Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Prehistoric Period Chapter 218: Unable to kill the corpse, Zhu Ba finds ano

The reason why Yuan Daxian screamed strangely was that the three flowers on Zhu Ba's head and the three flowers on other people's heads were three lotuses blooming at the same time, while Zhu Ganglie had only two lotus flowers on his head. This was not the weirdest thing. place.

The strangest thing is that one of the lotus flowers is black and has already bloomed, while the other lotus flower is white and is still a lotus flower. Among the black lotuses sat a Taoist Hongjun, an Ananda Dragon King Demon God, a white-faced pig demon, an angry Ming King, and a red-faced Taoist with fierce eyes.

There are actually five evil corpses in this black lotus. This is not over yet. There are three empty seats next to no one. It seems that there are still three evil corpses, arranged according to the eight trigrams.

"Fellow Taoist, it seems that you have done too many bad things. One evil corpse cannot kill all the evil thoughts, so there are eight evil corpses!"

Zhu Ganglie smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Taoist, don't be ridiculous. There are three palaces in the ancestral palace of the human body: the upper, middle and lower palaces. There are three corpse spirits living in the three palaces. The upper corpse spirit is called good, the lower corpse spirit is called evil, and the middle corpse spirit is called evil. God said himself. There should be evil corpses in this black lotus. I have been practicing Taoism intensively over the years, trying to integrate the teachings of the six religions, but I did not expect that the teachings of each religion are still reflected in these three corpses. "

"I have obtained part of the Taoist teachings of Ancestor Hongjun and Ancestor Heilong. It is not surprising that Hongjun and Heilong appear among the three corpses. This white-faced pig demon is the true form of this life, and he practices the Shangqing Dharma; Wrath King Nu Ming is a Buddhist method, and I came to this world by chance, and obtained the method of Buddhist systematic cultivation; the red-faced evil-eyed Taoist is a Buddhist method, and it was also a coincidence that I have been practicing it in the West. The three incarnations of the Sect, the Human Sect, and the Demon Sect have not appeared, but I don’t know why.”

Immortal Zhenyuan pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "I already know it. You only know a rough outline of the three methods of the Human Sect, the Western Sect, and the Demon Sect. You are not as proficient as the previous three sects. Therefore, you only have empty seats and no corpses. The gods are seated. As long as you obtain these three methods, you can make them sit on the lotus platform. When the eight corpses gather together, three corpses can be killed."

"I see."

Zhu Ganglie thought for a moment and was taught the method. It can be learned from the Great Master Xuandu, and the magic of the Demon Sect can be learned from the Demon Master Kunpeng.

Only Western teachings are hard to find!

"There are no disciples of Western sects who go to this world! As for the seven ancient Buddhas such as Ran Deng, they rebelled against Buddhism before they learned the superior methods of Western sects. Their understanding of Western sects is also one-sided and unsystematic. Only Amitabha and Tathagata Buddha know the secret. Where can I find it?"

Ancestor Zhu Ba was deep in thought. Immortal Zhenyuan looked at the two lotus flowers above his head, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, I have seen your evil corpses. I wonder who are the good corpses in the white lotuses? Since you can make the evil corpses If the lotus is in full bloom, then the corpse lotus must also be in bloom. Why is it closed so that poor people can’t watch it?”

Zhu Ganglie chuckled and said: "Fellow Taoist, it's better not to look at it. There are eight seats in this lotus. However, there are three incarnations of good corpses. There are still five vacancies."

The more he said this, the more Zhen Yuanzi wanted to see it, and said with a smile: "What's the harm in taking a look? I won't spread the word!" Zhu Ganglie didn't want to refute his face, so he opened the lotus for a moment, and then closed it after a moment. But this moment was enough for Immortal Zhenyuan to clearly see the contents of the lotus.

Immortal Zhenyuan was silent for a long time. He shook his head and said: "You good corpse, it's better not to cut it out. Otherwise there will be another argument. I'm afraid someone will spray your face with blood!" After that, he shook his head again. He patted the top door gently, and a clear air rushed out from the top of Immortal Zhenyuan's head. There were three white lotuses in the clear air. There were Taoists on the left and right, and a ginseng fruit tree in the middle. He said: "It is difficult for the Taoist monks to cut them out." The self, especially the alien cultivators, is more difficult to kill because the alien cultivators are not in human form and are inconsistent with the principles of heaven and earth. Fellow Daoist Zhu, I see only two of your three corpse lotuses. Where is the other one?"

Zhu Ganglie smiled and said: "Brother Dao also knows that I have cultivated the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong. The soul and the physical body are closely integrated. The stronger the golden body, the harder it is for the soul to escape. At this moment, I am already at the peak of the third revolution of chaos. Just one step away from the fourth revolution, where is the third three-corpse lotus?"

Immortal Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Don't try to hide it from me! As long as you have the soul and the skill is up, a lotus will be born. Quickly release the lotus for me to see!"

Zhu Ganglie sighed and said, "I still can't hide it from you." He paused slightly, and a golden lotus flower sprouted, with thousands of auspicious lights and auspiciousness, which set off the ancestor Zhu Ba and made him look like a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Zhen Yuanzi was startled. He counted the lotus platform under his feet. There were twelve grades in total. He was startled again. When he saw Ancestor Zhu Ba standing barefoot on the lotus platform, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "You third corpse." , never think of cutting it out, unless fellow Taoist has great perseverance and destroys this chaotic golden body, otherwise the only way to prove the Tao is through force."

Zhu Ganglie chuckled and said, "There is also the merit of becoming a saint."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said: "It's difficult...

! In this world, the only great merits in this world are to incarnate in the six realms, to establish heaven, to establish religions and preach, and to pinch earth. As for the other merits, they are insignificant. Even the Emperor Master of the Demon Clan and the ancestor of the Earth Immortal did not have such great merit.

Three-thirds of the merits of the six realms of incarnation are not enough to achieve enlightenment. The establishment of the Heavenly Court, the Six Imperial Branch Courts resisted the rituals and obtained most of them, and the merits shared by the three hundred and sixty-five heavenly gods and those who controlled the Demon Sealing List were not enough to prove the Tao. The merits of establishing and preaching the six religions were not enough to prove the Tao. Only by kneading clay to create a human being and gathering immeasurable merit in oneself can one realize the Tao of Hunyuan. It's just that most of the great monks like us come from the earthly and immortal world. As soon as the time comes, there will definitely be many people trying to make humans out of clay, competing for this merit, and we don't know who will get it when the time comes. "

Zhu Ganglie smiled and said, "I'm not worried."

Immortal Zhenyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Of course you don't have to worry. You have half a percent of the merits of the six reincarnations. Now, no matter whose hands the Heavenly Court falls into, as long as you master the Demon Sealing List, you won't be able to escape the second level of merit. If you are generous, I am afraid that I will be more embarrassed to climb up to the position of Liu Yu. But I am a little worried about myself. I am afraid that it will be difficult to cut the ginseng fruit tree!"

"Brother Taoist, would you like to be the six emperors? I can be a bit of a master, though, as a poor Taoist."

Immortal Zhenyuan was moved in his heart and said with a smile: "It's too early to say anything at the moment. Buddhism and Ancestor Minghe are currently fighting with each other, and many people have died. Now your Demonic List is full of wronged souls. There are also Chanjiao, now taught by Yun Zhongzi, has resolved the grievances with Jiejiao, divided the benefits equally, and is preparing to support Emperor Gouchen as the Emperor of Heaven. Not long ago, he sent Nezha to send an invitation to Fulong Island to participate in the swearing-in ceremony of the Emperor of Heaven. There is also Hunyuan Tianzun and others who support a woman to be the emperor of heaven. This woman is actually named Nuwa. It is really funny. How can this Nuwa be compared with the empress in the earthly immortal world? As for Daojun Lu Ya and Kunpeng Demon Master, every other After a while, I sent someone to ask you if you were out of confinement. I guess you have some plans!"

Zhu Ganglie had been in seclusion for half a century. He didn't know what was happening outside, so he quickly inquired carefully. It turns out that when he was in seclusion, experts from various religions came to integrate the ancient countries and divide the spheres of influence of each religion. Ancestor Minghe controlled vast lands such as Wu Xian Kingdom, Zhu Rong Kingdom, Bo Fu Kingdom, and Yu Qiang Kingdom, built temples, enjoyed the incense of the Wu clan, and erected Emperor Rahu, the three Shura kings, and 365 statues of Asura gods.

Buddhism controls the seven kingdoms of Yumin, Sanshou, Qiongshan, Xiaoyang and Fengqi. It has a vast territory and takes the lead. It sends people to other countries to build Buddhist temples and provide services to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhat, Vajra and Zhenwu. The Golden Body of the Great Emperor had an unfriendly relationship with other sects because it violated the scope of other sects.

After Chanjiao and Jiejiao reached a tentative agreement, they controlled a vast area, including Zhourao Kingdom, Qifang Kingdom, Tongque Kingdom, Xuanggu Kingdom and the Great Wilderness Ten Kingdoms. It just started very late. There were even Buddhist temples in these countries, which were very popular.

Hunyuan Tianzun and others control the Bahu Kingdom, the Human Kingdom and the Nine Snow Mountain Kingdoms, and their strength is not weak.

As for Demon Master Kunpeng, he controls the Qingqiu Kingdom and the Mao Min Kingdom, while Lu Yadaojun only controls the Dijun Kingdom.

The reason why the Asura Heavenly Court, represented by the Styx Ancestor, went to war with Buddhism was because the Asuras were ferocious and aggressive, and had united with a barbaric race like the Wu Clan in order to expand the power of Taoism, so they went to war with their natural enemy, Buddhism. This war first started in the mortal world, and at first it was fought by ordinary soldiers. Later, monks from both sides joined in, and it finally became bigger and bigger, and gradually developed into a catastrophe.

The races that can survive in the primitive world are not ordinary people. Although the Wu Clan is physically powerful, it is not inferior to other races. After this war, there will be bloodshed and corpses everywhere! Countless monks among them have never reached the realm of true immortals and are not on the list of demons. They have either lost their souls or been included in the six paths of reincarnation.

At this point, Buddhism finally saw the powerful potential of the Asura tribe. As the war expanded, more and more people died, more blood was shed, and the number of Asura tribe increased. This is naturally because the blood and souls of all races have strengthened the power of the Blood Sea, causing the Blood Sea and the Styx to breed more Asura warriors.

Later, Buddhism had no choice but to resort to desperate measures and use the Buddha's Dharma and Buddha's light to directly destroy the souls of many deceased people! For a time, it aroused the anger of the heavens and the people, and was widely publicized by the immortals of the Chan Cult. Its reputation dropped sharply, but in this way, it also restrained the expansion of the Asura clan.

The famous masters on the list at this time include: Arhat who subdued the dragon, Arhat who subdued the tiger, and other eighteen Arhats. They were all killed by the most heroic king of the Asura tribe, King Bhimachiduo, in the battle of Kuishan. However, Rahula, the son of Emperor Rahu, was also killed in an ambush by Buddhism, making Emperor Rahu sick for three days. Later, King Boya led his troops to seek revenge, but was blocked by the Moonlight Bodhisattva under the Yin Mountain. When they were about to start a battle, Master Xuandu came up and stopped them, saying: "This is the holy land of the Yin Mountain. It is forbidden to fight." The armies of both sides were not allowed to fight. Retreat slowly. .

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