Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 948: : No time for a day, a small program was produced

This strategy is actually very simple.

He has appeared since the birth of online games.

In other words, the birth of plug-ins was there when video games began to appear.

There have been many cheating plug-ins in some stand-alone games before.

However, the stand-alone game plug-in is only for your own use, and it is not connected to the Internet, and will not affect others. The plug-in of the stand-alone game has not been very well-known.

But as stand-alone games become online games, plug-ins have become famous among online games.

Because the online game client is downloaded to the personal computer, it has a plug-in for almost any game.

This is unavoidable for game developers.

Or you would say that these plug-ins may be made by some hackers.

Maybe there are some.

But today, when the online game competition is so high, basically a lot of plug-ins are made by a series of competitors.

You researched his game and made a plug-in.

He studied your game and made a plug-in.

As for whether these plug-ins can affect your game, it depends on the processing methods of various game companies.

However, looking at the development of domestic online games over the years, Huanyu Technology has the most perfect way of plugging in.

Some other game companies have left a lot of criticism when dealing with plug-ins.

Many online game companies in China are like this, not to mention Blizzard.

After the first wave of Huanyu Technology pitted a sum of Blizzard's promotion costs.

In the second wave, Chen Yu took a look at how they deal with plug-ins.

To know.

Once it is not handled well, the entire game will be over.

In the past, Huanyu Technology smashed the penguin agent game, this trick is a plug-in strategy, I don't know how much effect it played.

Even after many years, Chen Yu has tried this trick again and again.


"Allen, we have already managed to get more than 1,000 guilds stationed, but the promotion cost has exceeded the standard by 10 million."

"It's okay, then do you expect us to not delete the number of people on the first day of the internal test?"

"It is estimated to be around 300,000."


Allen was a little depressed: "Huanyu Technology's yelling is more than three times that of 300,000. Moreover, they are only on the huanyu system."

"Mr. Allen, Huanyu Technology itself is our leader, plus they have cooperation with major Internet cafes across the country, so..."

"Okay, 300,000 is actually not bad."

Allen didn't struggle with this problem anymore.

If the number of online users can reach 300,000 on the first day, this is also a good number.

If the operation continues in this trend, it will reach 600,000 in half a year, and strive to break 1 million in a year.

With anticipation, Heroes of the Storm held an internal beta without deleting files as scheduled.

"Everyone, Heroes of the Storm has started testing, can't it be done?"

"Go, why not, after all, Blizzard is still one of the most powerful game development companies in the world..."

"How do you say one?"

"Because Huanyu Technology is also the best."

"So you support Huanyu Technology, so you play it."

"Play, play, and Heroes of the Storm try it too."


"Brothers, we enter Heroes of the Storm."

"Boss, aren't we the irons of Huanyu Technology?"

"Yes, we are the irons of Huanyu Technology, but Blizzard gave us money."

"You can sell your soul if you give money."

"One yard goes to one yard, first take the money to play, and then leave."

"Boss, such a shameless method is really exciting."

"That counts me as one."


"It's fun to play, but it's also a headache to go to Internet cafes every day, or play Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm."

"Yes, I wanted to install the Huanyu system, but I don't know how to install it. I have a headache. Let's play together and see how it goes."

"It is estimated that there will be no difference, but it was developed by Blizzard."

"Yeah, I've downloaded it, and quickly enter the game."


Blizzard actually spent a lot of money.

At the same time, because Heroes of the Storm supports windows, he has the inherent possibility of launching it.

Seeing the continuous entry of the number of people in the first day, Allen was extremely excited.




"It's almost 300,000."



As soon as the data of breaking 300,000 simultaneous online came out, all the employees of Blizzard were excited.

Many of these are dug by other game companies.

To be honest, they are not the most powerful gamers of other game companies.

However, they have always had the dream of making a violent game in their hearts.

Now, when they came to Blizzard, their dreams are being realized bit by bit.

"Chen Hui, good job."

"Thank you Mr. Allen, I can only say that our game is very good, including Blizzard has also been recognized by most people."


Although 300,000 is temporarily unable to compare with Huanyu Technology's lu ah lu ah, but watching the flow of so many people, Allen still feels extremely excited.

He used to do stand-alone games, although their stand-alone games have created countless brilliance and won countless honors.

But Allen did not actually experience the scene where hundreds of thousands of people enter the game together.

This time when he came to China, he found out.

Although the technology of online games is not complicated, or even extremely simple, there are hundreds of thousands of people playing games together, isn't it a very exciting thing?

This also made Allen more and more aware of why online games are so profitable in China.

However, just as Blizzard celebrated their success, hundreds of programmers on the game department of Huanyu Technology were working overtime, constantly writing codes desperately.

Heroes of the Storm has started testing, and the specific operations, game rules, experience system... etc. have also been continuously analyzed.

The analysis of all these data is over, and the plug-in production begins.


Zou Tao, who has countless experience, knows that when you start making a plug-in, you can't come with a function that is against the sky.

What invincibility, domineering body, no blood, never die, through walls, full vision, acceleration... etc.

Although these features can be incredibly crazy when they come out, they will definitely be targeted by a lot of game development companies when they come out.

Even, it is directly blocked.

Although the ban has a certain impact on players, as long as the game operator is determined, the plug-in can be killed sooner or later.

The biggest thing that makes plug-ins go viral is that game operators hesitate.


First, make some plug-ins that seem to have no effect on the game and are completely auxiliary functions. It is easy for game operators to take it lightly.

Once they didn't block them in the first time, then, when the plug-in spreads, it is their death date.

This trick was used to deal with penguins.

Years later, with this trick, Chen Yu is ready to deal with Blizzard.

The trick is the same trick.

Although Huanyu has long since changed.

But Chen Yu believes that Blizzard can't stand this trick either.

Looking at the time, it happened to be 8 o'clock in the evening.

However, at this time Blizzard issued a news that Heroes of the Storm broke 300,000 simultaneous online.

Chen Yu's face was calm.

This is normal.

Blizzard is Blizzard in the end, there is still strength.

"Bamboo, let's go, get off work."

We greeted Zhuozhu, his assistant, and Chen Yu was about to leave work.

But Zhuzi said: "Mr. Chen, Zou Tao just said that he would come to the office?"

"Why, does he have anything else to report?"

"This is not very clear."

After Zhuzi finished speaking, at this moment, Zou Tao walked in: "Mr. Chen, our mini program is ready."


Chen Yu was dumbfounded: "How long is this?"

"It took 8 hours."


Chen Yu was amazed Before his order was one day.

Unexpectedly, Zou Tao gave him a surprise.

In 8 hours, the Mini Program of Heroes of the Storm was produced.

With this kind of action, dare to ask a lot of domestic Internet companies, who can do it?

"Now that it's done, let's launch our mini program to have a look."

Turning his lips up, Chen Yu wanted to see Alan, the CEO of Blizzard China, how he coped with this plug-in.

As far as he knows, although this Allen is a genius in the game industry, he really doesn't have much experience in online games.

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