Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 330 Desfasa

"This is the ultimate weapon that relies on our power to protect the earth and protect civilians, the Prometheus."

Staff Gondo introduced in an extremely excited tone that this is the power he has been pursuing, a power controlled by humans that is enough to surpass Ultraman.

As long as the top management noticed the unprecedented potential of this project, he would no longer have to ask for help and barely maintain this research base that actually violated some rules.

If the combat power of the Prometheus hadn't made many high-level officials jealous, he would be in the confinement room where the cosmonauts are being held now.

"It has a total length of 154 meters. It is equipped with a Neomax cannon that exceeds the power of Ultraman Solget's light. It can be remotely controlled and unmanned, greatly avoiding the driver's casualties."

"And in it, the combat behavior patterns of the best warriors are stored. His computer is far better than the human brain and can reproduce those combat methods extremely perfectly."...

Just as he pointed at the Prometheus with increasing excitement, the huge battleship suddenly began to take off. The cabin door overhead opened, and the Prometheus escaped control and started on its own.

"What are you doing? The Prometheus is still defective. The battle information has not been fully recorded. Let it land quickly!"

Staff Officer Quan Teng blurted out and lost his voice. The screen in front of him automatically switched to the operator's interface, and an urgent voice sounded.

"We can't do it. The Prometheus is not under our control."

"Asshole, what's going on." Quan Teng ignored the presence of other senior officials for the moment, clenched his fists and hammered the operating table in front of him fiercely, "Where is Dr. Kisaragi? Where is she?"

Before he could get an answer, the screen in front of him automatically switched to the interior of the Prometheus, the room where Koda's battle memories had been read.

"Stupid humans have no meaning in existence. I use this container to inform you of what I will do next. We will use the toy that represents ridiculous humans, the Prometheus, to destroy your patron saint Ultraman Dyna." .”

"What are you talking about? How could Dyna lose?"

The sound that spread throughout the base was also captured by Asuka, and he subconsciously retorted.

Staff Officer Gondo quickly called up the image outside the base. A spaceship about half the size of the Prometheus was suspended in the sky, shining a blue light that enveloped the entire battleship.

The Prometheus quickly changed its posture, and the alloys all over its body were separated and reassembled in a completely different posture. The original black oval part of the front half of the battleship covered the face, and red lines lit up on it.

The Prometheus, which had transformed from a 154-meter battleship into a 77-meter-tall giant robot, slowly landed on the ground.

"This is the one who faces death and brings destruction to mankind. The toy you made with your own hands, Desfasa."

"Dr. Kisaragi" has an ironic smile. When humans are exterminated by toys made by themselves, they may regret getting involved in power beyond their control.

Captain Xibi, who had not yet left, looked around and couldn't help but say: "Where is that idiot Asuka? At such an important time, he was absent again."

"Hey! Captain, how could I escape from the battle? I'm a bird." As soon as he finished speaking, the bird who also heard the siren came running from a distance waving his hands.

Captain Xibi glared at him, ignored Asuka who was still bragging, and immediately said: "Super Victory Team, move out."

It was said that they were dispatched, but without any fighter pilots, the only things they could use seemed to be the guns in their hands and the Victory Condor that drove them to this base.

Several people took steps one after another and ran towards the Victory Condor. But Feiniao was half a position behind, gradually widening the distance to avoid the sight of several people.

After everyone in the Super Victory Team gradually disappeared from sight, he came to a corner, looked around to make sure there were no cameras or other people, and then raised the flashing sword in his hand.

In a burst of light, a red, blue and silver giant appeared in front of Desfasa, who was standing quietly.

Captain Xibi, who had just boarded the Victory Condor, clearly smiled and said happily: "Here we come, Ultraman Dyna!"

Dana clasped his hands in front of and back in a fighting stance, staring closely at Desfasa opposite him. Even if Dyna's fighting style is not recorded, this is still a formidable enemy that is difficult to deal with.

In front of "Dr. Kisaragi", a huge projection appeared, recording all of Dyna's battle records in all human data.

Even though he didn't get Asuka's battle memories, Desfaza still knew Dyna's fighting style far better than anyone else on Earth.

Dyna took the lead and stepped forward. He raised his right arm and knocked it down with a hand knife. However, he was caught by Desfasa's right arm like a pair of pliers. The powerful force restrained his wrist, causing severe pain like bone fractures.

Dana quickly raised his left hand and tried to break open the tightly restrained alloy claws. But Desfasa's power far exceeded that of the shining Dyna. Not only did the alloy claws not loosen, but it became tighter and tighter.

Just as Dyna was trying to break free, Desfasa had already raised his left arm, and six laser cannons surrounding the circle fired one after another.

The successive cannon fire exploded in Dyna's chest, and Dyna, who had no way to avoid it, could only bear the blow with his body surface.

Seeing that Dyna was still trying to break away, Desfasa's right arm suddenly stretched out, wrapping around Dyna's body like a huge whip, and smashed it to the ground left and right.

Every time he fell to the ground, the ground shook violently, accompanied by severe pain in Dana's back.

"Can't you match your strength? Then try this again!"

As Dyna drank, the muscle outline of his body became visible to the naked eye. Red occupied most of his body, followed by extremely powerful power.

He spread his arms, and Desfasa's outstretched arms kept making sounds of being overwhelmed.

Sensing Dyna's transformation, Desfasa quickly adjusted his combat method. His arms separated from Dyna and retracted to their original length. The chest armor opened and the huge muzzle was slowly pushed out.

Regarding the Neomax Cannon, after seeing his reaction in the plot, Asuka could not help but doubt that it was more powerful than the Soljet light he had been using.

Looking at Desfasa who was gradually rising into the sky, Dana gritted his teeth and was about to switch back to his shining form and rush forward to stop him.

But Desfasa's left arm was raised again, and six laser cannons fired continuously, and the fire that exploded one after another covered Dyna's position.

In the firelight, Dyna, whose body surface returned to red and blue in addition to silver, broke through the firelight and crashed into Desfasa.

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