Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 329: Asuka’s Heart Knot

"This is our newest battleship, the Prometheus."

Dr. Kisaragi showed off this unprecedented battleship, with a faint look of pride on his face. In terms of combat weapons facing the enemy, this is almost the crystallization of the highest human wisdom.

"Prometheus?" Asuka blurted out, looking at the battleship in astonishment.

"Shut up, Asuka. We are just here to cooperate with the research." Captain Xibi couldn't help but speak. Interrupting the other party's introduction at this time did not look like a polite person.

Feiniao lowered his head and said nothing more. But just a day ago, he witnessed a "TV plot" about himself in another time and space.

Starlight Warrior, Desfassa, Tiga who was formed by people's hopes, and...the terrifying Neomax Cannon. All this was lingering in his mind, but Feiniao was not affected by anyone. He knew clearly that he should not have such fear.

But Feiniao still couldn't help but think, if this was not the arrangement of the Monera planet, and if humans really had such a battleship, wouldn't Dai Na be needed?

A strong sense of panic about being abandoned inexplicably enveloped my heart.

If humans no longer need Dai Na, what else can he do? Watch them fight silently and never choose to transform again? Are you going to live silently as a human being?

"Asuka! Asuka? Wake up."

Liang's voice rang in his ears, and Asuka raised his head as if waking up from a dream. He followed in a daze all the way, and it wasn't until Liang woke him up that he realized he was standing in a special room.

In the center of the room, a translucent coffin-like container was placed there. Asuka's pupils dilated and he froze in place.

Isn't this the container that read his battle memories, thus putting him at a disadvantage when facing Desfassa?

The flying bird, which has always been fearless, actually took a step back in front of this container, as if it saw a beast coming towards it.

"What's the matter, Asuka? Are you still afraid of coffins?" Liang stood behind him and spoke speechlessly. It was really the first time for this stupid young man who rushed forward without obeying the instructions of the monster to react like this.

Dr. Kisaragi glanced at Asuka meaningfully, and then said nonchalantly: "Next, the Prometheus needs the combat memory of an experienced team member to improve the combat aspect. Who wants to give it a try?"

Several people looked at each other, and Koda stepped forward and lay down in it. Asuka subconsciously raised his hand to stop him, but was forced back by Captain Xibi's eyes, so he could only comfort himself in his heart.

Koda is not Ultraman, maybe Desfasa really needs battle memory to determine his behavior? The other party probably wouldn't do anything to an ordinary human being.

He almost completely ignored Koshizaki Lang and others who were still in this world. His mind was filled with chaotic thoughts. Notifying the four of them and dealing with the Monera Planet in advance... all the better ways were ignored by his chaotic thoughts. .

Seeing Koda's battle memories begin to be read, Asuka turned his head unsteadily and left the room first.

He is reckless, but not stupid. Before it is revealed that Dr. Kisaragi is controlled by the Monera people, his actions now are equivalent to betraying the Super Victory Team. ..

How can he prove what he says? Imprisoning a doctor who manufactures the most advanced weapons based on his identity as a member of the Super Victory Team? I wouldn’t even do this in my daydreams!

"What's wrong, Asuka, you have a sad face."

Asuka was stunned and quickly turned his head. What appeared in sight was Maki Shuo, whom he hadn't really seen for a long time. blurted out subconsciously.

"Senior Maki, you, you are not..."

"A small use of telekinesis, which can also be said to be similar to telepathy. If used well, it can also connect with the earth in the universe."

Zhen Mu Shuo's figure only appeared in his sight. If anyone else came to this open-air platform at this time, they would see the flying bird talking to himself.

"Let's not talk about it. You didn't lie down in that thing. You should not have been affected. Why did you come here to blow the cold wind?"

Asuka rested his arms on the guardrail, and the cold wind blew in his face, which made his hazy state improve.

"I was just thinking, what should I do if humans no longer need Dai Na... Senior Maki, if the world you protect no longer needs Ultra Warriors, what would you choose?"

Maki Shuo was stunned and laughed: "I am an Ultra Warrior myself. That world does not need my protection. There is always a place where Ultra Warriors are needed, and there is always something I should do."

"Leave the earth..." Asuka bit his lip. Unlike Maki Shuo, he was a human being who was born and grew up on this earth.

Even though he is gradually evolving towards light, it is always difficult for Asuka to make up his mind to leave his hometown.

"Then don't think about this now, the earth still needs Ultraman Dyna. What you should think about is why a Queen Monara allowed four Ultra Warriors to be brought into this world."

"Did you get pulled because of this?" Asuka said in surprise, Maki Shuo slapped his forehead and sighed helplessly.

He still overestimated Asuka's character. He thought that the other party should have thought about this problem, but Asuka just spent the day so carelessly.

"I haven't noticed any obvious abnormal energy. Maybe the other party has concealed it well, or maybe the other party is already lurking on the earth, waiting for opportunities."

Zhen Mu Shuo's telepathy is definitely not weak, but he didn't find any abnormalities even when he paid close attention. This is enough to show that the possible third party is a terrible enemy.

Maki Shuo reached out and patted Asuka on the shoulder. Although it didn't feel real, it still gave him some comfort.

"The earth needs Ultraman Dyna now. Think about the future in the future. Do what you need to do now. This is your world and you need to protect it."

Asuka forced a smile and nodded: "I will, senior."

He knew that what Maki Shui said was right, and he also knew that he shouldn't think about this, but he couldn't help but recall the huge battleship and the Neomax cannon that far exceeded Solget's light in his mind. .

Zhen Mu Shuo sighed silently, said nothing more, but disconnected the link of telepathy. At this time, just relying on outsiders' persuasion cannot make Feiniao come out. What he can really rely on is himself.

"Desfasa? Then let me see how far you can go without Asuka's battle memory."

He had no intention of preventing the birth of Desfassa. Dyna had formed a friendship in this world by fighting side by side for a long time, but he was different. Once he broke into this base and destroyed Desfassa, humans would not hesitate to launch attack.

This is Dyna's world. He can open the space channel and leave, but he doesn't want Dyna to stay in this world and bear the vigilance of his partners.

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