Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 933: : Hugging the thigh of Huanyu Technology

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

When he walked to the office, Chen Yu had a good impression of the five celebrities.

Although among these five stars, only Jay Chou and Junjie Lin are currently more well-known.

Others like Chen Chichi, baby, and Xue Ziqian have just recently debuted.

However, the future development of the latter three is also very good.

So Chen Yu also found them in advance.

"It didn't take long, Mr. Chen, I'm a big fan of your daota. The latest one looks good, I will definitely have more when I have time."

Chen Chichi smiled slyly.

"Chichi, your level is very average."

Chen Yu smiled.

These stars, to be honest, the game level is average.

However, compared to some other celebrities who don't play games, they are already pretty good.

What's more rare is that they are naturally fond of playing games.

Like Zhou Jielun, sometimes he will play games all night long.

And these three people are not just games in the future, they have also tried many new things.

This is also conducive to maintaining longer-term cooperation with them in the future.

"Chen, I also want to have a better level, but of course it is much worse than those teams."

Chen Chichi is embarrassed.

But as soon as the topic with Chen Yu opened up, everyone became active.

"Everyone, if I came to you today, I think everyone almost understands that we are looking for the five of you to endorse our new tour."

No more polite, Chen Yu pointed out the topic.

"Mr. Chen, we have maintained a good cooperation with Huanyu Technology before, and we have no problems in this regard."

Speaking of business affairs, Zhou Jielun said at this moment.

Chen Chichi, baby and Xue Ziqian sat on the sidelines without interrupting.

They naturally know that today's protagonists are Jay Chou and Lin Junjie, and their current status is just a foil.

But their mentality is okay, after all, they are still very young, and they are already very excited to be invited by Huanyu Technology.

"Jaylen, our endorsement is not just as simple as endorsements. We hope you can do other things besides endorsements. For example, play games."

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me more specifically?"

Lin Junjie asked if he didn't understand something.

"In fact, it's also simple. In addition to endorsing our games, you must also take time out every week to play 撸啊撸."


With this, Jay Chou and Lin Junjie were both silent.

Generally speaking.

Some celebrities like them endorse certain products, just to take advertisements for these companies to promote something.

At most, there will be some activities later, so take a day or two to participate.

However, it is difficult for some people to take time out every week to play games.

Their main business is singing, and they are mixed entertainment.

Although playing games is their hobby, it is just a hobby.

The hobby can only be to play when there is time, not to play when there is no time.

You must make time to play games every week. Which celebrity can agree?

"Mr. Chen, if I want to spare time to play games every week, I'm afraid I can't agree to it."

Jay Chou is right now, let alone every week, the time schedule is full every day.

Although he is willing to endorse the game of Huanyu Technology.

But let him play games every week, let alone his refusal, neither would his brokerage company.

"Don't refuse so fast, everyone, listen to me."

Chen Yu naturally knew that a request like this would be rejected by many people in the first place.

However, if Chen Yu can invite them, he can convince them with confidence.

"I know this requirement is indeed harsh, but our cooperation is not without benefits for you. First of all, if you agree to participate in the game every week, then we will promote your game videos. "

"The second point is that for all our large-scale competitions, five people will be invited as award-presenting guests."

"The third point is that our game peripheral products, including a series of cooperative brands other than Duocheng Duo, will be given the first priority to five."

"Fourth point, in addition to this game, Huanyu Technology will also carry out more diversified packaging for the five people. That is to say, in addition to the economic company behind you in the future, we can also provide Everyone formulates a long-term development path. Of course, including the operational resources we put in for you."


After finishing a series of conditions, all five have some intentions.

Especially Chen Chichi and the three of them.

They have just debuted, and although they have a little fame, they are not very famous.

To be able to hug the thigh of Huanyu Technology, they are 10,000 willing.

It's just that Jay Chou and Lin Junjie didn't make a statement for the time being, and they also didn't speak wisely.

"OK, just this, you can think about it. What I want to say is that although our main business is Internet products, even games that don’t seem to be particularly tall today. However, in the future, as people The level of appreciation and the diversification of various entertainments. Internet entertainment, including games, will become more and more popular..."

After speaking, Chen Yu didn't say much, and left the office.

"Chichi, do you agree?"

Xue Ziqian looked at Chen Chichi.

"What do I disagree with."

Chen Chichi nodded: "I plan to hug President Chen's thigh anyway. You didn't see President Chen just now, he is so handsome. How about you..."

"I agree."

Xue Ziqian also nodded.

He just participated in a variety show debut, although he is a small celebrity, but he knows that the celebrity is nothing in the entertainment circle.

Without media coverage for a week, his name may disappear from the public.

As for baby, she thinks the same as Chen Chichi and Xue Ziqian.

Then the three of them looked at Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie.

Among the five people, these two are the most famous and the most popular. They naturally have their own considerations.

"Junjie, what do you say?"

Zhou Jielun thought about it and asked about Lin Junjie.

"I think Mr. Chen is very foresighted. In the future, my entertainment method may no longer be limited to the entertainment industry. He may be diversified. Just like before, if we want to be famous in singing, we can only make records first. But now, there are no records. Now, if we want to mix, our songs must be on the charts online."

"In addition, I found that although Huanyu Technology’s games are games, they are operating more and more professionally. Like their professional leagues and dota’s global finals. UU reading I believe that even now the games are still It's a niche, but he will inevitably affect a generation."

"As for setting aside a certain amount of time to play games every week, we actually like games, and we won’t be together. Besides, Chi Chi is right. Huanyu Technology’s thigh is not something that ordinary stars can hold. ."

After speaking, Lin Junjie looked at Jay Chou, he was waiting for Jay Chou's meaning.

"Let's go..."

Chen Yu spread his hands and did not say clearly.

"What do you mean?"

"Junjie, your analysis is so thorough. If I don't agree, isn't that stupid?"

With a smile, Zhou Jielun said, "Look for Mr. Chen to sign the contract."

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