Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 328 Unknown purpose

"Advisor Hui Jian."

"Captain Xibi, I have followed the Super Victory Team. It is a very good team." Hui Jian nodded with a smile and then said.

"I would like to ask, who gave the name Dyna?"

Captain Xibi was stunned for a moment and said, "I remember it was Mai who took it."

Megumi nodded thoughtfully and compared the information she knew. Mai had stayed in the Super Victory Team's combat command room more than once when Ultraman Dyna appeared.

Then Dyna's human body cannot take this shortcut to judge.

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind, thinking of the Ultra warrior who suddenly appeared not long ago and looked like the evil Tiga, and said calmly.

"Then who named Ultraman Geying?"

Captain Xibi said without any hesitation this time: "Of course it's that idiot Asuka. That guy picked up this name in a hurry, but it doesn't seem that unpleasant."

"Asuka...Xin." Megumi whispered the name in a low voice, and some inexplicable intuition told her that maybe this person was the human body of Ultraman Dyna.

But intuition cannot be used as evidence, so she tried to recall the information she had seen carefully before coming here. It is true that no one has seen Asuka when Ultraman Dyna was fighting.

Even in the critical moment when Dyna was frozen when facing Rechubas, Asuka disappeared for almost longer than Dyna.

Captain Xibi didn't say anything either, obviously he also realized something. Hui Jian felt a little nostalgic, and seemed to see Dagu running from a distance after the battle, waving his hand.

"Sorry, Captain Xibi, this is just my personal curiosity. Have you noticed any abnormalities recently? Even if it's just a suspicion, I want to confirm something."

Captain Xibi nodded and said: "When I get back, I will send all the recent possible abnormal findings to the intermediary staff."

Jian Hui nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."

Watching Hui Jianjian leave, Captain Xibi looked around the corner with an unkind expression and roared: "Asuka, you idiot! Come out quickly!"

After turning the corner of the corridor, Feiniao poked his head out with a smile and said disapprovingly: "Is there anything I can't hear? If there is any special incident, just leave it to me, Feiniao."

"Idiots like you will only cause trouble to the mission. Now, go on patrol." Captain Xibi's loud voice echoed clearly throughout the corridor.

"But haven't I finished today's patrol?" Asuka muttered in a low voice and tried to shirk it, but when he saw Captain Xibi's increasingly angry face, he turned around in a hurry.

"Understood! I'll go right away!"

Seeing Asuka escaping in a hurry, Captain Xibi sighed with regret, turned around and walked back to the combat command room.

He didn't know what Hui Jian wanted the information for, but he was keenly aware that the other party might know something, and was looking for enough evidence to prove his intelligence.

There is an old Chinese saying that it is better to believe in something that exists than something that does not exist. In this critical situation, Captain Xibi is unwilling to let go of any changes that may occur.

He put his hands on his waist, sighed and returned to the combat command room, his eyes fixed on the central screen.

"So, does Queen Monera in Starlight Warrior really need to bring all four of us here?"

Koshizaki Lang thought back to the cosmonauts who were jointly solved by Tiga and Dyna, and he couldn't think of a reason why five Ultra Warriors were needed to defeat them.

"Either that guy is far less weak than the tokusatsu drama shows, or there are other masterminds behind the scenes." Wo Meng answered without hesitation.

Until the end of Ultraman Gaia's TV plot, what the so-called source of death is has still not been revealed. This makes it difficult for both Men and Fujimiya to relax. Will the other party really give up so easily?

"I dream, do you still think it was the earth in this world that brought us this time?" Dagu turned around and asked.

Wo Meng nodded firmly and said jokingly: "There won't be a red ball that can summon us in every world."

Fujimiya nodded silently. He was willing to transform and fight in order to save the world, but that didn't mean he was willing to be summoned here and there like a pet.

Koshizakiro didn't care about this, his stomach was already growling. Suddenly, he was dragged by Xinxing to save the world. In that world, he didn't even have a bite to eat before he was dragged to the world of Dyna.

"Here, we should be in charge of the food." He said uncertainly. Jian Hui arranged for them to live here. They couldn't just let them starve to death.

Gaimeng and Fujimiya looked at each other. Once their worries were put down, the feeling of hunger in their stomachs started to rise.

The battle with the Five Emperors of Neo consumed a lot of physical energy, and even Ultraman's human body needed to replenish energy and rest.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for TPC staff to deliver five normal-sized meals. Obviously Hui Jian didn't want them to show up. The other people were fine, but once Da Gu showed up, he would definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

Even in her current position as a staff officer, it is difficult to keep Dagu under everyone's gaze, even if it is just a Dagu from another world.

No, maybe the Dagu of another world can completely let them put aside their inner worries, and casually compile an order that requires a thorough investigation of outsiders, so that they can take people away openly.

Unless they know that Dagu can still transform and is accompanied by three Ultraman.

After devouring the dinner, Yuesaki Lang felt that it was rare to have a full meal.

Koshizaki sat down on the bed, breathed a long sigh of relief, and stretched his aching body. It seems that as the degree of fusion increases, the damage Gai Ying receives will gradually be clearly reflected on him.

Especially in this battle, after fighting several enemies in a row, the missing energy had just been replenished, and then he was trapped in a battle with a more powerful enemy.

He now has a faint burning sensation in his waist and abdomen, but it doesn't look like there are any scars left. Just lay back and said. ..

"Next, are we going to wait here for Desfasa to show up?"

"Then you still want to become Ultraman and fly around the city?" Fujimiya said casually.

Dagu ignored Fujimiya's words, shook his head and said: "Asuka has also seen the Starlight Warriors. No matter how reckless he is, he should be wary of Desfasa reading his battle memories."

"We can also take turns using Ultrasonic power to search for nearby energy aura. If we are lucky, we may be able to find something."

The other three people nodded. At present, there seems to be no better way.

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