Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 253 The human heart that cannot be disguised

"I will ask you why you joined EPU, but not now." Koshizaki looked straight at Naka Maki in front of him, turned slightly sideways and said to himself, his answer to "Akutagawa Yuki" was nothing. reaction.

The journey went surprisingly smoothly, and we didn't encounter any enemies until the door to the combat command room opened.

The door opened smoothly to both sides and was not blocked. But the moment the door opened, a red light bullet grazed the crack of the door that had just been opened and hit Koshizakiro.

The moment before the bow sword was raised, Maki Zhong's hand had already blocked the path of the light bullet. Along with the five fingers being closed, the energy contained in the light bomb exploded along the gap.

After a dull explosion, Maki Zhong's palm became charred black, and white smoke floated up from his palm.

"You're still not your real body, can you just hide and hide?"

As the mechanical door is completely opened, the field of view becomes wider. "Fujii Takihiko" who is exactly the same without any difference is standing in front of the table in the combat command room.

Just behind him, Ultraman Tiga who had shot down the third fighter plane was being broadcast in real time on the screen.

"Why should you mind your own business, Ultraman. Human beings are not worthy of this privileged planet at all. He is wreaking havoc on the mother planet that sustains their survival. Instead of letting such human beings own the earth, why not let them know how to cherish it? Are we coming?"

Maki picked his ears and sighed: "I have heard this rhetoric no less than ten times. Even if the earth itself has opinions on humans, it is still a family matter within the earth. Does it have anything to do with outsiders like you?"

He turned his head slightly and glanced at Rō Koshizaki beside him. After the two exchanged glances, Maki Naka said, "What do you think, Rō."

"This planet and the humans on it do not welcome your invasion. Now that you have returned to the universe and continue wandering, maybe we can pretend that nothing happened."

Yue Qilang moved his fingers slightly, and while the bow and saber was spinning, he suddenly turned around and struck down without hesitation. On the chest of "Akutagawa Yuki", a red light ball the size of a fist, surrounded by arcs of electricity, was forcibly detonated.

"Let your clumsy acting skills stop here. Don't stand in front of me like Yuuki anymore."

Not only the energy bomb, but also the chest of "Akutagawa Yuki" was cut open, and countless tiny particles appeared.

For the cosmic beings in front of them who mimic humans, it seems that even their clothes are part of their bodies. ..

"How... did you recognize it? Our mimicry... should be perfect."

As if he had exhausted all his strength to say this last sentence in a human form, "Yuuki Akutagawa"'s body quickly transformed from an elf-like girl into an ugly and weird space man, and turned into energy particles and dissipated in the laughter.

Rō Koshizaki turned to look at the only remaining "Fujii Takihiko" and said calmly: "Your mimicry may indeed be perfect, but what distinguishes human beings is never appearance, but the heart."

He clenched his bow and sword tightly with his five fingers, recalling that Maki Shuu's evaluation of Yuki Akutagawa's physical fitness was even better than that of him before Isshin, and said self-deprecatingly.

"You don't know Yuuki at all. She has never been a weak woman who retreated and sought protection when things happened. If Yuuki is really Yuuki, her inner persistence will never be weaker than anyone else, and she will not be so eager to suggest that I leave here."

No matter how impeccable the appearance, it can never replace the true human heart.

"Fujii Takihiko" didn't answer any more. The red energy particles on his chest gathered together, and a light bomb took shape again.

"Let me guess, your real body shouldn't fly a fighter plane to die, right?" Maki Naka, who had never made a move, suddenly rushed towards "Fujii Takihiko" at an incredible high speed.

Before the light bomb was launched, Maki Naka's right fist had already penetrated "Fujii Takihiko"'s chest. As the familiar sharp laughter sounded, the last enemy in front of him also turned into energy particles and dissipated.

Koshizaki stepped forward quickly and used the blade of his bow knife to cut open the large white cocoon of the humanoid figure on the ground. When he saw the real Yuki Akutagawa, his hanging heart was finally completely relieved.

Raising his hand and throwing the bow knife to Maki Naka, Koshizakiro immediately opened the cut white silk thread and pulled Akutagawa Yuki out.

Looking at Yuki Akutagawa, who was still in a coma, he was a little at a loss for a moment. But the eyes that had been closed suddenly opened at that moment, and what followed was a powerful elbow.

The sudden pain in his abdomen made Koshizaki subconsciously arch his body, but Akutagawa Yuuki was stunned. She originally thought that the cosmonauts might have some purpose in releasing her, but it was Koshizaki Rō who appeared in her sight.

She immediately realized that she had guessed something wrong. She stretched out her hand as if to help Yuzaki Rang up, but she froze in mid-air in embarrassment.

The weird laughter sounded again, but this time it was not from a certain direction, but the sharp sound echoed in all directions.

Countless tiny particles of gold or silver flew out of EPU's base along countless gaps, and gathered into a huge figure of 65 meters in front.

But unlike what Koshizaki Rō and Maki Naka showed when they attacked his clones, gold and silver formed two individuals respectively, but there was a combining organ in the center to connect them together.

From left to right, the golden and silver connected individuals each have a horn-like object that is more than thirty meters long on the chest. Different from the single horn on the chest of the silver cosmonaut, the two horns on the chest of the golden cosmonaut are constantly opening and closing like pliers and colliding with each other, making a sound like the clash of metals.

The weird sound, like human laughter, seemed to expand dozens of times, like countless invisible ghosts howling and wailing around.

"You want to use force directly? Then let me see what's different about Umezuro in this universe." Maki Naka took a step forward, the spark prism in his hand already raised above his waist.

But Yuesakiro was one step faster than him. The spark prism in his hand burst out with dazzling light, causing his body to disappear and rush into the air.

Akutagawa Yuki subconsciously raised her hand to cover the dazzling light, but couldn't help but look up. The huge figure intertwined with red and blue made a fighting stance towards Mei Zhulang, leaving only a back figure at the EPU base.

"I can burn more, but there is still more."

Recalling the worries and warnings of Nemoto Amaaki and Maki Naka, Koshizaki murmured, and with his will, the energy core of the Spark Prism still in his hand also lit up with silver light.

"Let's go up, Gai Ying, and let him see what he doesn't understand about the human heart."

As the words fell and the brief confrontation ended, Gai Ying took the lead and took the lead. With a weight of tens of thousands of tons, the three people in the combat command room could clearly feel the violent vibrations caused by running.

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