Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 352: Completely Occupied Base

"This is the city closest to the Japanese branch of the EPU. Three fighter jets affiliated with the EPU developed with the latest technology are opening fire on the city."

"This is the craziest scene I have ever seen. As an organization that maintains peace on earth and fights against alien invaders, why would they open fire on humans?"

Intermittent sounds came into his ears from a distant speaker. Maki Zhong raised the communicator in his hand and pressed it against the door of the EPU. With a soft sound, the mechanical door automatically opened to both sides.

"It's a cosmic being, right? There are too many cosmic beings who can mimic humans. Do you want to destroy them as EPUs to make civilians wary of EPUs? Do you want to deal with them directly?"

Koshizaki stared at the corner ahead vigilantly, wary of enemies that might appear at any time. Maki Zhong shook his head and said.

"But what about the original members of the Storm Team? We don't know whether they are controlled by some kind of force or are being held hostage in the Japanese branch. We must at least confirm their safety."

Koshizaki said nothing more, but took out the spark prism from his inner pocket. The silver sword body composed of light particles extended out as the wings partially unfolded, and took the lead to step into the door in front of him.

The sound of footsteps sounded from the end of the passage, gradually turning from faint to clear. A pair of guards in EPU uniforms walked toward the two of them in neat steps. Although the Anaj gun was hanging by their legs, they had no intention of using it.

"Our information does not contain your information. Unrelated persons cannot enter the epu base without approval, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal intrusion."

The two looked at each other and completely ignored the guard captain's words. The next moment, four white threads almost half a meter wide spurted out from the mouths of the four guard members. M..

Maki Naka, who was well prepared, rolled away on the spot, while Koshizaki Rō waved his lightsaber sideways, cutting off the threads composed of countless thin threads juxtaposed together.

But the endless stream of silk threads soon caught him off guard. No matter how he cut it, new threads would fill the gaps. The white filaments built a large net of several meters and enveloped him.

Koshizaki lunged to the left, the lightsaber in his hand bloomed with light, and completely transformed into a bow the moment it rolled to the ground. Two golden beams were fired one after another, piercing the two guards standing in front.

Amidst a burst of piercing weird "laughter", the two people's bodies twisted in strange postures, and their bodies quickly transformed into golden and silver cosmic beings, and then turned into energy particles and dissipated.

It's not the main body. With the help of Maki Shuo's telepathy, Koshizaki Rang made a judgment in an instant. He waved his arms and fired two beams again, piercing through the only two remaining enemies dragged by Maki Naka.

Before they turned into energy particles and dissipated, Koshizaki saw the weird shape again, followed by an even sharper and weird "laughter".

As expected, the last two are still not the original body. The worst result is that the entire EPU Japanese branch has been replaced by the clones of the aliens, that is, the entire army is annihilated.

Neither of them spoke, and they continued to go deeper in tandem with each other in tacit understanding.

The video of the intruder was played on the screen in the center of the combat command room. "Fujii Takihiko" turned to "Akutagawa Yuki" and said.

"Go and entertain them. The director will be free for the time being. As long as he is not allowed to leave the office, this base will still be ours."

Looking at the mechanical door that gradually opened, "Yuuki Akutagawa" nodded, turned around, pulled out the Anaji gun and ran towards the stairs.

The mechanical door closed again, and "Fujii Takihiko" was still looking at the picture displayed on the screen. But Maki Naka and Koshizaki Rō, who were advancing, stopped their movements one after another, and suddenly raised their heads to look at the moving hidden camera.

He quickly raised his hand and pressed the close button. As the screen went out, the prying eyes perceived by Naka Maki and Rō Koshizaki also disappeared.

"If the combat command room has been invaded, this base may really..." Maki Zhong was a little worried, but so far no corpses had been found, which gave him some comfort.

After a short delay, the chaotic crowd in front poured out from the end of the passage. Engineers, repairmen, combat personnel, and civilians who still have oil stains on their bodies.

Countless people in messy clothes stood in a group without forming a line, but at the same time they took steps towards the two of them.

Yue Qilang tightened his grip on the bow knife and raised it with the help of the sharp edge of the bow arm. The lower blade easily disemboweled the worker in front of him who still had stains on his clothes.

But what appeared in front of him was not the burst of blood, but the spaceman's clone that once again turned into a dissipated energy.

Maki Naka has no weapons, and he doesn't seem to need to use weapons. The sword, fist and hammer are enough to easily penetrate the clones of the space people. Even if the person standing in front of him is a real human being, the result of this punch will not change at all.

It is precisely because of this that when faced with such dangerous cosmic beings, human beings' initial attitude was unprecedentedly repulsive and vigilant, and even contained great fear.

After passing through the final passage, the field of vision suddenly widened. There were two spare and experimental fighters parked in the huge space, but the entire hangar was empty.

Koshizakiro was stunned for a moment, then ran two steps to catch up with Maki Naka in front, walked straight through the hangar, and climbed up on the elevator.

After a few dozen seconds, the elevator that reached the corresponding floor stopped. Yue Qilang tightened his grip on his bow and knife, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The empty hangar has become narrow again, but compared to the modification and docking space, the decoration here is undoubtedly much more beautiful.

"Lang? No, it's a cosmic person pretending to be."

Before Yuesaki Lang could say anything, a familiar female voice, deliberately lowered, rang out. He subconsciously raised his hand and blocked the red laser in front of him with his bow and sword.

Then he didn't even bother to pay attention to Naka Maki. He turned his head in shock and hid behind a door. "Yuki Akutagawa" wearing a Storm uniform appeared in front of Koshizaki Rō.

"Yuki? Why don't you..."

"Eh? Are you serious?"

The words of the two people rang in Maki Naka's ears at the same time, but he did not look back. Instead, he turned a blind eye and walked forward when the first sentence of "Akutagawa Yuki" was spoken.

"Lang, let's go quickly before they completely seal off this place. The captain and the others have all been replaced by the clones of the space people. Now there is no fourth human being who can move freely in the entire base."

"Isn't it more important to rescue them? Or is everyone already dead?"

"Akutagawa Yuki" shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just saw them spraying out a lot of white silk threads to entangle the captain and the others, and then they turned into the same appearance as them."

Koshizakiro nodded and said nothing more, but took steps again, chasing after Maki Naka in the direction he left.

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