Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Prehistoric Period Chapter 217: Zhen Yuanzi cannot control the garden. The

Yuan Daxian's ginseng fruit trees are not useless wood like the Queen Mother's flat peach. Their richness has at least created a number of masters. The golden body of Wukong and others was suddenly upgraded to another level, and even the spirit beads became the leaders among the younger generation. They were nicknamed "Three Feet Tall Man" by Hong Hai'er and others. The poor doll is in his teens and less than one meter tall. He speaks in a milky voice and often makes shocking remarks. His opinions are better than those of the Bull Demon King and others, but most of the time he just follows the red boy Niu Mengmeng. Call someone big brother or big sister from behind.

What kind of good bird can that bad guy Red Boy teach? After fooling around all day long, she went to become the king of a hundred thousand mountains. The three Niu Mengmeng sisters also built a mountain and became known as the third grandmother of the Niu family. They were scolded by Princess Iron Fan more than ten times and still did not repent.

The six-eared macaque and five other monkeys, Wukong, Wuzhiqi, Ventilation Monkey King, and Yu Wang, went to steal the ginseng fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian. The six-eared macaque had sensitive ears and was letting loose outside. Wukong and others ran to the back garden to pick the fruits. . This little thing actually slipped in quietly, sat on the tree and ate until he was full. He opened his mouth and burped, and a cloud of spiritual energy spurted out. He picked a dozen more and went to please Hong Boy and the others with his belly full. .

Unexpectedly, when Immortal Zhenyuan came back from discussing Taoism with Taoist Kumu, he happened to encounter a spiritual bead and got the stolen goods together. The little guy was so cunning that he diverted the trouble eastward and shouted to his uncle to run away. The six-eared macaque and others heard it, and the five monkeys quickly sprang out of the garden and disappeared without a trace.

Immortal Zhenyuan hurriedly threw away his spiritual beads and chased after him, even using the Qiankun in his sleeves. However, after the five monkeys practiced the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, their attack power was astonishing. They poked five holes in his sleeves and escaped completely. When he went back to catch the spirit bead, the little thing had already escaped, and Zhen Yuanzi was so angry that he cursed him for being cunning.

This matter is not over yet. Every time Zhen Yuanzi goes out, there are hundreds of fruits missing from the trees, and there are also people like the Bull Demon King and the Peng Demon King who shyly come to ask for it from him. These people are thick-skinned enough to take the ginseng fruit. Can be used as food!

When Zhen Yuanzi obtained the Dragon and Phoenix Treasure Record. Using the power of Baolu, he ripened the ginseng fruits at one time, and tens of thousands of fruits were hung on the tree. Later, he opened a garden to entertain experts from all over the world, used up a batch, and gave a lot to ancestor Zhu Ba, but at least there were seven of them on the tree. Eight thousand!

Unexpectedly, it has only been a few years since I came to Fulong Island. That’s half missing! Only then did Zhen Yuanzi realize Zhu Moumou's sinister intentions. After sighing, he had to capture the little thing called the Lingzhu, teach him the Taoism of Wuzhuang Temple, and let him refine the ginseng fruit spiritual energy to avoid wasting it.

That spirit bead is a natural Taoist body, and it is also the first human being in this world. Although he was ignorant, he made rapid progress in cultivation. Within ten years, he surpassed Hong Hai'er and others, but he had not yet opened his spiritual intelligence.

Wukong and others were just messing around, but they were still more concerned about the spirit beads and asked why. Immortal Zhenyuan said: "His soul is incomplete. If the three souls and seven souls are damaged, I still have a way to heal it with the thirteen-leaf peace of mind grass. But the soul of Lingzhuzi is only one in a hundred, and he can survive without becoming a You fool, he has already burned high incense in his last life. If this kid cannot complete his soul, his highest achievement is the Taiyi Golden Immortal. How can he achieve enlightenment even if his soul is incomplete?

Wukong and others were silent. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for this little thing. Fairy E felt even more ashamed after hearing this. He carried him into his Guiyue Zhai and loved him in every possible way. He held him in his hands for fear of falling and held him in his mouth for fear of melting. Ling Zhuzi is also very clever. He walks around in front of others and calls his mother when he opens his mouth and calls him his mother when he doesn't. E was ashamed and happy. She corrected herself several times, but the little thing refused to repent, so she had no choice but to acquiesce in this title. \u003c:.,.u|When Lingzhu came back from overseas, when he saw Yue'e, he respectfully called her second aunt, and when he saw Jade Rabbit, he called her a monster, making Jade Rabbit cry angrily for more than a dozen times. The three little women tried their best to correct him, and then he reluctantly called him Aunt Yu.

People talk a lot, and although the three girls don't often interact with others, Princess Iron Fan does have a sisterly relationship with them, and they often visit each other. The woman's hair is long and her tongue is not short. Even though Chang'e told her not to talk nonsense, is there any secret between the bed and the ground? The Bull Demon King found out that night.

"I'll tell you a secret, but don't let it out!" The six-eared macaque made a feast of ginseng fruits (this guy stole the most and couldn't finish it himself). After drinking a few cups of horse urine, the Bull Demon King dizzily revealed his little secret to a few people. The brother poked it out.

"Lingzhuzi is the illegitimate son of the eighth brother and Chang'e. In fact, he should be called Zhu Lingzi or Zhu Ziling! Hiccup -, don't tell anyone..."

Poof——, everyone sprayed the wine in their mouths all over the face of the old cow. The six-eared macaque was still in a daze. He counted the number of people present and thought to himself.

If everyone on the island who can speak is here, why should there be anything to hide? "

After this banquet, the Bull Demon King found that the brothers were much colder towards him. They even formed a small group and often looked at him with hatred. Lao Niu was confused and caught the Lion and Camel King to force a confession. The Lion and Camel King, in line with the spirit of not saying anything even if he was beaten to death, confessed with peace of mind after being beaten half to death by Lao Niu.

It turned out to be the bad idea of ​​the Jiao Demon King. After the ginseng and fruit feast, the nine-clawed dragon sneered at the brothers: "The eighth brother has betrayed the bachelor party and had a son with Chang'e outside, and then handed it over to others to support him for more than ten years, and then secretly He took me back and raised him as his apprentice, and he pretended that we didn’t know about it. Fortunately, I didn’t marry him until now, but he even took me as his son!”

A dozen old devils got drunk with cheese tincture, raised their glasses and cheered Long Live the Singles Party, and thus a small group was established. At that time, the Bull Demon King was already lying under the table, being stepped on by dozens of stinky feet. The Bull Demon King has already married a wife and has children, so naturally he will be hated by all the demons.

"...This is hatred!" The Bull Demon King was punched on the chin by the Lion and Camel King, and with his tongue hanging out, he said angrily: "The hatred of Guoguo!"

In other words, half a century has passed unknowingly. Although Immortal Zhenyuan was on tight defense, a few monkey thieves were more sophisticated and watched the fruits on the trees decrease one by one. In the end, the last ginseng fruit disappeared from the ground in Zhen Yuanzi. The great immortal stood up and praised: "These guys' cultivation has improved very quickly, and they can steal it from under my nose."

A golden monkey suddenly appeared on the tree, and he smiled at Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Thank you, Immortal, for the gift!" He stuffed the last ginseng fruit into his mouth.

Zhen Yuanzi grabbed Wukong's hand and said with a smile: "Elixir thief, how many of my ginseng fruits have you eaten, will you gain anything?"

A person flashed out from behind Wukong and said with a smile: "I would also like to thank the ancestor of the Earth Immortal for making it possible!".

Immortal Zhenyuan looked at Tianjun and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! As expected, he is also the one who has killed both good and evil corpses! Where is the other fellow Taoist?"

Another person appeared behind Wukong, holding a magic wand in his hand, scratching his ears and cheeks, and shouted sternly: "If it weren't for Brother Dao's ginseng fruit, how could I see the light of day again? I, my old grandson, worship me!"

Immortal Zhenyuan saw the monkey prostrate himself to the ground and did not stop him. He smiled and said: "What a spiritual root of heaven and earth, what a pill thief! You go, I will go find Ancestor Zhu Ba and lend me this tree treasure." , how to compensate me!"

Wukong took the two corpses of good and evil into his body, bowed to Immortal Zhenyuan, and turned around to leave. Zhen Yuanzi collected the futon, came to Zhu Ganglie's cave, and said loudly: "Fellow Taoist, your entrustment to the poor Taoist has finally fulfilled its mission. What are the benefits to me?"

The door of the cave opened silently, and Immortal Zhenyuan slowly walked in. He saw that this cave could not be called a cave at all, but a small universe. There was no distinction between up and down in the cave, north and south, and there was no place to stay. There were everywhere. It's the prehistoric starry sky.

Zhen Yuanzi admired: "What a cave of heaven and earth, more exquisite than the universe in my sleeve!" He stood up and flew towards the place where the stars were densely packed. He saw a portal between the formations composed of many stars, which was extremely abrupt. . Zhen Yuanzi walked into the portal. Inside was a thatched cottage. Ancestor Zhu Ba was sitting on the roof of the thatched cottage and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, come up and sit down."

Immortal Zhenyuan came to the thatched roof, sat on the ground, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Zhu, you have nothing to do. Your monkeys and urchins stole all my ginseng fruits. How can you compensate me?"

Zhu Ganglie said with a smile: "If you don't want them to steal it, how can they get it? When it came to the last one, he stayed under the tree and refused to leave. No one dared to steal it, but Wukong was lucky enough to steal it with his heart. Only then did he realize that stealing The Daoist Daoist can kill corpses smoothly because of the Great Immortal. If you stop him, he will not be able to kill both good and evil corpses. It can be said that my Taoist friends have good intentions, and they will naturally be rewarded. "

After that, he pulled out two lines of spiritual energy from his eyebrows, like white snakes, wrapped around his fingertips, and said with a smile: "The small one is the memory of Hongjun's one soul and two souls, and the thick one is the memory of Dragon King Ananda. Now They were all refined by me. The realizations of these two demons when they created the world are all in them.”

Immortal Zhenyuan quickly collected the two spiritual energy, and said with a smile: "The ginseng fruit from this tree exchanged the memory of the two demon gods, but I earned it." He looked at Zhu Ganglie's face carefully and said doubtfully: "Fellow Taoist, You don’t look very good, what makes you so haggard?”

Zhu Ganglie sighed, patted the top of his head lightly, and said, "Fellow Taoist, please look." A chaotic energy rushed out from the top of his head and turned into a pool of clear water. The spiritual energy in the water formed two lotuses, one of which was a black lotus swaying and blooming. Zhen Yuanzi looked at the center of the lotus and couldn't help but said "weird!" .

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