Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1082: Descendants of Ancient Gods

When Mu Ningdai heard that Zhang Yi actually had a daughter, she suddenly felt that her heart was about to break.

She also regarded Zhang Yi as a married man and a child with a family.

At this moment, Mu Ningdai almost burst into tears.

At this time, a clerk explained:

"Jiameng is a goddaughter accepted by the boss. Our boss doesn't even have a girlfriend. What kind of marriage?"

Hearing this, Muninda couldn't help but rejoice again:

"Is it true? Not only is Brother Zhang not married, he doesn't even have a girlfriend?"

The clerk saw that Mu Ningdai was so excited, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have said something wrong.

Song Lin glared at the clerk:

"Just talk about it!"

The clerk immediately lowered his head to eat silently, not daring to say a word.

Zhang Yi was calm and composed, he never minded others' evaluations of him.

"Brother Zhang, come and eat more vegetables!" Mu Ningdai couldn't stop holding vegetables in Zhang Yi's bowl, "This is delicious, you must eat more."

In less than two minutes, Zhang Yi's bowl was full of vegetables.

When Gu Yajun and the surrounding shop assistants saw this scene, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

Zhang Yi also looked gloomy, put his chopsticks on the table and stopped eating.

He was about to speak to Mu Ningdai to make it clear. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved:

"Jia Meng is also out!"

Sure enough, only a burst of excitement came from the backyard:

"Godfather! Godfather! I have also broken through the Golden Core Realm!"

Following the cry, I saw a cute and petite girl happily running out of the backyard.

It is Jia Meng.

Jia Meng ran all the way to Zhang Yi, her face flushed with joy:

"God! The feeling of the Golden Core Realm is curious and wonderful! After I entered the Golden Core Realm, I only felt that all the senses of the whole person were completely different! And I also felt that the world had become completely different! I couldn't perceive it before. The other side of this world is also felt by me at this time!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi looked at the petals in his hands.

At this time, the petal fragments in the palm of the palm were shining with a steady stream of light, as if the petals were coated with fluorescent materials.

When facing Gu Yajun, Lulu, and Jiang Zhiqiu, the petal did not shine, but when Jiameng came to her side, its light became extremely bright.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, then frowned.

Jiameng is a descendant of ancient gods!

There is the blood of the ancient **** in her blood, so she can be sensed by this petal.

Zhang Yi didn't expect the bloodline of this ancient **** to be so concealed that he didn't even notice it beforehand.

And what I didn’t expect was that it was Jia Meng...

"Godfather? Godfather?"

Jia Meng looked at Zhang Yi nervously:

"You seem...not too happy?"

Jia Meng didn't know if she was too noisy, and Zhang Yi's face suddenly became cold, which made her feel a little guilty.

Zhang Yi came back to his senses and looked at Jia Meng.

He sighed faintly, and he didn't know whether this ancient **** bloodline was a blessing or a blessing to Jiameng. After all, the ancient **** bloodline Zhang Yi didn't understand its nature, and he didn't know whether there would be any abnormal changes in the future.

At least Zhang Yi thinks that this time he judged the time of Jia's emergence out of the gate incorrectly, and the main reason was that the blood of the ancient **** was inflicted on it.

Everything can only be studied slowly.

"Sit down and eat."

Zhang Yi said to Jiameng.

Jia Meng nodded, and then sat beside Zhang Yi.

And Mu Ningdai couldn't help staring at Jia Meng in surprise:

"You are…"

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Yi said impatiently:

"Yes, she is Zhang Jiameng who has obtained the quota, and is now a practitioner of the Golden Core Realm. Girl Mu, she can't speak and sleep, please also eat quietly."

Mu Ningdai finally closed her mouth|

But she still stared at Jiameng in shock for a long time, apparently she was very surprised that Jiameng had entered the Golden Core Realm.

Everyone ate this meal very quietly.

After Mu Ningdai was shocked by Jia Meng, her mood fell again, but she only felt like chewing wax after eating.

When the meal was almost ready, Song Lin couldn't help but remind:

"Boss, the plane to the South China Sea is still two hours away. You have to prepare early."

Zhang Yi nodded, indicating that he was clear.

He had already asked Song Lin to buy the plane ticket for tonight, and he expected to rest and leave after dinner.

When Mu Ningdai on the side heard this, she was surprised:

"Big Brother Zhang, you also want to fly to the South China Sea? What a coincidence, I also want to fly to the South China Sea tonight!"

Speaking of this, Mu Ningdai suddenly slapped her forehead:

"Oh! How did I forget that Lulu, Zhang Jiameng, and Gu Yajun are all here, which means that you must go to the World Youth Extraordinary Competition. This happens to be along the way with me! We happen to be walking together. !"

Mu Ningdai originally planned to leave Changle City by plane tonight, but now to hear that Zhang Yi is also like her, this is simply a surprise to her.

Zhang Yi ignored her, but said to Jiang Zhiqiu, Lulu, Jiameng and Gu Yajun:

"Now that you have a good meal, then follow me to the practice room, I will teach you the experience of strengthening the Golden Core Realm, and at the same time answer your questions and doubts."

After speaking, Zhang Yi got up and walked towards the practice room.

Jiang Zhiqiu, Lulu, Jiameng and Gu Yajun also followed.

Mu Ningdai also wanted to follow, but she only came to the door, and the door to the practice room was already closed.

She could only go back to the hotel and wait while chatting with Song Lin and others.

The whole process lasted about an hour.

An hour later, Zhang Yi and other talents walked out of the exercise room.

In this hour, Zhang Yi has taught everyone how to quickly consolidate and master the Golden Core Realm, and has given instructions on their personal circumstances.

When Jiang Zhiqiu, Lulu, Jiameng, and Gu Yajun came out, Mu Ningdai even found that their auras were slightly different than before, as if they had become more restrained and calm.

After this hour was taught, the plane was about to take off in another hour, so everyone had already planned to leave.

When a few people walked into the hotel, they saw Song Lin and a group of employees take out the firework tube and twisted.

"Boom! Boom!"

With two noises, I saw the streamers ejected.

Following Song Lin with a few glasses of wine, she came to a few people and said to Zhang Yi:

"All the staff of the Peace Hotel, I wish the boss and all the heroes in advance a victory! It's a success!"

Zhang Yi looked at Song Lin and the people around him, but he didn't expect such a surprise.

He picked up the glass and drank it, and replied:

"Definitely live up to expectations!"

A group of employees suddenly applauded.

Jiang Zhiqiu, Jiameng, Lulu and Gu Yajun also all stepped forward to drink.

Song Lin also came to Mu Ningdai with a glass of wine.

Mu Ningdai couldn't help being flattered:

"Is there any more for me?"

Song Lin smiled and said:

"Miss Mu, you are playing on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom this time, and we naturally hope that you can win glory for our Dragon Kingdom!"

Mu Ningdai was no longer polite, she also took the drink and drank it.

After drinking, everyone got in the car and headed for the airport together.

It was already dark.

When everyone arrived at the airport, the plane began to slowly take off and entered the sky of night.

The World Youth Extraordinary Competition is a worldwide competition, so the venue of the competition is not in the territory of Dragonland, but on an island on the high seas.

Zhang Yi and others will take a plane to the South China Sea. In the South China Sea, there will be people from the organizer and office of the Dragon Kingdom region to receive Zhang Yi and others. Then they will make a detour to the island of the game.

In the first-class cabin of the plane, Mu Ningdai spent money to change seats and came to Zhang Yi's side.

"Big Brother Zhang, I want to ask you a question... You are not an ordinary person, are you?"

Mu Ningdai asked Zhang Yi nervously.

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at her.

Just listen to Mu Ningdai continue to say:

"I should have guessed that you have always been so calm and calm, that is an absolute confidence in your own strength and wisdom. There are also such as Zhang Jiameng, Lulu, Jiang Zhiqiu and even arrogant Gu Yajun respect you so much, you It will definitely not be an ordinary person. If you are an ordinary person, no matter how smart you are, you will not be respected by the proud geniuses like Jiang Zhiqiu and Gu Yajun, and they will not willingly work as a clerk in your store."

Zhang Yi asked calmly:

"What does this do to you?"

Mu Ningdai continued:

"I just want to know, Brother Zhang, what kind of person are you, and..."


Zhang Yi frowned and interrupted her:

"What do you want to say, please be straightforward!"

Mu Ningdai was stunned, then gritted her teeth and said:

"Big Brother Zhang, I like you! I want to be your girlfriend!"

Zhang Yi replied:

"Sorry, I don't like you, and I already have a girlfriend."

Mu Ningdai's face suddenly turned pale.

Her lips trembled, and there was the last fluke in her eyes:

"But the clerk in your store clearly said that you don't have a girlfriend yet!"

Zhang Yi replied calmly:

"They don't understand my situation."

Mu Ningdai's tears fell all at once.

She wiped her eyes and said sadly:

"I understand…"

After speaking, she covered her mouth and left Zhang Yi's side, went to an empty seat and started sobbing.

Zhang Yi continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Flying all the way for most of the night.

When the sky was just getting dark the next day, the plane had already begun to land at the airport in Nanhai.

After landing at the airport, the event organizer and staff from the Longguo regional office were already picking up the plane.

After verifying their identities, the group began to get in the organizer's car and head towards the beach.

In addition to Lulu, Jiameng, Gu Yajun and Mu Ningdai, Zhang Yi is the tactical instructor and coach, and Jiang Zhiqiu is the assistant.

In this game, every player was like a sports star. They did not come alone. There were many people on the team that served them alone.

Mu Ningdai and Gu Yajun also have their own assistant teams, and their assistant teams have already arrived at the scene early.

Lulu and Jiameng brought only one coach and one assistant this time, which made them seem incompatible with other players and surprised the staff who came to take the opportunity.

The car quickly came to the beach, but there was already a helicopter waiting here.

This time, it was a clerk with an obvious level who had received a few people.

Under the leadership of this clerk, the group boarded a helicopter.

The plane took off quickly and flew towards the vast sea.

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