Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 339 Alienated Resentment

The scattered searchlights illuminated the surroundings like daylight. In the center, a huge, weird human figure wearing armor and holding a samurai sword was standing there without any movement.

The energy cannons all around and the fighter planes passing by in mid-air were on guard, setting up a dragnet around the resentful ghost.

The patrolling EPU guards dare not relax and look around for a moment, alert to any anomalies that may appear at any time. Except for special monsters like Abersol and Ulla, most of the damage caused by monsters so far has been "contributed" to alienated energy.

But to the surprise of all the senior officials, the always active deep divers had no intention of showing up. Everything was calm, and even the resentful ghosts they were guarding against did not make any move.

It seems...that unusually huge energy reaction is just Harada Hiroki's illusion.

"I heard that this guy seemed to appear suddenly. Looking at his attire, he couldn't be some legendary ghost." The youngest patrol member at the end of the team whispered.

The team member in front of him didn't look back. He looked around cautiously and said casually.

"Who knows, it feels like since the monster appeared, nothing will surprise me anymore."

The captain suddenly turned around and glanced at them. The two of them closed their mouths at the same time and became serious, pretending to be nonchalant, as if it was not them who spoke before.

The whole night passed without incident. The captain of the patrol yawned and prepared for the already arranged changing of the guard.

But the eyes of the originally calm resentful ghost suddenly lit up with a clear blue-gray light, and the black mist surrounding him suddenly increased several times.

"Captain, the resentful ghost has begun to move."

Fujii Takihiko, who had just sat down, immediately stood up and walked out of the temporary combat command room, followed closely by Harada Hiroki. The two of them looked up at the same time at the huge figure who had just raised his arm.

Only when you really look up at such a close distance can you clearly understand what more than fifty meters is like.

The resentful ghost slowly raised his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and pulled out the katana from his waist. The silver metal blade was surrounded by black mist, and the blue-gray light in his eyes made him look extremely strange.

As the knife slashed from left to right, the solid high-rise made of reinforced concrete in front of the resentful ghost did not form any obstacle, and neatly slid to the right, shattering on the ground and turning into ruins.

Seeing the resentful ghost begin to move towards the center of the city, Fujii Takihiko could not hesitate any longer and spoke quickly.

"The direction he is heading towards is the center of the city. Various departments have begun to attack and he cannot be allowed to leave here."

After a brief pause, all the energy cannons turned their muzzles and pointed in the direction of the resentful ghost. A stream of red and blue lasers pierced the night sky, but without exception, they penetrated the body of the resentful ghost.

"The attack is ineffective?!"

A voice of surprise and disbelief sounded from the headphones, and Fujii Takihiko's face became increasingly ugly. The resentful ghost manifests like an invisible ghost, but it can cause physical damage to the city.

A red energy beam fell directly at the feet of the resentful ghost, engulfing the lower half of his body in the bright flames, but did not hinder the slightest movement of the resentful ghost.

Unscathed, with no damage to his armor, the resentful ghost stepped forward again, ignoring the rising flames, and swung his katana again.

The blue laser fired by Tornado One was split in two with a knife, piercing the rotating energy cannons on the left and right sides of the ground. The muzzle of the cannon that had just been aimed at him broke off and fell into the dust.

"Is this guy a collection of resentments?"

Tianming, who was watching the battle from a distance, said something strange, and just after he finished speaking, he denied his opinion.

"It doesn't look like it, it's more of a breath of alienated energy. Is it Him again?"

Maki Zhong nodded. The resentful ghost in his eyes was more like a collection of heroic spirits, but mixed with a little resentment and more alienated energy.

"Leave it to Lang, I remember that brother Gai Ying has similar purification abilities."

Nemoto Tianming nodded. Even so, the two of them had no intention of leaving, and were ready to transform into resentful ghosts at any time to stop them from moving forward.

Ten seconds later, a huge burst of light energy approached from behind at great speed, and the silver ball of light crashed directly into the resentful ghost that was still advancing.

Kyoko Imoto, who was flying a fighter plane in mid-air, stared at the unresponsive ghost, as if expecting this enemy that could never be touched to be knocked down.

But she was disappointed in the end. The silver ball of light transformed by Gai Ying penetrated the body of the resentful ghost, returned to a size of more than fifty meters directly in front of the resentful ghost, and took a fighting stance.

The bluish-gray light in the eyes under the armor on the resentful ghost's head was even stronger, and Gai Ying could clearly detect that the other party was looking at him.

The ordinary-looking samurai sword struck down his head. Gai Ying took a step back and turned sideways. A tall building behind him was split into two vertically from the center.

Gai Ying glanced sideways at the severed building and kept a vigilant eye on the resentful ghost. The huge warrior didn't pause at all, and stepped closer again, slashing with his sword.

Gai Ying dodged left and right to avoid the three knives. The knife slashed by the resentful ghost was avoided, and the blade of the knife was turned and raised quickly in his hand. .

The breastplate on Gai Ying's chest was slashed, and with a soft hiss, a tiny scar separated by the breastplate appeared on his chest, and little light particles scattered outward from the wound.

Gai Ying took a few steps back and knelt down on one knee. The golden light in his palm lit up. Two seconds later, the shallow knife mark disappeared.

"I can't get hit by that knife again."

Maki Shuo's voice sounded in the space of consciousness. Just now, when Koshizakiro had lifted the tip of the knife, he tried his best to move back, but it was still grazed on the chest.

Koshizaki gasped violently as he pressed his chest. Although his injuries had recovered under the effect of the light, the intense pain had not completely disappeared.

"He used weapons, and so did we."

Yuesakiro suppressed the impact of the pain, stood up, and stretched out his right hand in front of him to hold it. A proportionally huge spark prism appeared in Gai Ying's hand, and then turned into an energy sword emitting golden light.

As Gai Ying swung his sword to the lower right, the sword body made of light energy quickly transformed into a solid body. The light particles on the surface of the sword body spread around, revealing the spark prism sword inside.

At the same time, the resentful ghost raised his katana again and slashed diagonally from the upper right to the left. The spark prism sword collided with the katana, and golden and blue-gray energy lit up on the two weapons respectively.

The swords intersected, and each collision caused countless energy particles of two colors to fly. Gai Ying raised his sword and raised the katana, and slashed at the right arm of the resentful ghost holding the sword with his side hand.

But the energy-laden blow just passed through the Resentful Ghost's arm. Gai Ying quickly sheathed his sword and retreated, staring closely at the Resentful Ghost opposite.

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