Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 941: : Flicker Blizzard

"Mr. Chen, you are not the gangster who came out of Blizzard, are you."

The game hadn't come out yet, Zou Tao was stunned as soon as he turned it over.

This deduction is really horrible.

If other people have such strength, then other companies will have to be hanged.

"Haha, I also think I am a gangster of Blizzard, but they don't want me."

Chen Yu naturally knew that Zou Tao was joking and said with a smile.

"However, Mr. Chen, I am not that worried about Heroes of the Storm when you say that."

In his heart, Zou Tao admired again.

When he didn't join Huanyu Technology, he was convinced by Huanyu Technology.

He thought that after he joined Huanyu Technology, and Chen Yu hadn't paid much attention to the game for a while, his knowledge of the game should gradually catch up with Chen Yu. Unexpectedly, after the deduction just now, Zou Tao realized that he was still a younger brother on Chen Yu's side.

"Of course, although Blizzard is famous, it is not invincible."

Chen Yu cheered Zou Tao: "Even if it is a powerful company, there are always some aspects that do not do well. If we can make good use of their shortcomings and concentrate on dealing with him, even if Blizzard comes, we will not have any. Fearful."

Microsoft Chen Yu dared to do it, let alone Blizzard.

"Come on, Zou Tao, let's continue the deduction."

"Ah... there's more?"

"Of course there is."

"Mr. Chen, say you."

Zou Tao was stunned again.

Blizzard only released such a small amount of information, and it was able to push so much content.

With this strength, I really don't know when I can catch up.

For this, Chen Yu naturally smiled mysteriously.

He would say that when deduction is not deduction, brother is just hanging up.

"Let’s go back to the average distribution of experience just now. Since it is the average distribution of experience, the overall strength of all heroes is almost the same. What will happen? We know that when our single hero develops normally, then There should be wins and losses. In other words, there is no snowball development level? You can only do single kills at most? You can rarely do two kills. As for triple kills, it is impossible."

"What might happen to Heroes of the Storm in the future? That's it? They can only win this game with the excellent teamwork. But in fact, I think the future direction of the game depends on the team? But it must also reflect the hero. Value. Otherwise, a single hero can't save the audience? How can it be called a hero?"

"That is to say. Once Hero of the Storm starts the test? He should be significantly weaker than us in terms of killing opponents. Therefore, once Hero of the Storm starts the test, we can do a good job in this area. ? I caught Blizzard by surprise."

Why is it fun?

Even if there are times when the game does not win? Relying on individual heroes in the audience's show operation alone, he is forced to six.

But judging from the setting of Heroes of the Storm, Heroes of the Storm will never be able to appreciate this in the future.

This has nothing to do with technology, it is completely set by Blizzard.

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Chen Yu's constant explanation? Zou Tao also has a spectrum in his heart.

Originally, there was not much confidence in the heart, but Chen Yu's deduction? Zou Tao can't wait for Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm to be listed soon.

He wants to have a real PK with Heroes of the Storm.

at the same time.

He also wants everyone in the world to see that the strength of Huanyu Technology may not be as good as Blizzard.

"Okay? That's it for the general deduction, some because the information is not complete? I can't think of what Blizzard will do."

In two hours? Chen Yu ended the deduction.

At this time? Zou Tao is already confident.

However, it is Blizzard in the end. Although the hero of the storm Chen Yu thinks that he may not be able to PK, but if he does not pay attention to it, Huanyu Technology may also capsize in the gutter.

"By the way, Zou Tao, who do you think Blizzard will look for to represent their Heroes of the Storm?"

"This is either Ninetowns or NetEase."

"Okay, pay close attention to Blizzard's actions."

After the deduction with Zou Tao, Chen Yu called Zhu Jun from Jiucheng.

"Zhu Jun, congratulations, congratulations."


"Don't you congratulate me, I heard that Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm will start in China. You won the agency right."

"Take a fart."

After receiving a call from Chen Yu, Zhu Jun complained for a while: "We are currently communicating with Blizzard, but Blizzard has a strong performance and is very stuck in the cost of sharing."

"Is it more dead than the previous World of Warcraft?"

"It's not."

Zhu Jun said bitterly: "Speaking of which, you have to blame Huanyu Technology?"

"Why do you blame us Huanyu Technology?"

"If it weren't for your Kyushu to crush World of Warcraft, Blizzard wouldn't be so stuck on us."

"Hey, Zhu Jun, what does this have to do with us? Although we have a good relationship, you still don't grab my market every day."

"One yard goes to one yard. Blizzard feels that NetEase didn't make much money when it represented Warcraft, so this time the agency has always been taking the initiative."

"He is not afraid that NetEase will not act as an agent?"

"He made it clear that NetEase does not act as an agent, and our Ninetowns will act as an agent. Even if our Ninetowns does not act as an agent, Shanda will act as an agent."

"Well, Blizzard really has this confidence."

"However, I don't want to be an agent for some of them now?"


"Because the agency will have to face the competition of your Huanyu Technology afterwards, I am afraid that you will be killed by a lot of harassment operations."

"How come, what is our relationship."

"Fuck off, I don't believe you."

Zhu Jun cursed at Chen Yu.

Although his personal relationship with Chen Yu was okay, Chen Yu has never been polite to them in a specific business contest.

However, this is also normal.

Everyone is playing games and they will compete no matter what.

"Brother Zhu Jun, you have never believed me. What Blizzard..."

"Blizzard...Hey, why do you keep asking me questions about Blizzard. I'm stubborn, you are asking me for trade secrets. Almost fell on you, okay, let's stop talking, 88..."

"Don't, don't go, I haven't finished talking yet."


Seeing Zhu Jun hung up on the phone, Chen Yu was happy in his heart.

Afterwards, Chen Yu called Zhang Jianming over, and then talked to Zhang Jianming about the call with Zhu Jun just now.

"Brother Jian, I had a phone call with Zhu Jun just now. Although there is not much content, it contains a lot of information."

Call Zhu Jun, Chen Yu doesn't really want to chat with Zhu Jun, he wants to inquire about Blizzard.

Although Zhu Jun heard Chen Yu's meaning later, he did not say much of the key content.

But some of the above can already give Chen Yu a lot of imagination.

"Zhu Jun's point may be that Blizzard is not satisfied with the original six-four split. Do you think they will propose a seven-three split, Blizzard Seven, Agent Three."

"It's possible. Blizzard has always been above the top, and their reputation is there. Even if the agents are composed of three components, many companies are willing."

"What about the eighty-two split?"

"I don't know this. In extreme cases, it is still possible to agree."

"Then if this is the case, will Blizzard not find an agent and come by itself?"

At this time, Chen Yu put forward a very bold idea.

"Not looking for an agent?"

Zhang Jian obviously didn't think about this issue.

Generally, if game companies are in the local market, they can operate on their own without looking for an agent.

But if you get it from other countries, you usually find an agent.

On the one hand, finding an agent can save a lot of time, and on the other hand, the agent also knows the local market better.

After all, it is difficult for a strong dragon to crush a local snake, and it is definitely much more convenient to find an agent than to do it alone.

However, although the agency model has many benefits, it has a key disadvantage.

That is, they have to share fees for the agent.

Moreover, the general agency company’s share costs account for the bulk.

Like Shanda before acting for Legends, Shanda’s share is 70%, and for game companies that develop Legends, it’s 30%.

However, the legend made money later, and the game developers felt that they were at a loss.

This is also the case with Blizzard today.

They think that their strength is very strong and their reputation is big enough.

Even if it is a very low agency fee for agents, they are willing to act.

So, if this is the case, since Blizzard attaches so much importance to agency sharing, why not operate it on its own?

In this way, don't give a dime to the operator.

"It should be unlikely."

Zhang Jianming thought about it, but still shook his head: "Although it is okay not to find an agent, Blizzard has always cooperated with the agent before. Even if they want to come by themselves, they may not be comparable to the local agent operator. Moreover, this It’s also more troublesome."

"Trouble is trouble, but once you operate it yourself, all profits are yours."

"I said so, but our Kyushu overseas operations are also through agents."

"Brother Jian, don’t forget, our domestic market is the world’s largest online game market. Perhaps Blizzard in other regions is fine, but if we can win our domestic market, this will greatly stimulate Blizzard’s profitability. You know, although Blizzard has been It is the world’s most well-known game company and the number one in the industry. But in terms of the level of profitability, Blizzard lags far behind our Huanyu Technology."

Chen Yu didn't believe it, and Blizzard swallowed this breath.

This thought, Chen Yu felt that Blizzard is very likely to act on its own.

"Mr. Chen, maybe this is possible."

Chen Yu's analysis, Zhang Jianming also slightly agreed: "But not absolutely."

"Of course not absolutely."

Chen Yu nodded.

It is possible for Blizzard to find agents to cooperate.

Blizzard’s own operations are also possible.

However, it depends on who is beneficial.

Obviously, Blizzard’s own operations are undoubtedly the most beneficial to Huanyu Technology.

This does not seem to be easy to understand.

But it's actually very easy to understand.

Although Blizzard is a well-known game company in the world, his operating capabilities are actually very average.

Perhaps Blizzard itself may not think so but Chen Yu thinks so.

In comparison, Blizzard's operating capacity is definitely not as good as Ninetowns, and even less than easy and Shanda without Internet access.

Although it seems that Ninetowns, Netease and Shanda in China have been hoisted up and beaten by Huanyu Technology.

But to be honest, whether it is Ninetowns or NetEase, their strength is actually very good.

It's just that they have been suppressed by Huanding Technology, so it's not so much that people can see their strength.

And all the time, Ninetowns, Shanda, NetEase and Huanyu Technology have been fighting for several years.

They have also seen a lot of Sao operations in Huanyu Technology. Although they can't win, they have some ability to resist.

But if Blizzard comes by itself.

Chen Yu didn't hang up Blizzard to fight.

So here comes the problem.

How to make Blizzard not acting as an agent, but to operate on its own?

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