Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 950: : Are players who don’t spend money real gamers?

"Mr. Allen, I don’t know what the plug-in you understand is. But in China, plug-ins are harmful to no benefit. A series of games are destroyed by plug-ins. Killed a popular online game."

"What's this?"

"Yes, when Huanyu Technology was not so strong back then, their opponent was Penguin."

"Which company is Penguin?"

"This company was doing instant messaging at the time, but Huanyu Technology not only snatched Penguin's instant messaging, but also knocked them out of the game completely."

"Wait a minute, I will be at the company now."

Seeing Chen Hui's determination, Allen also knew that the matter was urgent.

After half an hour, Allen returned to the company.

Chen Hui turned bitterly.

Although Alan still has some reluctance to title, Chen Hui has been operating online games for many years. At the same time, he gave a series of examples. After thinking about it, he said: "It is too much to seal 50,000 accounts at once. Let's try to seal 5,000 accounts first."

"It is okay to seal 5000 first, but the effect is not particularly obvious."

"But the closure of 50,000 accounts at one time has greatly suppressed our popularity. As you know, for these 300,000 people, we have spent more than 100 million yuan to throw in money. Blocking 50,000 accounts at a time, It’s equivalent to another 20 million smashed in."


Chen Hui is only the vice president, and Allen is the president.

Under Alan's pressure, Chen Hui had to listen to Alan's words and first sealed 5,000 accounts for 24 hours of use.

In fact, Chen Hui felt that it was really necessary to do a bit more thoroughly, not to seal it for 24 hours at all.

Like Huanyu Technology, if it detects that a user has used a plug-in, it will directly block you permanently.

Although Chen Hui wanted to do the same, he also didn't have the determination.

In fact, once the plug-in is detected, it will be directly and permanently blocked, and only Huanyu Technology dares to do so.

Some other companies do not have this courage.

Of course, this is not what they don't want.

Other game companies dream of banning him forever as soon as they come.

It's just that in addition to Huanyu Technology, some other game companies made such a move, and they soon suffered a boycott from countless players.

This is related to the game ecology.

Since the beginning of Huanyu Technology's online games, they have always advocated good gaming behavior.

Including no use of plug-ins, no curse, active games... etc.

Once you use a plug-in, or even scold someone, if you don't play the game well, you don't need to do it yourself by Huanyu Technology, a lot of players will scold you to death.

This kind of ecology can't be made in one or two days.

Since it has not been done, then, if you have a permanent title, it will have endless consequences.

No way, Ellen did not agree, and Chen Hui could only follow Ellen's instructions.

Moreover, at Allen's orders, none of the 5,000 accounts that were suspended this time have been recharged by any player.

In other words.

As long as it is recharged, it will not be suspended for the time being.

This operation is also normal.

The customer is God.

Only the players who have actually charged up are the real players.

To close the account, it is also the players who have not recharged.

If even those players who have charged up are blocked, how can Blizzard make money?

In Allen’s eyes, are players who don’t spend money real gamers?

To know.

Prior to this, any game they launched by Blizzard, players have spent money.

Even if it’s the previous World of Warcraft, it’s a point card charge.

If it weren't for opening up the Chinese market, Ellen and Mike would almost define Heroes of the Storm as a paid game.


It has to be said that Blizzard immediately halted 5,000 accounts immediately, which is more or less useful for cracking down on plug-ins.

Many players are afraid to block their accounts, but dare not use plug-ins.


Because it leaves a way for recharged players, the plug-in continues to spread.

This also caused Blizzard to give players a hint directly.

As long as you charge up the money, then you can use the plug-in.

Such hints will undoubtedly give players who have filled up their money a better gaming experience.

Suddenly, many players who didn't want to recharge originally started recharging for the first time because they wanted to use the plug-in.

"China is indeed full of gold."

"Those skins that don't add any attributes, these fools are still charging money."

"It seems that I will push more skin out in the future."

Seeing more and more recharged players, Allen was in a good mood.

Chen Hui on one side kept frowning.

Although the current number of top-ups is increasing rapidly, but from the data he has obtained, the number of people using plug-ins is also increasing.

Especially those players who have recharged.

It can almost be said that more than 90% of recharged players have begun to use the plug-in.

"Mr. Allen, I think we should increase our crackdown on foreign exchanges."

Chen Hui suggested to Allen again.

"Yes, Chen Hui, haven't I always supported you to fight against plug-ins?"

Allen said with a smile.

"Mr. Allen, I mean, we should treat all players who use plug-ins without discrimination, and give warnings to all players who use plug-ins."

"This can't work."

Allen shook his head directly: "Chen Hui, don't you know that these are our food and clothing parents."

"But they have been using plug-ins, and sooner or later they will pose a threat to our game."

"But I didn't see it."

"Mr. Allen, once some plug-ins develop a series of cheating functions, then our game is over."


These are some, not this one.

Starting from the initial small auxiliary program, Heroes of the Storm now has dozens of plug-ins.

As for how many plug-ins are made by Huanyu Technology, Chen Hui also doesn't know.

However, Chen Hui, who has been running games for many years, knows that plug-ins are the cancer of the game.

If it is not eradicated, it will become a time bomb sooner or later.

But Allen said with a smile: "Chen Hui, you have to know that Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer strategic competitive game. He not only needs a certain operation, a certain tactics, but also a certain strategy. He does not rely on a single The hero plays well, the game can be played well, he needs the whole team of players to cooperate. Of course, this is also the different point of play for the players to distinguish us from 撸撸撸. Even if there are such cheating plug-ins in the future, I believe them I don’t know how to use it. Chen Hui, don’t you believe it? Let me tell you some statistics. We at Blizzard have developed a series of auxiliary applets, and even a series of cheating auxiliary applets, but the ones that players like the most It doesn’t break the balance of the game."

"Mr. Allen, what you have been doing has always been stand-alone games. Stand-alone gamers are different from online game players."

"But we have investigated before that more than 90% of players have converted from single-player games to online game players. In fact, they are the same group of people."

"Mr. Allen, you can study how other companies deal with plug-ins. The most stringent is Huanyu Technology. As long as they detect any player using plug-ins, Huanyu Technology will be permanently banned no matter how much money he tops up."

"I know this."

Allen nodded: "But as I said just now, our Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer strategic competition, emphasizing strategy, rather than individual. But other online games, including Lu Ah Lu, although he also has a certain strategy, but Only at the tactical level, what actually emphasizes is the hero's personal abilities. They emphasize development, emphasizing one-to-two, one-to-three, or even one-to-four...If there are plug-ins, he will strengthen the personal hero cheating, so , They have to deal with plug-ins strictly. But we are not the same..."

It's not that Allen is stubborn.

It's not that Allen doesn't know how to work around.

In fact, this is related to the positioning of Heroes of the Storm.

Blizzard makes Heroes of the Storm not just trying to imitate a similar game.

They are heroes of the storm, that is to subvert the heroes.

The reason for is also very simple.

Their Warcraft is the first to put forward the concept of heroes, and also the first to popularize heroes in the world.

They have made the hero very successful.

The whole world knows what a hero is because of Blizzard.

Why do they continue to follow the heroic route, or even imitate the line of 撸啊撸?

Blizzard has his own arrogance.

It is impossible for him to put down his face and go shirtless with the game company that used only a map in their Warcraft to survive.

Even if they want to make money, they will not lower their heads.

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