Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 337 The new spark prism

A ball of light flew out of Hikari's hand and disappeared into Gai Ying's colorful timer. In front of Yuesaki Lang, a brand new spark prism appeared in his sight.

He subconsciously reached out to hold it. Different from the warm jade-like texture of the spark prism he used to transform, the new spark prism was much harder to hold.

At the same time, Gai Ying also made a gesture of holding hands, dazzling golden light bloomed, and a proportionally huge spark prism appeared in his hand.

As the central energy core bloomed, the spark prism was transformed into a golden energy state, transforming from a simple transformer into a long sword.

As the energy state of the Spark Prism Sword returned to its physical form, the appearance of the Spark Prism remained almost unchanged. The energy core extended out of the silver-white sword body, reflecting the radiance of the sun, and flashed across the long and narrow sword body.

With the injection of light energy from Gai Ying, a circle of golden light blades extended from the sword blades on both sides.

After swinging it casually a few times, the weight and feel of the Spark Prism Sword were unusually suitable. Most importantly, the most suitable thing for it was the light that covered the shadow.

"I modified the function of the spark prism so that it can also be used after it is enlarged." Hikali introduced in the consciousness space.

This is not a surprising technology for the Kingdom of Light. What was really transformed by Hikari was the effect of the Spark Prism itself.

"As you can see, I set the form of a weapon for the Spark Prism, so that it breaks away from being just a transformer. I added an effect that can quickly gather light energy and a light particle expander for it."

Yue Qilang hadn't noticed anything yet, but Gai Ying beside him nodded. He was able to detect that the injected light particles showed destructive power that far exceeded their quantity, that is, using less energy to cause greater results.

"At the same time, this thing can be used for all the light you emit, and it also has a considerable energy reserve."

Hikali briefly introduced the functions he had transformed, and then turned to another topic.

"Then I'll leave this earth to you three. Because of Ketruv's chaotic energy and the influence of the Rebrando people, the entire universe has fallen into chaos, and the Kingdom of Light is extremely busy."

Gai Ying was stunned for a moment, then nodded. As for outside the consciousness space, the exchange between the two Austrians only lasted a moment.

Galanda was circling around at high speed, seemingly extremely afraid of the lightsaber in Hikali's hand. That was one of the few weapons its birth consciousness had ever seen that could leave damage on his exoskeleton.

However, Hikari had no intention of staying any longer. The surface of his body was covered by a layer of intense light, turning into a ball of light and rising into the air. Obviously, the situation in the Kingdom of Light universe is far more serious than what he said.

But Gaelanda obviously wouldn't give him any time to think about it. After confirming that Hikari had left, its inverted triangular body swooped down towards Gai Ying again.

Gai Ying subconsciously turned sideways to dodge, and at the same time raised his hand to hold the lightsaber in front of him. The sharp light blade grazed Gelanda's exoskeleton, leaving a shallow white mark on it.

Just as Gelanda turned, three blue lasers hit its wings at the same time, but the tough exoskeleton perfectly blocked all attacks, and the lasers could only spatter some sparks on its back in vain. ..

"The attack is ineffective." Harada Hiroki quickly reported as he controlled the No. 2 machine to roll over in mid-air to avoid the oncoming red light bullet.

Imoto Kyoko pressed the launch button one after another, and the energy cannon switched to red laser and exploded with greater fire on Gelanda's body, but except for making its wings a little more charred, it had no effect.

"Currently all conventional equipment is ineffective. Priority is given to supporting Ultraman." Iwata Eikei quickly made a judgment. It was the stupidest choice to attack without any method when it was determined that the attack was ineffective.

The two glanced at the figure holding the spark prism sword and replied at the same time: "Understood."

Looking at the figure flying at high speed, Koshizaki Rang, who was controlling the Geying battle, was suddenly stunned for a moment. His super-strong Ultra vision allowed him to easily capture the scratches left by Hikari's lightsaber.

Above the scratch, there were still faint white traces left by the spark prism sword in his hand.

He suddenly took the initiative to lift the Spark Prism Sword, and the shadow crystal on his forehead flashed blue light, and dark blue quickly occupied most of his body.

Gai Ying's speed, which was already not slow, increased again with the change of form. The blades formed by the light energy on both sides of the spark prism sword in his hand turned blue, and he rushed towards Gelanda.

Two huge bodies passed each other, and even though they were still a little dazed, the speed bonus brought by the sky shape still allowed Geying to avoid Galanda in time before the collision.

The blue sword blade easily hit the sword mark left by Hikali before, making it a little deeper. This attack finally made Geilanda feel the pain, and with an angry roar, three red light bullets flew towards Gai Ying.

The Spark Prism Sword was swung one after another, and the blade with the same color as the sky split the light bullets one by one with unparalleled sharpness, and exploded when they landed on the ground on both sides.

The dirt and gravel were thrown into the air, and large clouds of smoke covered the shadow.

The three fighter planes flew through the air in a U-shaped pattern, firing lasers one after another at Gelanda, which collided again and tried to rush into the smoke.

Even though Gelanda was moving at high speed, it was still flying in a straight line, and three lasers hit the only gap in the exoskeleton.

Severe pain came again, making Galanda more and more manic, and red light bullets were fired wantonly, like a spectacular "heavy rain".

Every drop of "rain" can easily blow up a tall building, and at this moment, such "heavy rain" covers the entire battlefield.

The successive explosions caused more smoke and dust to be thrown up, and most of the battlefield became hazy.

And just as the two red light bombs were launched in the direction of Gai Ying, the silver-white sword body had already "glued" to the two energy-formed light bombs.

As the long sword was swung, a vaguely red figure spun in a circle, and the two red light bombs quickly turned into a color like flowing lava and flew back in the direction of Galanda.

Accompanied by the explosion that obscured sight and disrupted perception, the shadow transformed into a force shape and burst out of the black smoke wrapped in flames. The light blade transformed into a red spark prism sword and accurately stabbed the only damage on Gelanda's exoskeleton.


As Yuesakiro's voice sounded, the red light on the Spark Prism Sword boiled completely, pouring from the tip of the sword into Gelanda's body.

The high-heat light particles wreaked havoc on its body's organs, and then exploded inside Gelanda's body.

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