Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 336 Return of Geddy

Opening his somewhat dry eyes, Yue Qilang blinked hard, but the uncomfortable feeling still did not disappear. The dryness of his mouth made it impossible for him to even secrete a trace of saliva.

Not bothering to change out of his dirty clothes or deal with the stained quilt, Koshizaki opened the quilt and grabbed the water glass on the side. He drank it for more than ten seconds before stopping and gasping for air.

The energy consumed has been restored to some extent, but the marks left by being hit everywhere on the body or tightened by the tentacles have not completely disappeared.

After moving my body for a while, I felt soreness and stagnation everywhere.

Human light only completely stimulated Gai Ying's power for a short period of time, causing a situation similar to the original form.

In the case of Shining Mode, his recovery ability does increase greatly. But after the transformation is released, everything will fall back to its original level.

If another person suffered such an injury, the best option would undoubtedly be to go to the hospital for examination and receive professional treatment. But Koshizaki knew that he couldn't go. Under the strengthening of light, his body had already surpassed that of ordinary people.

If he really foolishly ran to the hospital, there would be a target who was identified as a suspected spaceman because of abnormal tests.

When the hospital stabilizes him, it will notify the EPU and he will appear again in the room where he was captured.

After simply cleaning up the bloodstained area, he stuffed the clothes and quilt into the washing machine, and then turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

In the kitchen where no one cooks all year round, only the refrigerator is still in use. Koshizaki rummaged through the cabinets and found a cup noodle that was still within the shelf life, soaked it in hot water and stuffed it into his stomach hungrily.

Unless there are other accidents, this is his general diet. Koichi Koshizaki is often away from home, and he doesn't always have time to cook for himself.

After barely filling his stomach, Koshizaki breathed a long sigh of relief and fell back on the bed.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue training with Ray, who is considered weak compared to fighting skills, but it's because he's so groggy now that it's difficult to maintain a clear mind for training.

But just as he fell back on the bed, the mobile phone next to him lit up, and the caller ID noted "It's basically dawn."

Resisting the pain in the injured area and the fatigue that had not yet completely dissipated, I got up, reached out and fumbled a few times, grabbed the phone in my hand, and pressed the connect button.

"Lang, a Galanda has landed on the earth..."

Before he finished speaking, the beep of the call being hung up rang. Koshizaki Lang's body that had just relaxed was forced to sit up again, patted his face, gritted his teeth and held the spark prism.

He vaguely felt that the name Galanda was familiar, but he couldn't think of any specific information in his daze, so he opened the door and ran out as quickly as possible.

In the sky above the earth, a monster covered in exoskeletons with a body shape close to an inverted triangle is rapidly approaching the surface.

Stepping into an alley, Yuezaki raised his arm, the spark prism unfolded, and the energy core bloomed with bright golden light. His body changed rapidly in the light, and he stretched his arms and flew upward.

The red and blue giant's speed increased suddenly, and it rushed towards Galanda, who was approaching rapidly through telekinesis.

The red light bullet and the golden light blade collided and were annihilated in the center, but Galanda's already extremely fast speed suddenly increased sharply, and its hard exoskeleton made it carry extremely terrifying destructive power.

Gai Ying, who was in poor condition, slowed down his dodge by half a beat, flew backwards at a faster speed, and crashed onto a low mountain.

The already small mountain quickly cracked and turned into countless rubbles scattered, burying Gai Ying under the

Gelanda passed through the sky at high speed, firing red energy light bombs one after another, completely blowing up the collapsed low mountain. Smoke and dust spread all over it, and the accumulated gravel was visible to the naked eye.

Koshizaki covered his chest and gasped rapidly. The oncoming impact was like an ordinary person being hit head-on by a speeding truck.

The silver palm pushed away the gravel and got up again amidst the sporadic burning flames and the smoke mixed with black smoke and dust.

Watching Gailanda change direction and rush forward again, Gai Ying put his hands around his waist without hesitation and spread them to both sides. Golden thin lines appeared in front of him, and the Rostim light met Gailanda's flying direction. direction of launch.

The golden light collided with the ferocious and skeleton-like Galanda, which was covered in exoskeletons. The speed of Galanda's collision dropped sharply, but the terrifying destructive power did not cause any damage except leaving some scorched marks on its body. harm.

Galanda just hit Gai Ying again with Rosim's light, causing his body weighing tens of thousands of tons to fly hundreds of meters before falling to the ground.

After being hit in the chest twice in a row, a burst of chest tightness gave Koshizaki the illusion of suffocation.

His condition was extremely poor to begin with, it was difficult for Gaiying's power to be brought into full play, and Gailanda's defense was absolutely terrifying. For a while, Yuesakiro seemed to be helpless.

"Lang, your current condition is not suitable for fighting..."

Maki Shuo's voice sounded, and he looked at Koshizaki Rō with some worry. Yue Qilang shook his head stubbornly. M..

"I have already realized that I am an Ultra Warrior. The injuries I suffered are exactly the same as yours. Since you have not given up the fight, what reason do I have to back down?"

He paused and said, "We are... of the same mind."

Maki Shuo was stunned for a moment, then nodded, feeling a little relieved in his heart. It is true that Rō Koshizaki is no longer the child who needed him to worry and have headaches when they first became one.

Just when Galanda swooped down again, a golden light flashed past, and the lightsaber hit Galanda's chest and abdomen, leaving a clear mark.

Before Gelanda could react, a golden beam of light knocked it away. As the strange blue giant landed, Geddy, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, followed closely behind him. He excitedly came forward and used his huge body to hug the shadow.

"Xikali? Are you here with Geddy too?"

Seeing the gaze of the giant known as Hikari, Gedi shrank behind Gai Ying, staring at the opponent warily, ready to escape at any time.

"Geddy? By the way, I have been ignoring where Geddy has been for so long."

It suddenly dawned on Koshizakiro that he had ignored where the puppy that had been wandering around him and Maki Naka had gone, but Maki Shuo knew it very well.

Hikali was stunned and laughed: "I just saw this kind of monster for the first time and wanted to study it. It will not cause any harm to it."

Geddy shook his huge head, and then shrank back from Gai Ying. Hikali helplessly turned his gaze to Gai Ying, raised his hand and said.

"Long time no see, Gai Ying, I have brought you new power."

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