Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 342 Distorted Light

The Spark Prism Sword slashed the head of the strange-looking monster, and the sword body formed by the aggregation of silver light particles passed through without any hindrance.

It seemed as if there was no entity at all, the lizard-like head turned towards Yue Qilang, and a pair of eyes contained an indescribable special color.

Seeing the color in those eyes, Yuesakiro's whole body froze, and he actually felt a bit like when he chanted the name of the evil god. The movement that was about to turn the sword blade to slash horizontally also stopped.

Koshizakiro shuddered violently, but quickly recovered and jumped back to distance himself. It is not like an illusion that the other party actively releases, but when every being uses some sense to detect him, it will inevitably be affected.

"Where are the humans? Where have all the humans gone? Yuuki's father..."

Koshizakiro roared, and it seemed that just the moment he opened his eyes, the entire earth had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The lightsaber in his hand slashed one after another, passing through the body of the strange creature again and again, but it had no impact at all.

"Calm down, Lang. Tianming and Zhong will not watch the earth become like this."

Maki Shuo's voice sounded in the space of consciousness, and Koshizakiro was stunned for a moment, and quickly regained his senses from his anger. Even if he is in an unconscious state of sleep, Abel and Tiga are still protecting the earth.

"So what exactly is this..."

Koshizaki looked around, and as he observed carefully, some vaguely passing figures appeared on the street, and then gradually became more clear and real, as if there was really a person passing there.

But the monster right in front of him was still floating in place, and the two shadows just passed through without anyone touching each other.

"It's a field. The twisted light forms a field that can cover the entire earth."

Maki Shuo's expression became solemn. Apart from monsters with special properties like Abersol, he had only encountered four enemies that could truly affect the world.

The great emperor of the dark universe, the alien Ampera, the ruler of darkness Gatanjie, the ultimate evil god Ketruf, and the weapon that resets the earth, Giga Endora.

Each of these four is a terrifying opponent that can serve as the final enemy, but if this is a tokusatsu drama, it is undoubtedly just in the middle stage. It would be too much to let the current Koshizaki face such an enemy.

"Anyway, just deal with this guy, right?"

Koshizaki took a deep breath, the lightsaber in his hand shattered into light particles and was taken back into the energy core, and then he raised the spark prism. But just halfway through his movement, a voice rang in his consciousness.

"Lang, are you sure you want to fight with me? If I face this guy, even I will..."

Just looking at the familiar image, Zhen Mu Shuo had already guessed the identity of the other party, Jia Mog. The essence of Ktruv's alienated energy is chaos. If Gatanje is the son of darkness, Gaemog is the son of light.

Alienated, distorted light.

"Didn't I say that I would never let you fight alone again?"

Yuesakiro only paused slightly before raising the spark prism above his head. The dazzling silver light lit up in this strange space, condensing the figure of Gai Ying.

With the help of Ultraman's posture that magnified his senses countless times, Rō Koshizaki could easily detect the difference here. A special kind of light energy filled the entire space, but it could not be absorbed and used by him.

The clouds on the horizon were torn apart by the energy that shot straight into the sky, and the strong wind swept and drove the broken clouds to form a huge spiral.

Two huge giants with blue-gray bodies, like a strange shark-like life, were constantly chasing and colliding in the clouds. The three streams of light flew upwards without stopping for a moment, leaving only three fighter planes left behind.

The giant shark swung its tail, as if it were treating the air as sea water. Its already extremely fast speed suddenly increased, and it took the initiative to rush higher into the sky.

"Why would this guy take the initiative to stay away from the earth?"

Diga quickly fired two light blades, which were shattered by the blue-gray shark swinging its tail, and sent a message to Ai Bo.

"I don't know, but it's not a bad thing to reduce the damage to the earth."

Albert's fists were bent up and down, like a giant mouth tearing prey, and two red rays burning with energy flames "bite" towards the giant shark.

The giant shark swung its tail and turned around, opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth and bit down. The blue-gray shark shadow rushed out from his body and collided with two rays of light.

The two Austrians paused at the same time and noticed something unusual. Where's Lang? He would never fail to notice such a clear energy fluctuation, but Gai Ying, who should have appeared long ago, had lost track of him.

"Did this guy lure us away on purpose?"

Diga no longer cared about the blurry megalodon in the clouds, turned around, spread out his arms and flew in the direction of Yue Qilang.

Ai Bo raised his hands and slashed diagonally left and right with his sword. The X-shaped light blade hit the blurry outline of the man who wanted to chase Diga.

Countless three-meter-long small Gaemogs seemed to have received an invisible attraction and began to gather in the direction of the shadow from all over the world.

They all transformed from their weird shapes into countless indescribable pieces of color, floating into the sky, and transformed into seventy-meter-long Gaemog in front of the shadow.

"Is this the enemy?"

Koshizaki Lang took a fighting stance and stared at the strange life form in front of him. Zhen Mu Shuo was silent for a moment and then said.

"No, this is just the form gathered by the Star Colors. They like to follow the evil gods and eat the leftovers in the world destroyed by them."

Yuezakilang didn't speak anymore, but the aggregation of Star Colors in front of him gave him an extremely strong sense of oppression.

But Gaemog on the opposite side suddenly twisted and transformed into a dark shadow in countless weird lights. Later, it transformed from the Dark Shadow into the Five Emperors of Neo, Ketruf's clone, and the Delusion Shadow...

Until the end, Gaemog returned to his appearance again, uttering chaotic and crazy ramblings.

Gai Ying did not hesitate, and slashed the knife in his right hand from the right side, landing on the edge of the lizard-like head, and then penetrated Gaemog's body composed of the color of stars.

A soft and sticky feeling came, like mucus. The other party didn't seem to have a physical body, but it could give him a real touch. This extremely weird situation was the first time Koshizaki Rang encountered it. ..

The starfish or octopus-like arms around Gaemog's neck rolled back and wrapped around Gai Ying's body, as if there were countless snails squirming on his body. Gai Ying quickly retreated and passed through several arms and legs.

The other party didn't show any attack methods, but the feeling was a huge psychological impact. He held it empty in his right hand, and the intertwined light of gold and silver appeared in his hand like a spark prism.

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