Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

: 969: We don’t produce water, we are just nature’s porters

"Zhong Dong, the last stop is Xinfeng Station, do you want to go?"

"Of course I want to."

"But Anyuan has already given us the highest policy, and Xinfeng probably has no such possibility."

"After all, Xinfeng is the hometown of navel oranges, so I still have to go and see it."

"Dong Zhong, we have investigated before that. Although Anyuan's navel oranges are not as famous as Xinfeng, they belong to the same line of Gannan navel oranges. Their taste is not much different from that of Xinfeng. Moreover, Duoyuan Group is in Xinfeng. If we go, we may have to compete with them in the future."

"I actually want to see Duoyuan Group. By the way, do you have any information about this company?"

"Dong Zhong, this is the information of Duoyuan Group. Duoyuan Group is a subsidiary of Huanyu Technology. It first made bottled sodas. Later, it went bankrupt and went bankrupt. It was taken over by Huanyu Technology and launched Duocheng Duo Orange Juice Drink. It also uses Huanyu Technology. In the area of ​​online games, we strongly promote their Duochengduoduo. At present, Duochengduuo has occupied 32% of the national orange juice beverage market share, ranking first."


Zhong Xing touched her chin and walked a few steps in the room: "Huanyu Technology is an Internet company, how could it acquire a beverage company?"

"Dong Zhong, this is the case. Huanyu Technology was formerly Xinfeng's local company. But afterwards, Huanyu Technology expanded its business and moved the company to Shenzhen."

"This makes sense."

Zhong Xing nodded.

Many people think that Huanyu Technology is a top Internet company in Shenzhen.

But not many people know that Huanyu Technology was originally established in Xinfeng.

"In other words, Chen Yu, chairman of Huanyu Technology, is from Xinfeng?"

"We don't have this information for the time being, but it should be."

"Hehe, I am more and more interested in Xinfeng now."

Although Zhong Xianxian started out as mineral water, she is also very low-key.

But his low-key is his business, and he still knows a little bit about Huanyu Technology Zhong Yan.

Especially in the recent war between Huanyu Technology and Microsoft, every time I think of Zhong Xiong, there is a burst of excitement in my heart.

He wished that he could be the same as Huanyu Technology, and be relatively long and short with foreign giants.

However, Nongfu Spring’s main business is mineral water and beverages. Even if you want to PK with some giants like Microsoft, it will not have any effect.

"Chen Yu, Zhong Xian, the boss of Nongfu Spring, may come over this afternoon."

"He went out in person?"

"Yeah. However, there is bad news. Zhong Yanxi may have reached an investment agreement with An Yuan."

"What kind of agreement is the investment intention? Since it is an intention, it proves that it has not been decided yet."

"I said so, but there shouldn't be much change."

I don't know if I received the news, but the head of County Lan, who had been looking forward to Nongfu Spring, was a little depressed at this time.

It depends on the situation, even if it is Zhong Xing, Xinfeng will still come, but at most it will be a cutscene, and there will be no change.

"In fact, it's good. If Nongfu Spring comes to Xinfeng, it will compete with your Duoyuan Group anyway, so it's better not to come."

"Hahaha, Magistrate Lan, you are the spirit of Ah Q. Competition is a good thing, why not compete?"

"Chen Yu, are you so confident that you can deal with Nongfu Spring?"

Although Huanyu Technology is very strong in the Internet electronic business, it can only be regarded as a rookie in the food and beverage sector.

Nongfu Spring was established as early as 1996, and they have gone from nothing to being able to fight against Wahaha for nearly ten years. Moreover, with the improvement of everyone's living standards, Nongfu Spring has already surpassed Wahaha in the field of mineral water.

"The market is huge, and no company can fully eat it. Even if we have many oranges, although it seems to be the first in the market, it actually only has a market share of about 30 points. Other brands enter , All have opportunities."

"You think very much."

“I’ve been doing business for so long and I’ve taken it lightly. I’ve always welcomed this kind of healthy competition. Good competition will benefit our industry and the country as a whole. On the contrary, if we monopolize the market, , The industry may not have made much progress."

"Chen Yu, although we only ordered 5,000 computers, we will always support you on the operating system."

"Thank you, Magistrate Lan, even if you fight, I will fight against Microsoft."

In the afternoon, Zhong Xing Nongfu Spring led a group of expedition teams to Xinfeng.

Although he knew the news in advance, the head of County Lan still took the leaders of Yigan County to the reception.

Of course, this also includes Chen Yu.

"Zhong Dong, the person on the left seems to be Chen Yu from Huanyu Technology."

"Chen Yu?"

The assistant at the side suddenly said in Zhong Xiaoxiao's ear.

"It should be him."

The assistant said: "Although Chen Yu rarely shows up, there are still some places where you can find Chen Yu's photos. Before I came, I checked Chen Yu's information and it was him."


Zhong Xianyu didn't reveal anything. Taking advantage of the opportunity of shaking hands with County Mayor Lan, he jokingly said, "Mayor Lan, this young man is the leader in charge of which business in your county, can you tell us about it?"

With that said, Zhong Xing looked at Chen Yu.

Originally, Chen Yu wanted to stay silent with the large army, but he was recognized by Zhong Xianyun when he came.

"Dong Zhong, there is no need to embarrass the county magistrate. Since he recognizes me, there is no need to introduce him."

Although Chen Yu was a little surprised how this guy recognized himself at once. But it's normal to think about it. For ordinary people, it is impossible for him to recognize Chen Yu if he doesn't go through any special channels. But for the competitors of Huanyu Technology, it is not so difficult to recognize Chen Yulai as long as the next effort is made.

Although Huanyu Technology Corporation does not have much business dealings with Nongfu Spring, the Duoyuan Group under Huanyu Technology still has a lot of dealings with Nongfu Spring. In particular, Nongfu Spring has also launched a variety of juice-based beverages, which can be regarded as a major competitor of Duoyuan Group. They searched in the direction of Huanyu Technology through Duoyuan Group, and it was normal for them to recognize themselves.

"Hahaha, I said this young man is not an ordinary person at first glance. It turned out to be President Chen of Huanyu Technology, and my fellow Zhong Xiaoxiao. It was the first time I met, and I was lucky enough to meet him."

"Zhong Dong is really humble, but I grew up drinking your Nongfu Spring water. I think Nongfu Spring is better than Wahaha."

"Hahaha, President Chen, I like you as a person."

With Chen Yu's arrival, it was originally just a polite reception, but it became lively.

During the subsequent inspection, Zhong Xingxiao talked and laughed with Chen Yu from time to time, and looked like an old acquaintance.

County Mayor Lan was clever and didn't interrupt.

He knew that allowing these two entrepreneurs to communicate to their heart's content might have unexpected gains.

"Mr. Chen, Xinfeng is a good place for you. People believe in wealth, and navel oranges are well-known throughout the country."

"It's just a small inland county town, not as rich and prosperous as Zhong Dong's hometown of Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

"Hey, whatever Mr. Chen said, your Xinfeng also has Xinfeng's benefits, and I am very interested in your Xinfeng's navel oranges."

"Zhong Dong seems to be very interested in navel oranges from other counties and cities."

Chen Yu half-joked and said: "After the county magistrate Lan heard about it, he always wanted to talk to Dong Zhong about the history of the origin of navel oranges in southern Jiangxi."

"The number of navel oranges in the country is southern Jiangxi, and the number of southern Jiangxi navel oranges is Xinfeng. Mr. Chen, I know no less about Xinfeng navel oranges than you."

"Zhong Dong, it seems that you can be the spokesperson of our Xinfeng Navel Orange."

Although there is no business involved, Zhong Xianming said that County Mayor Lan and the entourage of Xinfeng were happy in their hearts.

With this sentence, the following business is easy to talk about.


In the following time, Zhong Xianxian talked to Chen Yu about the specific business.

"Mr. Chen, I'm considering investing in a factory in Xinfeng."

"Zhong Dong, are you going to compete with our Duocheng Duo in Xinfeng?"

"Have this idea."

Zhong Xing nodded: "The reason why you Duocheng Duo dominates the number one orange juice drink has something to do with Xinfeng navel oranges. Of course, Mr. Chen, don't worry. For the time being, we only do business with fresh navel oranges. Many oranges face the competition. I plan to pack Xinfeng navel oranges to create a high-end fruit brand."

"I think it will work."

"I also think it's good. I have already thought about the name, Zhong Dong, this is your old line."

Chen Yu has made navel oranges, so naturally he knows what Zhong Shanxi's 17.5 degrees means.

The sugar-acid ratio of type A orange juice is between 12.5-20.5 degrees. Among them, the sugar-acid ratio of 17.5 degrees is the best taste.

This trick comes from Nongfu Spring.

When Nongfu Spring first started its water business, it was completely unable to compete with the big drinkers Pk such as Wahaha and Master Kong.

Later, Nongfu Spring thought of a coup. They stopped making pure water and started making natural water.

Then he said that pure water is not healthy. Why, because the water is too pure and lacks a series of trace elements.

Water from natural nature is the best.

In this, a series of combination punches were passed, for example, to speculate on the PH value of natural water. And the PH value of Nongfu Spring is 7.3 as the best alkaline water for people to drink. Since then, Nongfu Shaner has squeezed into the top three of the national mineral water market share.

Now 17.5 degrees is used on navel oranges, which originated from Nongfu Spring.

Chen Yu gave Zhong Dong a thumbs up.

County Mayor Lan was also excited in his heart.

From this point of view, they may not be able to win Zhong Xianxie to Xinfeng.

Of course, Chen Yu was not idle, but went one step further: "In this case, then I will give Dong Zhong two great gifts."

"Oh, President Chen, do you have any gifts for me."

"This first gift, I am going to give you a fresher classification for the 17.5 degree specifications."

"What do you mean by fresher classification?"

"It's also simple."

"We can call the smaller navel oranges the golden fruit, the larger ones the platinum fruit, the larger ones the diamond fruit, the finest ones are called the super master fruit, and the finest ones without any flaws are called the strongest king fruit. Zhong Dong, What do you think?"

"President Chen, you are so creative."

Zhong Dong admired inwardly.

This is more than just a name.

He knows that many games of Huanyu Technology have ranks.

Among the ranks, there are gold, platinum, diamonds, extraordinary masters, and the ultimate king.

These ranks can be said to have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even Zhong Xian, who doesn't play games very much, he knows.

As for how Zhong Xing doesn't know how to play games, this is also normal, because Zhong Xing doesn't play games, but he plays chess and cards.

The chess and cards in the Huanyu YY game also use this rank.

"Then President Chen, what about your second gift?"

"Well, I am going to send an advertisement to Dong Zhong's Nongfu Spring."

"Nongfu Spring's advertisement?"

Zhong Xian did not speak, but Zhong Xian's assistant and the technician from Nongfu Spring laughed.

To talk about Nongfu Spring’s advertising slogans, I don’t know how classic it is.

Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet.

This advertisement can be said to have spread all over the country, as long as anyone who drinks water knows it.

Compared to what Wahaha, Master Kong...and other advertisements, I don’t know how many times better.

Countless experts, scholars, advertising masters, from time to time, will take the advertisement of Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet as a specimen, and then analyze it afterwards.

Inside the company, Zhong Xing once said that Nongfu Spring is a bit sweet, and they have to use it for at least 20 years.

Although Chen Yu's first big gift is indeed very creative, and it is also fresh in people's memory, it would be overkill to say that he sent an advertisement to Nongfu Spring. No matter how genius you are, can you think of ad words that go beyond this classic ad word? Let alone Chen Yu, countless talents across the country have never thought of a sentence that surpasses this ad slogan in this respect.

"Zhong Dong, it seems that a series of your employees are not optimistic about my ad word."

Chen Yu naturally knows what these people think, and then jokingly said: "I regret it now. I don't think I can give it to you in vain. In this way, Dong Zhong, if you think my ad slogan is OK, or if you adopt it, you I have to pay me 1 million in advertising fees, what do you think?"

"One million, yes."

Zhong Xing directly agreed.

One is that he is not a stingy person.

On the other hand, he did not think that Chen Yu could come up with a classic advertisement that exceeded the advertising slogan they currently use.

Of course, another one.

If Chen Yu really came up with an admirable ad slogan, the 1 million is totally worth it.

"Mr. Chen, I look forward to the advertising message you send us."

"Okay, come here with paper and pen."

Immediately, someone from Nongfu Spring sent a writing brush and paper.

Obviously, this is to embarrass Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was a little embarrassed.

He doesn't know how to use brushes. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

However, who he is, he has been doing business for so long, even if he doesn't know how to write a brush, but he has a thicker skin than anyone else.

Stained with ink, Chen Yu began to write the first ad slogan on the white paper: "We don't produce water."

All right.

Chen Yu has become accustomed to using computers over the years. Not only is his writing brush ugly, but his ballpoint pen is also ugly.

As soon as these six words came out, someone laughed out loud.

"I'll go, this word is too ugly."

"This is the boss of Huanyu Technology?"

"Hahaha, the first time I saw Chen Yu's age, I was deeply defeated, but after reading his writing, I regained my confidence."

However, Chen Yu was not influenced by these guys, and then wrote a second sentence: "We are just porters of nature..."

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