Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 940: : 1 **** belt 4 pits VS 1 pit ruin 4 gods

"Let's deduce this game."



"But the game hasn't been released yet, and a lot of information is not there."

"It's okay. From the current public information and some evaluation content sent by professional players, let's deduct it."

Chen Yu asked Zou Tao to sit aside, and then printed a series of documents from the computer.

"Zou Tao, the name of this game is Heroes of the Storm, and the type should be similar to ours."


"However, judging from their current occupations, although they are different from our warrior shooters, etc., they are basically the same. Moreover, these heroes basically use Warcraft, StarCraft... etc. to put the heroes in the game together. . Of course, this is also normal."

Facing the existing information, Chen Yu kept analyzing and saying.

"However, there is a very special setting here. He canceled the replenishment and even the denial."

"Mr. Chen, it seems that the official website did not write that the replenishment was cancelled."

"Although I didn't write it, but you look at the reviews of these professional players, none of them introduced replenishment. We know that no matter whether it is our dota or replenishment, replenishment is one of the important settings. Moreover, dota still has it. Denying."

"Then wouldn't it be better for ordinary players to get started?"

"Theoretically yes."

Chen Yu nodded.

You need to replenish soldiers. Dota not only needs replenishment, but also denies.

Although it's just a technique, whether it's replenishment or denial, it can be done with a little practice.

But in fact, many ordinary players do not have high skills in making up soldiers, let alone denying them.

Therefore, in order to let ordinary players get better started, Chen Yu canceled the replenishment in the match match and only promoted it in the qualifying match.

In order to allow more players to participate, the pesticide king of the previous life also cancelled the replenishment.

"So, since the replenishment is cancelled, he pays more attention to alignment and team battles. However, as can be seen from the information revealed in Heroes of the Storm, they do not have the concept of equipment. In other words, the hero does not need to be equipped. equipment."

"I'm also very strange at this point."

Zou Tao was also a little surprised.

Equipment has always been the core of the game, and there are few games that do not require equipment.

"Maybe they didn't expose their equipment system."

Zou Tao thought for a while? said.

"No? They just don't have the equipment."

Chen Yu said with certainty.

"But if they don't have equipment, how can they fight?"

"Very simple? Through the talent system."

Chen Yu pointed to a piece of evaluation data and said: "This professional player’s evaluation data revealed? When the experience reaches a certain level, that is, when it reaches a certain level? The system will perform its own data according to different talents. The extra point of this is actually equivalent to equipment. It's just that? He expressed it in the form of talent."

"Will this bring more interesting playability?"

For Blizzard? Zou Tao is still very defensive.

As for such defense, it comes from the strength of Blizzard.

At this time, the talent system introduced by Chen Yu made Zou Tao a little worried.

Inside, there is a secret road.

Blizzard deserves to be Blizzard, the game innovation is really not comparable to ordinary enterprises.

Seeing Zou Tao's mind? Chen Yu said: "I don't think this has too much playability? Although he seems to be innovative. However, the most acceptable to players is level + equipment. No equipment. In fact, he also hindered the entry of users to a certain extent. Just like a game without a profession, no level, and no equipment recently launched by a game company. Although it looks new? But its popularity is pitifully low."

Occupation, level? Equipment... Although it looks earthy.

But I have to say that these three settings are incomparable classics.

Even after a few decades? These three settings still dominate the entire game industry.

"The key is not this, there is nothing if there is no equipment? But? Heroes of the Storm canceled the replenishment? Also canceled the equipment, then how is his experience distributed?"

"At present, Blizzard hasn't mentioned it either."

"Who said there was no mention, look at these screenshots of the game."

Chen Yu turned over a few screenshots of the game: "Look at the levels of the two teams. One team is level 15 and the other is level 16."

"Mr. Chen, is there any problem here?"

"no problem?"

Chen Yu said again: "Look more closely, everyone on the team is level 15 and everyone on the team is level 16."

"Let's look at another one. This team is at level 21, and the other team is at level 23."

Comparing with the screenshot of the game, Zou Tao can see the difference.

"Mr. Chen, you mean that the level of each team member is the same."


Chen Yu nodded.

If it is not the same, then those who have played the game will know it.

Some heroes develop well, and his level will be higher, and some develop slowly, and he will be lower.

Rarely, all players in a team are of the same rank.

Unless you reach the end, everyone has been promoted to the highest level and cannot be promoted anymore.

But obviously, judging from these screenshots of the game, it's not.


From these screenshots of the game, you can see that the level of Heroes of the Storm is not the same as the level of Luah Lu.

"The level is also not the point. The point is the way the experience is allocated in the game. Let's deduce it again. The way the experience is allocated in the game is obtained from the minions, towers, wild monsters... etc. The game of Heroes of the Storm. The experience should be similar, but not necessarily. Maybe they have other ways to acquire experience, such as mission acquisition, plot acquisition, and map acquisition. But there is still a problem. All heroes in Heroes of the Storm have the same level, so it doesn’t exist. The single hero is underdeveloped. I judge that all the experience in it is divided equally among the five players in the team."

"It is very likely that it will be divided equally."

Zou Tao was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that from just a few screenshots of the game, Mr. Chen would be able to analyze so much information.

Replenishment, level, talent, and even experience distribution method.

"Then let's continue."

"Since they are equally divided by experience, it is different from our setting. Through the acquisition of personal development, level, equipment, and money, he will have a snowball-like effect. But the storm The hero should not support such a setting. There is no possibility of a super hero in him. Unless, the player himself is very powerful."

"Then what will such a setting bring?"

Chen Yu continued: "We know that our overall strength comes from the average of five people. Or it can't be said that sometimes there is a hero super god, he can save the team. But the storm The heroes look different, because they have no equipment, and there is no snowball effect, so they are more inclined to operation and team cooperation. Since it is a team, then take our team fights, often team fights. Whether you can win or not, it often depends on which hero has made mistakes, that is to say, whether they have pitted everyone. This is like a barrel principle, which determines the height of the barrel of water not in the longest board, but in the shortest board. That board."

After all, it’s a game that hasn’t come out yet, and I’m afraid that Zou Tao will be stunned. Chen Yu is going to say something simpler: "In a simpler way, we can do it with one **** and four holes. But in Heroes of the Storm, that’s it. One pit destroys four gods."

Don't think this is just a simple sentence But just such a few simple sentences will create a future market situation for Heroes of the Storm.

No matter how many pits there are, as long as there is a super god, the game can still be played.

But Heroes of the Storm is different.

Even if four of the five heroes of the storm are super gods, if they encounter a **** pit, no super **** will die.

So... at this time, will you continue to play?

It is the five gods versus the five gods that really give the game an incomparable experience.

But everyone who has played the game knows where there are so many gods, and often they are faced with pits.

Even, sometimes he is a pit.

You can continue to play if you hit a hole.

But Heroes of the Storm encountered a pit, sorry, this game does not have any game experience.

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