Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 942: : Blizzard: Don't act as an agent, we do it ourselves

"Brother Jian, you said, how can we fool Blizzard and let them operate by themselves?"

"This... I think about it, it's not impossible, for example, to launch Huanyu game on the market."


Chen Yu shook his head: "For now, Huanyu Games will not be listed."

"Mr. Chen, I know you don’t want to go public, but you can let the wind go. Then, we will expose the profitability of Huanyu Game. In particular, we can also let the finance account and make a perfect financial statement as much as possible. Stimulate Blizzard."

"I'll go, Brother Jian, you can do it."

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jianming, who has always been serious, would not play the cards according to common sense this time.

"Okay, just do as you say."

Since Blizzard is putting pressure on the major agents, it is clear that they want to get the most benefit.

But since it is cooperation, it must be part of the benefits to other people.

If you want the greatest benefit, it's not without it, it's your own agency.

However, Blizzard may not be completely determined.

So, at this time, take the profit data of Huanyu Game to stimulate Blizzard, the probability of success is very high.


A few days later.

There was a piece of news from the major media that Huanyu Games plans to go public.

This news aroused the attention of a lot of people.

Huanyu Games is a subsidiary of Huanyu Technology, and it is also the most profitable subsidiary of Huanyu Technology so far.

The listing of Huanyu Games is bound to be sought after by capital.


The listing of Universal Games this time is different from the listing of other Internet game companies in the United States. This time Universal Games will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which means it will be listed in China.


Huanyu Games is the most high-quality asset of Huanyu Technology. According to the outside world, if Huanyu Games is listed on the mainland, it will be at least 100 billion yuan, which is considered to be underestimated.

Fourth, if Universal Games is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, it will be the first mainland game company to be listed on the mainland.

Subsequently, the external media released a third-quarter financial statement of Huanyu Games.

The third quarter of Huanyu Games was the period when Microsoft began to suppress Huanyu Technology.

Previously, the general public believed that Huanyu Games' earnings would plummet.

But in fact it is not the case.

Even if it was suppressed by Microsoft, Huanyu Games still showed a strong ability to attract gold.

On the one hand, all Internet cafes across the country quickly advanced the dual-system strategy, which allowed Huanyu Games to preserve its strength.

The second is that Huanyu Games recently launched a very popular performance, and it created 2 million simultaneous lines in a short period of time.

In addition, the third quarter financial report of Huanyu Technology also revealed. In addition to loot, they will also launch a variety of new games within the next year. And they expect that in one to two years? They will completely eliminate the impact of Microsoft's suppression.


Ordinary people are not interested in such financial statements? But such financial statements have attracted the attention of a lot of competitors.

Such as Blizzard.

After Blizzard recently released the news that Heroes of the Storm had landed in China, they launched agency negotiations with major game companies in China.

Netease? Ninetowns? Shanda, they have all looked for it.

Of course? They didn't find Huanyu Technology.

Although Huanyu Technology also expressed interest, it is impossible for them to delegate Heroes of the Storm to Huanyu Technology.

Only with NetEase? Ninetowns? Grand negotiations are often difficult.

Although Blizzard has a great reputation, some of these domestic game companies are not targets of any slaughter.

Whether it is NetEase, Shanda, or Ninetowns, they have made a huge amount of capital through several games before.

Even in the face of Blizzard? They will not retreat much.


On the one hand, Blizzard wants to strive for greater profits? And Netease Ninetowns are also strong.

Suddenly, the two sides fell into a tug of war.

"Mr Ding, before our World of Warcraft was your NetEase agent, your company is also very profitable, this time our Heroes of the Storm? Can't you make more profit?"

"Mr. Allen, the cooperation is for both parties? We have earned some, but your company has also earned it. I believe you also know that the current market share has always been seven to three? Agents are seven, and game developers are three. We divide It’s already very sincere to give Blizzard 60%? Now to say 70%? Mr. Allen? Something wrong, right."

Ding Yingfeng, the head of NetEase's game department, actually accepts seven-thirds in his heart.

That is, Blizzard Seven, three of them.

Although there are some disadvantages, Blizzard's games have always been well-made. Even if World of Warcraft has been squeezed by Huanyu Technology's Kyushu, they have also made a lot of money. But Ding Yingfeng did not dare to immediately agree to Blizzard's seven-thirds, because he had already seen it. Blizzard didn't just want seven or three points, their real intention was 82 points. Once Ding Yingfeng agreed, Blizzard would change his mind instantly.

Eighty-two points, if their NetEase accepts such an agreement, then how can they still mess around on the road?

"Mr. Ding, it has risen to 2 million in a month, and you can also be considered to have seen the charm of multiplayer competitive games. Our Heroes of the Storm has also tested it. It can be said that it is completely above the ah, and even It completely surpasses them. Once Heroes of the Storm is listed, the entire multiplayer competitive market will belong to your NetEase, and you won’t lose out if you get 30%."

"Mr. Allen, you said the same when you represented World of Warcraft to us, but that's not the case."

"President Ding, do you think the quality of World of Warcraft is lower than that of Kyushu?"

Allen was a little angry. He really wanted to say something: "Obviously your NetEase agency level is not good. If you change to them, they will definitely overwhelm Kyushu and become the most profitable large-scale 3D online game in China." Now they have made their World of Warcraft. The world has some embarrassments. It is obviously the most well-made online game in the world, but it is not the most profitable game.

"Mr. Allen, do you think that our NetEase agency level is very low?"

Ding Yingfeng was also slightly angry.

It's not that he couldn't hear what Ellen meant.

But who is Huanyu Technology?

Not to mention that they can't compete with NetEase, nor can any domestic game company.

If it's not for cooperation, he really wants to shout out directly, or else Blizzard can run it by yourself and don't want us to act as an agent.

In this way, you all earn it by yourself, and don't give it to others.

In the end, the negotiations reached a deadlock.

Allen has no way to take NetEase for the time being.

Netease also wants to drag Blizzard for a while to fight for greater benefits for itself.

The two parties did not reach a cooperation and broke up.

"Ellen, how is it?"

"Mike, NetEase is very insistent and disagrees that we get seven or three points."

"Alan, didn't you mean eighty-two?"

"I'm thinking about August 2, but I can't even talk about July 3, so where can I say August 2?"

"It's not just NetEase if you change another house."

Allen made a phone call with Mike at Blizzard's headquarters.

"The same goes for others."

Allen sighed: "I think Netease, Ninetowns, and Shanda have discussed it, otherwise it would not be so strong."

"They are retreating to advance, otherwise they will be defeated by us all. Or look for other agency companies."

"I looked for it, but apart from the three of them, the level of some other companies is quite different from them."

Even if some other small game companies promised 73, or even August 2, Allen could not represent them.

"I think they might want to delay."

Allen said again: "They should have seen our intention to fight with Huanyu Technology ~ Allen, we can't be dragged by them for too long."

"Mike, I know, I will find a way."

After finishing the call, Allen pressed his temple.

Negotiating with these game companies is really not an easy task.

However, in order to persuade them, all of a sudden Allen really didn't know what to do.

Of course, it does not mean that there is no way at all.

In fact, Allen still thought of a way.

This method, that does not need their agent, they Blizzard themselves.

It's just that although this method is simple and rude, it is actually very troublesome to do on the Chinese territory.

However, at this moment, Allen saw a piece of news about the upcoming Huanyu game.

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