Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 334 The light of hope reappears

The shield-like tentacles were torn apart by the violent energy, and were pushed up into the air with the impact of the explosion. Countless plant-like fragments fell down, and the tissues that were not completely dead were still struggling to squirm.

A steady stream of tentacles quickly replenished, constantly counteracting the approaching energy.

After a stalemate for several seconds, Gaia and Aguru stopped emitting light one after another. Gaiying and Diga, who had escaped from the tentacles, also turned back in time to distance themselves. Si'ao glanced at Dana, who was still bound, and at the same time fired a light blade to cut off the entangled tentacles.

Dyna rolled on the spot and was also out of the range of the dancing tentacles. Wuao looked at Emperor Monera not far away.

On one side is a bizarre scene of countless dancing tentacles, on the other side is a patchwork reinforced concrete jungle. Destruction and peace are in stark contrast at this moment, like light and darkness.

The tops of Emperor Monara's six tentacles converged on his chest, and a dark golden light group gradually took shape as the six rays of light illuminated it.

The five ao also accumulated their own strength, and red, blue, gold, and white entwined with each other to form a huge spiral beam.

The Crown of Destruction collided with the fusion light. The crowd who had already escaped thousands of meters could clearly feel the strong wind blowing in their faces. The fusion light had an absolute advantage visible to the naked eye, pushing towards Emperor Monera on the left step by step. .

Emperor Monara's six main tentacles still maintain the launch of the Destruction Crown, and with the roots of the six tentacles as the center, hundreds of slightly smaller tentacles stretch out, pointing at Wuao at the same time.

The overwhelming dark golden light was launched one after another, forming a barrage of astonishing power. Wu'ao, who still maintained his launching posture, was quickly swallowed up by it.

Intense explosions erupted from all directions, the fusion light was forcibly interrupted, and the Destruction Crown, which lost its hindrance, advanced rapidly.

The dark golden light beam surrounded by golden lightning pushed the body that added up to hundreds of thousands of tons, leaving a clear dividing line centered on the area where the tentacles were dancing.

Gai Ying tried hard to stand up, but fell back to the ground. The color timer on his chest changed from blue to flashing red. The colored timers on the chests of the remaining four Ultra Warriors also flashed one after another.

If the five Ultra Warriors hadn't dispersed the power of Destruction Crown, this blow would have been enough to knock any one of them out of their transformation, and even the human body would have been seriously injured.

The active light particles allowed the Ultra warriors to clearly feel the warmth in their bodies. The originally weak limbs seemed to be soaked in warm water. The soreness temporarily subsided, and the five Ultra warriors stood up again one after another.



"Diga, you are back!"

"Don't give up, Dyna!"

"Gai Ying! Please."

Countless chaotic prayers or shouts sounded in their hearts across the barriers of space. In particular, the voices calling Tiga and Dana were the clearest, while the shadows were slightly weaker.

As for Gaia and Agur who appeared for the first time, people just generally called them Ultraman.

Many middle-aged people even couldn't help but burst into tears. Unlike teenagers who were children back then and would probably forget about it, the mark Tiga left on their hearts is indelible.

In the darkness where almost everyone fell into despair, the radiant Tiga illuminated the future for them.

Whenever they suffered setbacks and wanted to give up, the dazzling giant from back then seemed to appear in front of them to remind them that enemies as terrifying as Tiga could be defeated, why couldn't they?

Along with the shouts, a faint golden light lit up on the bodies of all those who sincerely supported Ultraman.

Different from the oppressive dark gold on Emperor Monaira, the light is extremely pure, with warmth and hope.

Countless rays of light poured into the bodies of the five Ultra Warriors, and the flashing red light on their chests immediately returned to full blue. The faint light lingered around the body surface, blurring the original lines.

The giant shrouded in golden light stood on the ground. Although it did not have the huge size and terrifying power it had many years ago, its appearance was the same.

"The shining Tiga..."

Hui Jian murmured, and her pace of running outside gradually slowed down. From this point of view, her support as the former captain of the victory team was no longer needed at the scene. .

The Victory Condor streaked across the sky and circled around Emperor Monera's territory. Each of its countless tentacles could easily shoot it down. Captain Hibi was cautious and did not intend to go deep. Instead, he repeatedly killed Emperor Monara on the outside. the power of.

At the moment when the five Ultraman were at a disadvantage, he almost gave the order to rush in to buy enough time for Ultraman.

But before he could make up his mind to block it with the Victory Condor, countless rays of light flew from behind and slowly flew past both sides of the cabin.

The soft golden light illuminated everyone's face. Mai was stunned and suddenly lowered her head and raised her right hand to look at her palm.

The looming golden light gradually became clear, covering her body, and then she flew towards Dyna's color timer with the courage and determination to help the Ultra Warriors.

Emperor Monara noticed something unusual, and the energy aura of the five giants across from him unabashedly surged at an incredible speed.

It was like the electric light that was having a hard time lighting up the entire room suddenly became dazzling and turned into the sun in the sky.

As the six main tentacles on Emperor Monera's back gathered in front of his chest again, the Destruction Crown was launched with full force more than the last time. Surrounding the Destruction Crown, there were countless dark golden lights emitted by ordinary tentacles.

The five Ultra warriors raised their hands at the same time, and a huge golden barrier appeared in front of them, and terrifying energy fell head-on on the shining Alura barrier.

There were no energy particles that offset each other, and there was no explosion caused by collision and detonation. The Destruction Crown quietly disappeared the moment it came into contact with the shining Alura barrier, like a layer of snow receding under the blazing sun.

All the tentacles behind Emperor Monara quickly retracted into the body, except for the six main tentacles that maintained the Destruction Crown.

A ripple on the surface of the already extremely terrifying energy beam quickly moved forward in the direction of emission. Every bit of power was squeezed out by Emperor Monaira, trying to break through the seemingly indestructible barrier.

But no matter how he increased his energy output, he was still powerless in front of the falling golden light.

A few seconds later, the golden barrier suddenly shrank rapidly, turning from an impenetrable defense into an indestructible sword.

The Destruction Crown, which lasted for several seconds, was completely absorbed by the shining Alura barrier and turned into light particles. The energy that had been constantly accumulated exploded completely at this moment.

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