Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 354 Akutagawa Yuuki’s decision

The two horns on the golden Mei Zhulang's chest were closed, and the moment the tops touched, a pillar of fire pushed towards Gai Ying. The single horn on the silver Mei Zhulang's chest emits a thick golden lightning.

In the center of the organ where the twins were connected, a red gem-like object lit up, and red light bombs were fired one after another.

Because of the inconvenience caused by connecting organs, Mei Zhulang's flexibility is far less than that of a single monster or cosmonaut. He can only fire continuously like a fixed fort. Fire and lightning illuminate everything around him, surrounded by red light bullets. Attack.

Gai Ying crossed his arms in front of his chest, intercepting the light bullets that came later one after another from left to right, and then quickly propped up a small Ultra barrier to block the flames and lightning in front of him.

As the small electric current split by lightning exploded, the fire quickly enveloped Gai Ying's body. Mei Zhulang, who had been firing for several seconds, also stopped moving, and kept making weird "laughter" while swinging his body.

But it seemed that the triumphant cry only lasted for a few seconds. The silver spear came towards him, and the tip of the spear stabbed the red part in the center of Mei Zhulang's connecting organ without any bias.

A red arc of electricity surrounded the energy-releasing organ, which was also red, and then exploded. The twins Mei Zhulang, who were originally connected as one, were re-divided into two separate individuals after the connecting organs were destroyed.

In the increasingly rapid "laughter", their figures continued to change, giant humans, Ultraman Shadow, various cosmic beings recorded in the EPU data...

Various appearances flashed one after another, and then returned to the golden and silver Mei Zhulang. Gai Ying waved his right hand horizontally, and large sparks erupted from the abdomens of the two Mei Zhulangs who had just separated, and the viscous liquid gradually slid down the wound.

Mei Zhulang's "laughter" suddenly became more rapid and sharp. Lightning and flames were fired from both sides, entangled with each other and rushed towards Gaiying again.

Gai Ying lowered his light gun in his right hand and raised his left hand to block the attack of flames and lightning. The terrifying high temperature and electric current were all blocked, and he just moved forward step by step against Mei Zhulang's attack.

Gaiying's light gun made a vertical slash, and the lightning and flames stopped almost at the same time. After a brief pause, the horns on the two Mei Zhulang's chests that were frozen in place detached themselves from the body and inserted vertically into the ground.

On Mei Zhulang's chest, the remaining broken corner incision was as smooth as a mirror. Gai Ying quickly raised his gun, and the energy core of Gai Ying's light gun lit up with a dazzling light and thrust out quickly.

The silver Mei Zhulang was easily penetrated by this shot, and his body shook a few times before falling backwards. Golden energy dimly lit up on his body, and then exploded.

Gai Ying didn't pause at all, turned slightly and swept the spear in his hand. The huge light blade easily passed through the golden Mei Zhulang's body.

The huge figure that was standing was split into two parts from the waist and fell to the ground respectively, and an even larger ball of fire exploded.

Gai Ying looked back at the EPU base. Yuki Akutagawa in the combat command room pursed her lips and said nothing. He just watched the spear in Gai Ying's hand turn into light particles and dissipate, then stretched out his arms and flew into the sky.

Fujii Takihiko turned around, and Maki Naka, who was standing behind them, disappeared at some point. As the main body was destroyed, the scattered clones scattered in the base also turned into energy particles and dissipated.

The trapped people broke out of their cocoons one after another. Yuki Akutagawa suddenly remembered something, turned around and ran outside.

Fujii Takihiko recalled the first time he saw Akutagawa Yuki's recent records and identity, and saw a few words about Koshizaki Rō, and smiled as he watched Akutagawa Yuki's figure blocked by the closed door.

After running all the way and using the fastest elevator to reach the bottom floor, Akutagawa Yuuki stopped with a slightly short breath and looked at the figure standing not far away whose face could not be seen clearly in the light.

Yuesaki Lang leaned his elbows on the railing and took a sip from a cup of coffee. The bitterness spread from the tip of his tongue to his mouth. He couldn't help but secretly wonder why Maki Shuo liked drinking this.

Next to him, Yuki Akutagawa took a sip from a glass of juice, staring blankly at the clouds moving slowly in the distance with the wind.

Koshizakiro hesitated for a moment before taking the initiative and said: "Hey, Yuuki, why did you think of going to EPU? Did Uncle Akutagawa agree?"

Akutagawa Yuuki turned to look at him, waved his free right hand in front of Koshizaki Lang and said: "Lang, you are not going to be liked by girls if you are so stupid."

"I didn't..." Koshizakiro said hastily. He had never been around any other girls, let alone the fact that he had been running around recently because of his status as an Ultra Warrior.

Although he clearly had the height advantage, he was always on the passive side in front of Yuki Akutagawa. He could not guess what the girl in front of him was thinking.

"Are you stupid? Come to me after you figure out why I joined EPU. I'm going back to the base." Looking at Koshizakiro hesitating and not knowing what to say, Yuki Akutagawa raised his hand and squeezed Pinch his face, then turn around and leave.

Koshizakiro raised his hand, looked at Akutagawa Yuki's leaving figure, and lowered it again. After a moment of silence, he said in consciousness.

"Hey, Gai Ying..."

"What's the matter?" Maki Shuo's familiar voice sounded, but it failed to calm Yue Qilang's complicated emotions.

"You said, Yuuki..."

"You are indeed quite stupid." Shuo Maki interrupted his hesitant words and said straight to the point, "When you fight as an Ultra Warrior, she can only watch helplessly. The organization that can help the most in the battle is , only epu.”

Koshizaki couldn't help but said: "But for monsters, EPU's fighter jets..."

Facing the monsters and cosmonauts that are gradually beginning to appear more frequently, the attacks that EPU's current fighters can really only be said to be a slightly hot firework.

Perhaps it can pose a certain threat to cosmic beings like Mei Zhulang who have little fighting ability, but in the foreseeable future, the enemies that appear will only become stronger and stronger.

"Don't deny their efforts. Perhaps what humans can do is insignificant to the Ultra Warriors, but that is their greatest effort to protect the earth."

Maki Shuo paused and continued: "I know you are worried about her getting hurt, but you should respect her decision more. If I insist on protecting her, I should unfuse with you now."

Koshizakiro was silent for a moment again, then nodded. After putting himself in his shoes, he naturally understood how he felt when his decision was forcibly reversed.

"But then again, Lang, how dare you ask me, an Ultraman who has never had a lover, about relationship issues? Next time something like this happens, don't ask me again."

Rō Koshizaki, whose mood had just eased, felt confused as he regained his quiet consciousness. He was unable to recover for a moment when Yuki Akutagawa and Shuki Maki showed such attitudes one after another.

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