Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 953: : Hacking VS Hacking

In terms of the development of online games in China, in addition to the continuous large-scale increase in the number of people, plug-ins, account hacking, etc., have also become extremely high-frequency vocabulary in the history of online game development.

Almost those who have been online, have played instant messaging, and have played games have more or less experienced account hacking.

However, as anti-virus software continues to gain popularity, and system security continues to be optimized, account hacking has gradually become less and less.

But in 2005, account hacking, especially online game accounts, has been the focus of attention of countless hackers.

As for the reason.

They are not playing the hacking by themselves, nor for the purpose of demonstrating technology, nor for pranks.

They are for profit.

A series of online game accounts have been recruited for a while because of the value of their account equipment, level, and props.

Even though these equipment and props are all virtual items, their value is not much at all.

The smaller ones are worth hundreds of yuan, and the higher ones are hundreds of thousands and millions.

Just like "Zhan Zhan", a couple said they wanted to divorce.

When divorce and property distribution, both men and women don’t even need a house, as long as they use the same account they used to play games.

The reason is not that the two are stupid, but that they are both super gamers, and their accounts are worth millions.

So you may often hear that many netizens say that their account has been stolen.

Even in 2020, which will be developed into later generations, the phenomenon of account hacking will happen from time to time.


If a small number of people's accounts are stolen in a game, it doesn't matter much.

But what if the accounts of a large number of people are stolen?

Although Zou Tao's method is simple, it must be said that this trick is very useful.

Heroes of the Storm has just been launched not long after, and has gone through a plug-in event, and has lost its innate advantage over the longer and shorter period of time.

At this time, another heavy blow will definitely defeat Heroes of the Storm.

"Everyone, it's time to show your technology."

Naturally, this kind of account hacking cannot be made public.

However, after spending so many years on the Internet, Zou Tao has long been familiar with the road.

Moreover, they have an incomparable understanding of online games and the Internet.

Before long, a series of hacking Trojans appeared on the Internet.

"I'm stubborn, how did my account get hacked."

"Damn, I also topped up 300 yuan in it."

"Dog day, hacking dog."

Many gamers are just ordinary people, how can they withstand the impact of this series of Trojan horses.

In just an instant, some ordinary players were recruited.

However, at the beginning, these players were only a small part of their account hacking.

Players did not pay attention, and Blizzard China did not pay attention.

After all, this phenomenon of account theft is too common.

Not to mention that the account of Heroes of the Storm will be stolen, and a series of games of Huanyu Technology will be stolen.

Even a series of games of Huanyu Technology have become the focus of hackers' investigation.


When such accounts are stolen more and more, finally, Heroes of the Storm can't stand it anymore.

"Damn, never play Heroes of the Storm again."


"The account was stolen again."

"It's okay, just get another account."

"Fuck, I've been stolen twice, and, I suspect, Heroes of the Storm is out of the ghost."

"Inner ghost, can't you?"

"Why not, some of my friends who play Heroes of the Storm have been recruited, isn't it what the inner ghost is?"

This inner ghost didn't know who came from it.

But as soon as the inner ghost appeared, a group of ordinary players accepted it instantly.

Otherwise, why are their accounts kept being stolen?

Although some other games have some accounts stolen, how often do they happen.

Someone investigated it and found that 70% of Heroes of the Storm players were hit.

Although this situation is rumors, but under such rumors, the number of simultaneous online heroes of the storm has once again suffered a heavy blow.

They recovered from the original to 400,000, and fell to 300,000 again.

And, it is now 280,000.

If this phenomenon keeps happening, then, soon, the number of simultaneous online heroes of the storm will drop back to 200,000.

Even, it may fall below 200,000.

"what happened?"

Chen Hui was angry and anxious.

Finally, he managed to pull Heroes of the Storm back to 400,000 online at the same time.

In addition, he also served as the president of Blizzard China.

Just as he was about to flex his muscles, Heroes of the Storm had problems again.

"Mr. Chen, there are so many Trojan horses about our Heroes of the Storm on the Internet. Have a series of players been recruited?"

"Did you find out the source?"

"No, but it is probably Huanyu Technology."

"It's him again."

Chen Hui was a little crazy.

He didn't expect that Huanyu Technology would deal with their Heroes of the Storm again and again.

But think about it.

They Blizzard cooperated with Microsoft in order to destroy the operating system of Huanyu Technology.

Huanyu Technology suppresses Heroes of the Storm for its own operating system.

This is no longer a game battle, this is an operating system battle.

Even if Heroes of the Storm only has a few hundred thousand online now, it is far less than Lua Lu, Huanyu Technology will destroy them.

This is an endless battle.

"Mr. Chen, what shall we do?"

"What should I do? Use his own way to treat his own body."

Gritting his teeth, Chen Hui said.

Although Chen Hui has no evidence to prove that this was done by Huanyu Technology.

But this does not require evidence.

At this time, you can think of the situation with your toes. This is what Huanyu Technology does.

Since Huanyu Technology dares to use such a trick, they can do the same.

In fact.

All major online game companies have done such tricks before.

Today you engage a lot of Trojan horses to steal other game accounts. Tomorrow, other game companies will launch a lot of Trojan horses to steal your account.

It's just that the end result is that the two parties steal and steal, and no one is cheap. On the contrary, it causes two defeats and fears.

In this way, a lot of online game companies have a tacit understanding of this.

Although some accounts were still stolen after they closed their hands, they were all small-scale incidents that didn't affect much.

Chen Hui did not expect that a leader in the industry such as Huanyu Technology would actually start such a bad business.

However, Chen Hui still has the ability.

He has stayed in Shanda for so many years, although he has not been reused, but his vision is very vicious.

At a glance, he saw the insidious trick of Huanyu Technology.

At the same time, he also thought of a solution.

If Blizzard also adopted such a move, it is clear that it is not their Heroes of the Storm who suffered the most injury, but Huanyu Technology.

The reason.

That is the game online of Huanyu Technology is dozens of times more than their Blizzard.

Even if their Heroes of the Storm were hacked again, there would be hundreds of thousands of people.

But on the Huanyu technology side, that is, millions, tens of millions of game accounts are threatened.

This trick goes on Hui believes that if he doesn't show up at that time, Huanyu Technology will naturally stop attacking them.


They may also increase their popularity as a result.

You know, if Huanyu Technology’s series of League of Legends game accounts are threatened, where will these players go?


They will enter into Heroes of the Storm.


Although Chen Hui's strategy is good.

But when the secret layout went on, the dozens or hundreds of Trojans they had made had no effect.

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