Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 949: : It's okay, it's just an auxiliary applet

"Brothers, cheers."

"Chen, cheers."


After Heroes of the Storm broke the 300,000 simultaneous online record, Chen Hui, the vice president of Blizzard, pulled a bunch of subordinates who jumped from other companies to Blizzard and raised their waists.

"Today is so happy. On the first day, 300,000 were online at the same time. I almost thought it was fake."

"Yes, I was scared to death at the time. I thought that only Huanyu Technology could produce such a record."

"What are you talking about? Is Blizzard worse than Huanyu Technology. Besides, aren't we here to prove to others?"

With this, the topic opened up.

They all jumped from major domestic game companies to Blizzard.

Speaking of, they were buried in other game companies before, and they have never been able to prove themselves.

To this day, they finally found this opportunity.

"Come on, cheers, after today, we will meet some guys before, and we will have to speak harder."

"That's, when I was in Shanda, I don't know how many people were bullied. Hmph, today is a proof of myself."

"I'm in Netease too. He's meowing, those birdmen, who have always been nepotism. I have been in Netease for 5 years and have never given me a chance."

"It's the same for me in Ninetowns, but today, we can say that."

As everyone said, they toasted.

Thinking of their previous experience at the company, they were all aggrieved.

"Look, these guys still send me celebration text messages."

"Haha, I also have several here."

"No, show you mine..."

"It looks like a blessing, but the words are there. What I see is sour."

"Hahaha... we have to be calm, we have to be calm."

"Yes, yes, **** off these girls."

After reading out some text messages sent by colleagues, everyone felt very happy.

"Okay, okay, I'll be here today. Come on, let's do one last, and we have to go to work tomorrow morning."

Chen Hui is also happy.

He jumped from Shanda to Blizzard, and in fact suffered a lot of grievances.

Chen Hui has joined Shanda since its inception, and has been following Shanda's No. 2 figure, Chen Danian.

But for so many years, only let him be responsible for some small projects, and never give big projects.

This is why Chen Hui will jump to Blizzard.


The platform of Blizzard is big enough, and Heroes of the Storm is also strong enough.

He can successfully operate this online game, and he will be the number one player in the future of online games.

But in the end, it is the vice president of Blizzard China, and he is more sensible if all his subordinates can vent to their heart's content.

Seeing the time difference, I am going to end this gathering.

However, just as everyone was preparing to go home, there was a call from the company's side.

"Mr. Chen, something went wrong."

"what happened?"

"Our Heroes of the Storm has appeared as a plug-in."


With a chuckle, Chen Hui secretly screamed badly.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Chen Hui's expression was wrong, everyone asked.

"Go, we will return to the company immediately."

At this moment, there is no thought of going home from get off work.

Although it was already 10 o'clock in the evening, Chen Hui hurriedly returned to the company with everyone.

"What's the matter, how can our Hero of the Storm appear as a plug-in so quickly?"

Chen Hui's face was pale.

He has been in Shanda for so many years, and he naturally knows the dangers of plug-ins.

Even if it is Shanda, a series of plug-ins are inexhaustible.

However, although they know that they cannot block plug-ins technically.

But Heroes of the Storm did not delete the internal beta on the first day. How could there be a plug-in?

Even if it is a genius guy, it is impossible for them to make a plug-in in such a short time.

"Mr. Chen, this is the one."

The technician opened the plug-in, and then said: "This storm plug-in is said to have been spread from major guilds. However, the function of this plug-in is not destructive, it is only auxiliary in nature, and it is very popular with players. ."

"Auxiliary nature can't be kept, it must be blocked."

Chen Hui knows the dangers of plug-ins. If the plug-ins are left alone, there will be endless troubles.

"By the way, can you find out who made the plug-in?"

"We haven't found out yet."

"No need to check, those accounts that use this plug-in will be directly banned for 24 hours."

It is basically impossible to find out who made this plug-in.

Those who can make plug-ins are masters, and it is certainly impossible to find any evidence for you.

In fact, Chen Hui didn't need to check.

Being able to make a plug-in in such a short period of time is definitely a competitor of Blizzard.

So, currently Blizzard’s most direct competitor is Huanyu Technology.

Only Huanyu Technology has such a large resource and ability to produce plug-ins in such a short period of time.

Of course, this operation is also normal.

The major companies don't know how many times they have attacked each other like this.

"Chen Hui, what's the matter?"

I probably also learned that there was a problem with the company. Alan, who was already off work, called Chen Hui: "I heard that there is a problem with the game?"

"Mr. Allen, there is no problem with our game, mainly because there is a plug-in."


Allen was taken aback for a moment, but then he understood a little: "It's those auxiliary applets?"

"You can say that, but he is definitely not as simple as an auxiliary applet. Mr. Allen, don't worry, I have issued an order to ban the accounts that use these plug-ins for 24 hours."


Allen shook his head: "No title."

"Chen Hui, we started the ban just after the closed beta, which has a great impact on our Heroes of the Storm."

"Mr. Allen, I know this will have a certain impact. But if you don't deal with these accounts decisively, then such plug-in software will go viral, and everyone will use the plug-in at that time."

"Did you just say that he was just an auxiliary applet?"

"Mr. Allen, he is now an auxiliary applet, but some functions that disrupt the balance of the system may be developed in the future."

"Then it won't be too late for us to ban it after they develop such a feature."

"Mr. Allen, by then, our game will be over."

Chen Hui was vomiting blood by Alan.

He didn't expect it.

This kind of plug-in that has to change color in any game company in China, how can he not pay attention to it in Allen's eyes?

However, when I thought that Allen had been doing stand-alone games before, I suddenly understood.

Although Blizzard is very good at making games, they did not release their first online game World of Warcraft until 2004.

And most of World of Warcraft is acting as an agent for other game companies to operate, and they always take the share.

Therefore, they don't know much about such plug-ins.

in addition.

It is also impossible for the agency to share their operating experience with Blizzard ~ ~ This also leads to Blizzard's operations in online games, in fact, very general.

It's just that they feel that they have strong game production capabilities, and they have always felt that they are very powerful.

"Chen Hui, the matter is not so serious. You know, when we were engaged in Warcraft and StarCraft, in fact, we officially had some auxiliary mini programs for players to use."

"However, it is a stand-alone game. The use of auxiliary mini-games for stand-alone games will not disrupt the balance of the game. Even if it is destroyed, it will only be played by one person. But online games are different. Once we use such auxiliary mini-games, we will The game will be killed by these plug-ins."

"No, no, Chen Hui, I think stand-alone games and online games are the same, they are not fundamentally different. Sometimes you know that many of the operations are boring, and many novices are not How to understand the game, so it is not very convenient to get started. If there is such an auxiliary applet, not only will it not destroy the game, but on the contrary, it will be able to promote our Heroes of the Storm."


"Chen Hui, let me ask you again, how many people use such auxiliary mini programs now?"

"About 50,000 people."

"God, you want to directly block 50,000 accounts at once?"

On the first day of Storm Heroes, only 300,000 people were online at the same time. This is a direct title, and there are no more than 50,000 people.

This is killing him.

Allen said he would not agree to anything.

(End of this chapter)

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