Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 341: Brave Warrior

As Xinghongren's light completely merged with the resentful ghost, the out-of-control resentful ghost completely calmed down. He gently pulled out the katana stuck on the ground, wiped the blade and put the sword back into its sheath.

Gai Ying just watched silently and did not disturb the understanding and reunion that spanned decades. That is Xinghong people's own choice and should not be influenced by others.

The resentful ghost slowly moved his eyes to the right, taking in everything he could see. He took one last longing look at this familiar yet unfamiliar world, and opened his arms defenselessly.

Gai Ying raised his hand again, and the golden illusory bowstring appeared on his fingertips as he pulled it. There was a hint of golden light in the blue-gray eyes of the resentful ghost, calmly welcoming the coming death.

The colored timer on Gai Ying's chest lit up with colorful light, and a constantly rotating colored arrow hit the resentful ghost with a dreamy wake.

But it did not penetrate the resentful ghost's intentionally materialized body. Instead, it shattered, and the colorful energy particles turned into rotating notes to form a score that surrounded the resentful ghost, vibrating and emitting strange music.

The gentle music soothes the resentment in the resentful ghost's heart, and the black and blue-gray mist rises, shrouding it in light.

All the alienated energy and amplified resentment were eliminated, and among the colorful lights were brand new resentful ghosts. No, they are more suitable to be called heroic spirits than resentful ghosts.

He hates unprovoked battles, but he is brave enough to defend the battlefield without fear of death.

The resentful ghost, whose resentment had been replaced by light energy, nodded slightly to Gai Ying, and then the body of more than fifty meters turned into light spots all over the sky and scattered, slowly falling like a golden snow.

Watching the transformed energy aura gradually enter the ground, Gai Ying also released his transformation. Countless light points circled around Gai Ying and flew up into the air with him.

"It seems it's no longer appropriate to call him a resentful ghost. Let's re-establish the file, heroic spirit."

Fujii Takihiko stretched out his hand and looked at the light spots falling in his palm, feeling a warm feeling running down his arm. Nemoto Tianming and Maki Naka, who were standing in the distance, also completely relaxed, and their vague conversations drifted away in the wind.

"That move is just a variant of the timer flash, right?"

"Since the heroic spirits have been purified, is the Heroic Spirits Requiem better?"

"Ha, who cares? How long will it take to memorize more than a thousand skills..."

After releasing the transformation, Koshizakiro fell to the ground, his legs weakened and he almost fell to the ground. As the fusion increased, his physical fitness seemed to be unable to keep up.

Only now can he gradually realize what kind of burden fighting as a shadow is on humans. If he were to fight with his previous body, he would probably be exhausted in a few dozen seconds, right?

"It's not what you think, Lang, it's because there are too many battles in this world." Zhen Mu Shuo's voice sounded, and he said with some worry, "Your body is gradually unable to withstand the frequent battles."

Koshizaki moved his arms, but it did feel a little sluggish and difficult. He was silent for a moment and said, "Is there any way to solve it?"

This question was asked reluctantly, as if he had already guessed what the answer would be. Maki Shuo hesitated for a moment, then answered.

"Release your one-mindedness with me, and your body will be able to recover slowly over a long period of time."

"Not yet, Gai Ying. I won't hold you back anymore. This planet is my hometown, and I have no room for retreat."

Koshizaki clenched his right fist and raised it. The figure who once discarded the spark prism overlapped with the current figure for a moment. Maki Shuo, who was in the shadow posture, was stunned and raised his right arm.

The Ultra Warrior lightly touched the human's forearm, and the scene in front of him quickly transformed from the space of consciousness into reality.

In the endless starry sky, a burst of chaotic and crazy murmurs spread around, and the terrifying alienated energy accompanied by chaos dragged all life that captured the information into disorder.

A huge, lizard-like head slowly dragged its cone-shaped body across the planet. Right on his neck, there is a circle of long or short octopus tentacles. If you look down from the top of your head, it looks like a starfish. .

Behind Him, countless unrecorded and indescribable colors slowly followed. It's not a gas, it doesn't even exist as an entity, it's just like a bunch of pure colors clustered together.

And right in front of the giant lizard-like head is the extremely familiar earth. The huge octopus-headed humanoid shadow was mixed with the silver and majestic Ultra Warrior shadow, covering the entire earth.

Koshizakiro woke up from the bed, sat up and gasped for air. He glanced at the electronic watch beside him, it read two thirty-one in the morning.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have woken up so early because of the increasing burden on his body from frequent transformation battles. Not even the hours of sleep he got each night were enough to relieve his exhaustion.

But it seemed to be some kind of instinctive warning. Cold sweat soaked his clothes, and he felt a strong sense of fear, like facing a roaring tiger. Although I didn't feel the bite of the sharp teeth personally, I could smell the smell of blood floating in the air.

"Gai Ying?"

He subconsciously asked aloud, for Koshizaki Lang, that was a partner who was no less bonded than family members.

"I'm fine."

The answer in his consciousness made Koshizaki breathe a sigh of relief, and then he extended his mind to find the source of the panic.

Everything around him was extremely quiet, only the insects kept chirping as usual, and there was no other noise.

"Is it an illusion?" Koshizaki murmured to himself, but he quickly stood up and raised his right hand slightly, ready to take out the spark prism at any time.

An extremely weird energy aura appeared at the edge of his mind perception. It seemed to be light, and it seemed to have some indescribable distortion. Like alienated light.

It was a three-meter-long, strange creature suspended in mid-air, with a lizard head and a cone-shaped body, and several octopus tentacles extending from its neck.

Its existence is like a combination of light and alienated energy, but it seems to be just pure twisted light.

Koshizaki continued to control his telekinesis to expand his range, and there were such weird creatures wandering in every city on the planet. The streets and houses were deserted, as if he was the only human being left on the entire planet.

As the weird life approached, the sound of insects suddenly stopped, and Yuesaki clearly captured the tiny dancing tentacles breaking out of the body, transforming the insect that was half the size of a palm into an equally weird life.

Koshizaki opened the window and jumped, holding the spark prism in his inner pocket in mid-air and taking it out.

The two wing-like parts unfolded, and the silver light rushed forward from the energy core, condensing into a lightsaber made of energy. The shadow lightsaber became the only visible light, and even the sun's light was blocked.

At this moment, the earth is dark and silent.

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