Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 934: : Huanyu Technology: The company that makes games most attentively

"Thank you for your support to Huanyu Technology."

"Mr. Chen, we also hope to have a more diversified development under the leadership of Huanyu Technology."

"Most definitely."

A crowd of stars agreed, and the signing ceremony later became simple.

Chen Yu's signing of several people is not only for the present 撸撸撸撸, but also needs the support of these celebrities in a series of future businesses.

"Zou Tao, I will help you get five stars. Let's play a wave of commercials first."


"After a few days, we will invite five of them to the Internet cafe to play games."

"Do you go directly to the Internet cafe to play games?"


What Chen Yu wants is such grounding.

Although these stars can also play at home, Chen Yu feels that this is not enough.

If you want to be even more explosive, then pull these celebrities to Internet cafes, just like all ordinary people.

And you thought it was just a show.

Excuse me.

For some time to come, Huanyu Technology will always pull these celebrities to major Internet cafes.


"Brothers, the official beta will be officially launched next week."

"Well, there is no closed beta, directly open beta, awesome."

"That's no way. Microsoft has been suppressing Huanyu Technology recently, and Huanyu Technology can only speed up the launch of new games."

"What I mean is, I don't know how many of them are online at the same time this time?"

"Some experts predict that it should break 300,000 on the first day."

"Is 300,000 less?"

"300,000 less?"

"Of course a lot for other game companies, but this is Huanyu Technology. Besides, it's so popular now."

"If it was before, 300,000 would be very small, but now even if it gets hot again, they haven't released the windows version. If you want to play, you can only go to Internet cafes, although I will go too, but not everyone All like me."

"makes sense."

As the opening test approaches, more and more people are paying attention to it.

Inside, there are fans of Huanyu Technology.

Similarly, there are some competitors of Huanyu Technology.

And the most concerned is undoubtedly Microsoft.

Although Microsoft has been suppressing Huanyu's games recently, in fact, Microsoft is not interested in Huanyu's games.

Their ultimate contradiction is the dispute over the operating system.

Huanyu Technology has launched the latest online game Lu Ah Lu, which seems to be just launching a new game.

But in fact, they also want to save the country by curve.

Huanyu Technology wants to use the ecology of the game to allow users to slowly change windows.

As the global operating system hegemon, Microsoft naturally cannot fail to see this.

"He Lefu, will Huanyu Technology's public beta next week?"

"Yes, Mr. Steve, to be precise next Monday, three days from now."

"How many people do you think are online at the same time?"

"The external forecast is 300,000, and our forecast may be around 400,000."

"So optimistic about Huanyu Technology?"

"I have been in the Chinese market for many years, and I have also dealt with Huanyu Technology. In the operating system, Huanyu Technology may not be our opponent. However, in the online game field, they have always been the dominant player in the domestic game field."

"Then you think 400,000 are online at the same time, how many players will change their Huanyu system?"

"I don't know this for the time being, but it shouldn't be much."

"Pay close attention to the latest game of Huanyu Technology, and report any news to me as soon as possible."


For Huanyu Technology, Microsoft is still very cautious.

However, Microsoft has Microsoft's strategy, and Huanyu Technology also has a rescue method for Huanyu Technology.

In the operating system, Huanyu Technology can't help Microsoft for a while.

But in the game, Huanyu Technology has always had the final say.


Ruimeng Internet Cafe.

As the largest chain of Internet cafes in China, Ruimeng Internet cafes have always been very popular.

Needless to say, Ruimeng Internet Cafe was acquired by Huanyu Technology.

Many people said that if you want to support Huanyu Technology, then go to Ruimeng Internet Cafe to play games.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Ruimeng Internet cafes were full.

Suddenly, there was a boiling sound in the crowd.

Then, I heard it.

Jay Lun, Jay Lun, Jay Lun.

Junjie, Junjie, Junjie.

"What's this?"

"It looks like the superstar Jie Lun is here."

"Which Jelen?"

"Could it be that there are two Jieluns, of course Jiehua Chou?"

"I'm grass, I won't be."

A crowd of netizens who were surfing the Internet were so excited that they could not help themselves, and left their positions one after another.

Take a look away.

It's not.

Taking a break next to him, the big singer Chou Jielun is sitting there.


Not only Jay Chou, but also Lin Junjie and the other three who look like stars.

"Jie Lun, Jie Lun, Jie Lun..."

"Junjie, Junjie, Junjie..."

These two singers can be said to have countless fans.

Especially for Internet cafes, the songs they almost listen to online every day are sung by two people.

"Jie Lun, Junjie, hello."

Lin Jiahui, the person in charge of Ruimeng Internet Cafe Shencheng District, was a little excited and shook hands with several celebrities one by one.

"Mr. Lin, so are you."

"I'm not a general manager. I'm in charge of the Internet cafe. Just call me Xiaolin."

"Mr. Lin is polite. By the way, is there still a machine now?"

Zhou Jielun asked.


Lin Jiahui looked at the Internet cafe management software: "There will be a few spots available in 10 minutes."

"Oh, well, let's wait a while."

Although they are celebrities, Jay Chou and the others still maintain their due qualities. They did not ask Ruimeng Internet Cafe to give them special arrangements because they are celebrities.

Even if it’s a small boarding, they wait for others to finish it before they board it again.

"Jie Lun, there are fans on the side who are very excited and want to ask you a few questions."


At this moment, Lin Jiahui has turned into a host and asked an extremely excited fan to ask questions.

"Jie Lun, you are my idol, I grew up listening to your songs. My question is, do you come to the Internet cafe to play games?"

"Thank you, this friend. That's right, we came to the Internet cafe today to play games."

"Really, what game are you going to play?"

"Fuck, fuck."

Zhou Jielun said directly.

This answer made the audience boil instantly.

"Let me just say it, the previous advertisement is correct, Jie Lun will definitely come to play."

"Yes, and I also promise that I will spend an hour every week. However, it seems that the test has not started today. I will see you in the game when the test starts tomorrow. In addition, I have to emphasize that I play more Cai, come across in the game then, don't bully me."

"What you said is true?"

"of course it's true."

"But you are a big star. Will the big star go to Internet cafes to play games in the future?"

"What's the big star? The big star is also a person. A big star wants to eat and also plays games. I can tell you secretly, I played games all night before."

"I'm grass, this is big news."

At this time, countless fans of the entire Internet cafe had already screamed.

This is of course arranged by Huanyu Technology deliberately.

However, although it was deliberately arranged, the news that Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie went to Ruimeng Internet cafes with five people to prepare to play 撸啊撸 became a hot search.

In particular, the conversation between Jay Chou and a group of fans turned an original endorsement event into an extremely grounded atmosphere.

This makes many netizens feel the same.

On the one hand, I don't think Jay Chou has any prestige, on the other hand, he is extremely looking forward to 撸啊撸.

As reported in the news.

Even these celebrities are here to play and play, don't they come to play?

" will walk up tomorrow."

"Necessary, just wait for a handful tomorrow."

"That is, I am a fan of Jie Lun, I must meet him in the game."

"It doesn't matter if you touch it or not, I just feel that Huanyu Technology is really making games with my heart, and I will definitely play it."

"How did you get it?"

"Look, even if we ask stars to fool us, we are so real, and I am convinced by him."

In any case, at this moment, the popularity of Lu Ah Lu once again soared.

(End of this chapter)

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