Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 333 Emperor Monera

Queen Monera's body expanded to nearly a kilometer, with dark golden light lingering on the outline of her body, and then contracted inward. The body that originally covered the sky shrank faster than it expanded.

The weird monster-like figure also transformed in the shroud of light, with golden stripes spreading on the hands, feet and tentacles, forming a giant humanoid figure.

The surface of the six dancing blue tentacles is wrapped with symmetrical golden stripes, the blue body is attached to a yellow vine-like mesh armor, and under the scarlet round eyes is a bird-shaped beak.

The dark golden nails on the top of the head form a strange crown, and on the outside of Emperor Monara's arms, there are still fin-like tissues composed of golden bone structures and blue septa.

He stepped forward slowly, as if he was adapting to this new structure of his body, and the six tentacles behind him were swinging at exactly the same frequency.

The top of the Rokujo shot suddenly lit up with red light, and then six beams were fired at the same time, leaving a circle of irregular explosions in the city where it landed.

The billowing smoke and crackling flames isolated Emperor Monaira from the city dozens of meters away. The crowd that had just begun to evacuate was quickly engulfed by the explosion, and screams and calls for help suddenly disappeared as the fire spread. end.

"Is that... the enhanced Queen Monara?" Koshizaki Rō just glanced at it, and then tightened the spark prism in his hand. "We can't let him continue to expand the scope of destruction."

The five people looked at each other, nodded at the same time and raised their respective transformers. Five beams of light soared into the sky opposite Emperor Monera, and the light gradually outlined the figures of the five Ultra warriors.

Emperor Monara seemed to be stunned for a moment subconsciously. Even counting Tiga who had appeared before and Geying not long ago, there were only three Ultra warriors in their database.

But now there were five Ultra Warriors standing in front of him. The red and blue Ultra Warriors had never been seen before.

"You can go back after dealing with this guy." Aguru raised his head, raised his right arm, and pointed at Emperor Monera.

Gaia didn't say much, just stared at Emperor Monera opposite him with vigilance. The opposite side may not be the source of bringing them to this world, but it definitely cannot be underestimated.

The moment the five Ultra Warriors appeared at the same time, the light examples in their bodies became active again to an incredible extent.

"Five...Ultraman." Liang stared blankly at the five huge figures shrouded in light. She had never seen such a grand battle scene.

In the center of Emperor Monara's back, countless tentacles stretched out and quickly extended towards Wuao. The overwhelming tentacles covered the sky and the sun, quickly covering an area within a kilometer.

Gai Ying quickly raised his hand to shoot down the oncoming tentacle, turned around and shot down the right tentacle with a light arrow from his palm. He quickly folded his arms and spread them out flat, cutting off several tentacles in succession.

But what followed was more tentacles rushing forward, the ground behind him cracked, and a tentacle pushed it away, quickly wrapping around Gai Ying's throat.

Dyna crossed his arms and swung them out quickly. The two light whips on his arms pushed back the tentacles in front of him. A constantly rotating light wheel formed in his right hand, cutting off the approaching tentacles one after another.

But as he waved out his right arm, the tentacle on the left wrapped around the wrist of Dana's right hand and quickly tightened it. At the moment when Dyna's attention was attracted by it, countless tentacles under him swarmed in, pulling His right arm was also tightly wrapped around him.

Diga's arms lit up with blue energy and knocked down the approaching tentacles one by one. Then he made the same gesture as Gai Ying. Diga also cut off several tentacles and disappeared into countless dancing blues. among.

Diga wanted to continue condensing the cutting light blade, but the ground beneath his feet cracked in an irregular circle, and countless tentacles wound up along Diga's legs.

There are also two tentacles on the left and right sides that break through the ground and bind the hands stretched out by Tiga's cutting.

The blue light blade in Aguru's right hand extended, and the blue sword shadow waved, cutting off several tentacles. But then all the tentacles quickly surrounded the space where Aguru was.

No matter how fast the swing was, it could not cover every inch of the body at the same time. When the blue lightsaber cut off all the tentacles on the left and right sides, a tentacle had quietly wrapped around Aguru's waist.

Gaia quickly raised her hands and fired a red flashing blade that shone like crystal, trying to cut off the tentacles that tied Aguru.

But behind him, there was also a tentacle that quickly wrapped around Gaia's neck.

Within a radius of a kilometer, tentacles sprouted out of the ground one after another, like rapidly growing plants, with their tops pointing toward the sky and constantly swinging.

In the center of the countless dancing tentacles were the five Ultra Warriors who were tied up and Emperor Monera who was still standing there.

"Ultraman...failed? Even Tiga..."

In the smoke-filled ruins, with dancing tentacles all around them, the surviving young men stared blankly at the five Ultra Warriors who were struggling but to no avail.

Through the intertwined tentacles of blue and dark gold, Diga's unique red and purple body can be vaguely seen.

The familiar figure and the current situation on the battlefield made his mind seem to drift back to many years ago. In that battle with all his strength, he also turned into light and fought with Tiga.

"If possible, I also want to become light again and give Ultraman power..."

"I remember that day that has appeared in my dreams countless times. I am also Diga, and I have fought with him."

At this time, the tentacles that were getting tighter and tighter had almost wrapped Ultraman into a huge cocoon, and the two giant cocoons in the center suddenly erupted with billowing heat waves.

Through the twisted air, a red light could be clearly seen gradually lighting up in the gaps of the giant cocoon.

Diga and Gaiying activated Ultra High Heat Explosion at the same time, and the high-heat light particles extended along Emperor Monera's tentacles toward his body.

Gaia and Aguru activated teleportation at the same time and appeared in mid-air. After a short period of energy accumulation, the red and blue light shredded countless approaching tentacles and extended towards Emperor Monera's body.

Only the big cocoon wrapped around Dyna remained motionless. The simultaneous attacks from both sides caused Emperor Monera to quickly shrink and sell, intertwining with each other into an airtight ball to wrap himself in it.

The double rays of light completely exploded less than ten meters in front of Emperor Monera, and the tentacles were torn apart and disappeared in the energy explosion.

On the tentacles that could not be disconnected, the red energy had spread to Emperor Monera's back. The energy of the two explosions was mixed, and the resulting air wave instantly suppressed the burning flames in the city.

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