Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 340: Regaining Courage

It seems that only when the other party wants to touch a certain object, his phantom-like body will turn into reality. The swords collided again, and each jumped back to distance themselves.

Gai Ying brought his left hand together and brushed his fingers against the silver-white sword body, and a ball of golden, blazing energy flames lit up on the sword body.

The katana in the hand of the resentful ghost was rotated ninety degrees, and the blade was pointed at Gai Ying. A blue-grey flame with a bit of strange energy also rose from the blade, with a few strands of entangled black threads.

The crescent-shaped light blades wrapped with bright golden and black threads slashed out at the same time. The two huge slashes collided in an

After a moment of stalemate, the golden slash finally gained the upper hand. A golden crescent moon slightly larger than the light blade broke through the resentful ghost's slash, penetrated his body and flew out of the city.

Gai Ying raised his hand and held the Spark Prism Sword horizontally. Golden light once again spread across the sword body, and the physical long sword transformed into a golden energy state that rapidly extended.

In less than a second, the golden light transformed from a long sword into a spear. The wings of the spark prism occupied both sides. The shortened sword tip in the center expanded in a circle, and the original handle quickly extended into a gun shaft.

The resentful ghost did not show the slightest surprise. It seemed that he no longer had any other emotions except fighting. He just waved the katana lightly.

All the energy cannons that were approaching from the ground were cut into two pieces by this knife, and countless black smoke floated up along with the flames caused by the explosion of the energy source of the energy cannon.

The gun barrel collided with the katana, and then the spark prism gun rotated in a circle, and the katana was driven by that force to move downward around the gun barrel.

The spark prism gun took the opportunity to stab forward and plunged directly into the belly of the resentful ghost. Light particles emitted from the central energy core, and blue-gray smoke gradually rose.

The resentful ghost's eyes flickered from gold to blue-grey for a few times, and his original move to dodge was delayed for a moment. Although the spear tip purified by Molokum did not purify the resentful ghosts as expected, it still had an effect.

"It's alienated energy again. No matter how many scapegoats you put on Him, it won't be unfair." Yue Qilang couldn't help but complain.

The resentful ghost only paused for a few seconds before becoming active again. Gai Ying quickly took two steps back with his gun, turned his wrist and stabbed the resentful ghost in the neck.

The katana was raised just right, and it was stuck in the split blade above the tip of the spark prism gun. Gai Ying turned the spear, but the katana was also stuck.

No matter how the resentful ghost turned the katana, the spark prism gun moved with it, blocking his only weapon.

At this time, drawing the sword and retreating was the best choice, but the spark prism gun that originally jammed the katana suddenly shrank and transformed into a long bow in the state of energy filled with golden light.

It was a thirty-meter curved bow with clearly visible blades on both sides, and the central hand grip was made of the same material as the handle of a spark prism.

An arrow formed from golden energy quickly took shape with Gai Yingxula's movements, streaking through the air at an extremely fast speed. The moment before it came into contact with the resentful ghost, it dispersed into countless energy particles and wrapped it in it.

The resentful ghost knelt down on one knee in pain, his right hand still unwilling to let go of the handle of the katana, and the blade penetrated deeply into the ground to support his body.

The blue-gray mist around him continued to drift away and was expelled from the body, but the black thread-like energy surrounding the resentful ghost showed signs of getting stronger.

The broken energy cannons and helpless fighter planes that were always hovering in the air surrounded the resentful ghost who was still stubbornly insisting on something. Weird sounds of roars and wailings went straight into the sky.

Gai Ying, who had been maintaining the purification of Molokmu, gradually became unable to do so, and the energy output he continued to maintain continued to offset the resentment in the resentful ghost.

The ground was filled with smoke and burning flames, and the patrol members had already dispersed to avoid the battlefield. It's not because of fear, but because they know that if they stay, they will only get in the way.

But on such a devastated land, there was still a person standing there, and the crutch in his hand had fallen to the ground at some point.

The Xinghong people did not run away, but stared blankly at the resentful ghost standing in the countless black smoke. The scene of trembling escape many years ago appeared before him again, and he should have turned around and ran away in fear.

But the steps he just took paused, and a voice seemed to be asking himself in his heart: "You abandoned them like this decades ago, are you still doing it now?"

Xinghongren hesitated. He always knew in his heart that hating war and being cowardly were two different things. He never ran away because he hated the war, he was just extremely scared, extremely scared...

The blood splattered in front of his eyes decades ago has become his fear and regret for countless years. Sometimes living with regret is far worse than dying alongside them on the battlefield.

Xinghongren suddenly calmed down, and the fear of death in his heart was suddenly suppressed for a moment. He straightened his clothes and straightened his back, as if he had returned to his boyhood.

In his eyes, a faint golden light lit up, and in Gai Ying's field of vision, a ball of light flickered on Xing Hongren's chest.

Maki Shuo was stunned and blurted out: "My energy?"

In Xinghong's body, he clearly felt his own energy, but he had never sent light energy to the unknown earthling. .

The old man, who seemed to suddenly come to life but still had gray hair and wrinkles, walked towards the resentful ghost.

The resentful ghost, struggling in pain, raised his fist with his left hand, and the armor covering his hand made a harsh metal friction sound with the movement.

Xinghong people are shaking, fear is an emotion that everyone has. But for the first time, he restrained the fear of facing death and stretched out his hand towards the resentful ghost who seemed to want to kill him.

"I'm here, and I won't leave you behind and run away again. I'm willing to atone for the mistakes I've committed, but the peace you most long for, the peace within the earth, has already arrived."

"Don't you hate war the most? Don't bring new wars."

The hoarse shouting seemed to have exhausted all the old man's strength. The resentful ghost's huge fist stopped less than ten meters above Xinghong's head. Gai Ying, who was just about to rush forward, was stunned and stopped. .

Losing the influence of Molokum's purification, Liangui slowly stood up, put down his katana with his right hand that had not let go despite the extreme pain, and stared blankly at the old Hoshihong man below.

As the huge arm fell gently, the fists of the resentful ghost more than fifty meters away and the human being less than two meters away collided.

Xinghongren turned his head and glanced at Gai Ying, his lips opened and closed, but no sound came out. Gai Ying nodded slightly and read the meaning of that sentence.


Xinghongren's body gradually dissipated, turning into a point of light and throwing it at the chest of the resentful ghost, slowly blending into it.

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