfied.

"Zou Tao, we are so popular now, plus the previous dota hits, the public beta is only 300,000 people, don't you think it is too small?"

"Chen, the main reason is that the Huanyu system is currently only used by Internet cafe users, and there are relatively few home PC users."

Zou Tao is also helpless.

The market is blocked, even if your game can guard against the sky, it can only be this number.

If Microsoft can operate on two platforms before Microsoft makes a move, Zou Tao can assure Chen Yu that this amount can be increased to at least 500,000.

"Don't worry, home PC users will definitely come back."

Chen Yu comforted Zou Tao.

However, it is also true that the market has shrunk significantly now.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said again: "Zou Tao, who did our game endorsement star invite?"

"Zhou Jielun."

"How to invite him?"

"On the one hand, Jay Chou is the most well-known singer recently, on the other hand, he also likes to play games."


Zou Tao's answer gave Chen Yu a new idea.

"Since Jay Chou is invited, please invite a few more."

"President Chen, who do you want to invite?"

"Except for Jay Chou, Chen Chichi, Lin Junjie, baby, and Xue Ziqian, please come over."

"5 at once?"

"In the first batch, please invite 5 first, and see the effect later. If the effect is good, then all other stars who like to play games will be invited over. So...Does Yao Ming also like to play games?"

"Yao Ming... Mr. Chen, we invited them to speak, not to play the game."

"Who said that, I just invited them over to play the game."


"Stop it, invite them over, and I will talk to them."

Chen Yu didn't know how to explain it.

This should be said to be a brand new business, or a brand new cooperation model.

A few days later, under the arrangement of Huanyu Technology, five celebrities invited Huanyu Technology.

"Chichi, do you know what Huanyu Technology invites us to here today?"

"Didn't you say it, endorsing their new game?"

Chen Chi chi raised his brows and said with a wretched look.

"Fuck you, it's League of Legends."

Baby gave Chen Chichi a scornful look.

Chen Chichi said, "Heroes, what alliances, everyone knows, this is a slap, a slap. Hahaha, baby, if you endorse this game, you won't be able to marry in the future."

"Don't talk, talk about business, I also think today is a little strange."

Zhou Jielun said: "We have dealt with and cooperated with Huanyu Technology before, but in the previous cooperation, they only sent staff to connect with us, and they did not require us to come to their headquarters. Moreover, now this endorsement, as soon as it is on. If you find five of us, it's not about asking the five of us to speak together."

"It's okay for five people to endorse together. For a giant like Huanyu Technology, they don't lack money."

"It's not a question of lack of money. The president Zou seems to say that the chairman of Huanyu Technology wants to see us today."

"Chairman of Huanyu Technology, I'm not good at it."

Hearing the chairman of Huanyu Technology, Chen Chichi stood up instantly.

To know.

He has always regarded the founder of Huanyu Technology as an idol What he most wants to be is a man like Chen Yu.

"So there is something unusual today."

That said, everyone is constantly thinking about locks.

Although they are stars, to be honest, they know their own strength.

Some of their celebrities look glamorous, but for entrepreneurs like Chen Yu, they are simply incomparable.

Not to mention, Huanyu Technology, which recently singled out with Microsoft.

The founder of Huanyu Technology met them personally, and it was definitely not because they were a popular star.

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