Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 981: : Double Eleven Promotion Plan

"Huang Zheng, how are your preparations for the Double 11 promotion?"

"Chen, this is our promotion plan."

"Let me see."

There was a wave of ruthlessness to Microsoft, and Chen Yu went to Hangzhou for the first time.

It has attracted a large number of companies and bigwigs around the world, enough for Microsoft to drink a pot.

With constant troubles on Microsoft's side, Chen Yu has more leisurely development.

However, the operating system is not overnight. While developing the operating system business, Chen Yu has turned his attention back to the e-commerce sector that Huanyu Technology has been doing.

Without Microsoft's interruption, Chen Yu also had more time to pay attention to e-commerce.

At the same time, since Huanyu Technology entered the e-commerce platform, Chen Yu felt that it was time for the Huanyu e-commerce platform to make a big leap.

This time during the Double 11 Promotion Festival, Chen Yu is ready to make a qualitative improvement of the e-commerce platform.

Chen Yu was not completely satisfied after only reading the promotion plan given by Huang Zheng.

"I'm not satisfied with this plan."

"In comparison, our promotion this time is not much different from our previous promotions. At most, more companies participate in the promotion, more types of our promotions, and an increase in our traffic. , Huang Zheng, are there no more fresh changes?"

"Mr. Chen, in fact, this time our promotion is still more vigorous than before. For example, at the event, we launched a lot of activities to receive coupons. In the promotion, we also launched a forwarding and rewarding activities. In the sales price On the previous page, this time we offer a 20% discount than usual. It can be said that the discount is very big, and I believe consumers will be very excited about our prices."

Huang Zheng knows that although Chen Yu has always ignored his specific business, he has always been strict in his business direction.

However, they had been preparing for this plan for a long time, and they were still striving to explain it to Chen Yu.

Just Huang Zheng explained again, Chen Yu still shook his head: "The event coupons can only be regarded as ordinary events, and there are no bright spots. On the contrary, your reposting is polite and has a little effect, but for the time being, it is not very useful."

This repost was courteous, Chen Yu remembered Huang Zheng's future generations of Pinduoduo.

He has become the third largest e-commerce platform in China through this crazy forwarding method, and even has a faint possibility of entering the second.

However, it is currently in the traditional PC Internet market, and his polite forwarding has not been able to form an explosive promotion method for the time being.

"As for the price promotion efforts, the 20% discount is not very strong. If you want to discount, you can make a bigger discount, 50% off."

"50% off?"

Huang Zheng was a little flustered.

If this is a 50% discount, those businesses must not lose money.

"Mr. Chen, this won't work."

"Why, do you think the 50% discount is not strong enough?"

"no no……"

Huang Zheng didn't know how Chen Yu's brain circuit was turned, how could he think that the 50% discount was not strong enough.

The 50% discount is not strong enough, but how many discounts should it be strong enough?

If the 50% discount is really hit, the consumers will not be crazy.

But just thinking about it, Huang Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.


If this is a 50% discount, consumers must not go crazy to the Huanyu e-commerce platform to buy things.

"Mr. Chen, do you mean a 50% discount for the audience?"

"It depends on the merchant's own arrangements, but each merchant must launch one or several 50% off products. As for other products, even if they cannot be 50% off, they must be at least 30% off. Especially for clothing products, all participating companies must be forced to 50% All the above models are 50% off."

"Mr. Chen, I'm afraid the merchant is unlikely to agree."

Although Huang Zheng somewhat understands that Chen Yu is trying to take advantage of the 50% discount.

As long as this momentum is formed, their e-commerce platform can go further.

At the same time, the masses have a better understanding of online shopping, and even the number of users has exploded.

After all, although Huanyu e-commerce is doing well now, online shopping is still only a minority. He has not formed the masses, and not everyone accepts online shopping. Once a 50% discount appears, it will surely form a huge influence.

"Businessmen do not agree because they are afraid that they will not make money. Although 50% is a huge discount, they will not lose money for clothing brands. That is, the profit is not particularly large, but as long as they measure it, their profit is also Very big. Moreover, as long as our platform drives consumers’ enthusiasm for consumption, it will also help their business in the future."

"But some businesses may not be able to see the future."

"If they don't agree in this way, it's okay. It doesn't matter if they don't agree. They don't have to participate in this promotion festival. But for all companies that agree, we will help them divert traffic through various methods."

There are people who oppose any plan, and some people agree.

Chen Yu's model can be said to be the most rapid and large-scale development opportunity.

Otherwise, when the e-commerce platform can truly mature just by slowly developing it bit by bit.

Moreover, Huanyu Technology must do the same.

Although Huanyu e-commerce is currently leading, the e-commerce platform will never be monopolized.

Since the monopoly cannot be achieved, then his competitors will constantly compete with you.

Just like Ali.

Even if the business is far inferior to Huanyu Technology, they are still favored by capital.

Of course, Chen Yu did not bully any merchants either.

Although Chen Yu is strong, as long as this promotion festival is over, these merchants will definitely feel the charm of this promotion.

As for those who don't want to participate, it is impossible for Chen Yu to ask all of them to participate.

But as long as they see such promotional profits in the future, they will naturally join in.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, let me talk to some merchants first to see how it works."

"Okay, analyze with them the pros and cons of the future prospects, but this plan is fixed and will not be changed. If they participate in our promotion, then we will use our best efforts to give back to these merchants. As for those who did not participate, then Just ask them to study the data of this promotion after the promotion. I believe they will make smarter choices in the future."

Speaking of which, about the 50% discount promotion mentioned by Chen Chen Yu could have waited a few more years.

However, on the one hand, it is a matter of competitors.

On the other hand, Chen Yu's rivalry with Microsoft also made Chen Yu unable to wait.

He must make his e-commerce platform become bigger and stronger.

Once the e-commerce platform is really up and running, then Chen Yu will be more confident in dealing with Microsoft's challenges and entering the global market.

Just like Amazon, Chen Yu wants to challenge it.

However, now that his e-commerce platform hasn't really grown bigger, Chen Yu naturally dare not go abroad for a long time with Amazon.

But if your own e-commerce platform has grown and stayed on Amazon, it's really not Chen Yu's character.

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