Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1083: Infighting on board

The helicopter flies all the way.

When the sun rises from the sea level, the sky and the earth are suddenly bright, and the sun shining on the sea level sparkles like countless pieces of gold.

Everyone has seen the transportation they need to transfer this time.

I saw an aircraft carrier actually parked above the sea!

Looking at this huge aircraft carrier, Jia Meng, who saw such a huge battleship for the first time, couldn't help but be amazed:

"I've only seen an aircraft carrier on TV before, and it's the first time I saw it in reality today! Will we just take this ship in a while?"

The clerk smiled at the lovely girl Jia Meng:

"This time the game is a game that the entire Dragon Kingdom values ​​very much. There are more than 500 channels and websites in the Dragon Kingdom area that will broadcast live. This time, it is an opportunity to raise the prestige of our country, so our Dragon Kingdom players are here. In terms of momentum, we must never lose a foreign player! After the unanimous discussion and approval of the Dragon Country Regional Event Organizing Committee, this aircraft carrier will definitely be sent to the competition location! The voyage is expected to be five hours, and we will be able to arrive before dark today."

Jia Meng and the others couldn't help but be amazed after listening.

At this time, he saw that there were helicopters flying towards the aircraft carrier around, and obviously other players had already arrived one after another.

The helicopter soon landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Zhang Yi led everyone off the plane, and a large group of people had already rushed up.

Some of these people are reporters, some are clerks, and some are people from other sects who come to investigate intelligence. There were all kinds of people, and they gathered around Zhang Yi and others.

Gu Yajun and Mu Ningdai apologized to Zhang Yi, and then left. They had to meet people from their respective sects.

As the two left, the reporters surrounding Zhang Yi and the others and those disciples who were investigating intelligence all walked out immediately, only two clerks remained in place.

For reporters and intelligence agents, they are more concerned about the disciples of the famous sects like Gu Yajun and Mu Ningdai, while the non-governmental players like Lulu and Jiameng who have been selected by the sea do not have much value.

This lack of attention has even affected the attitude of those clerks towards several people.

I saw a clerk with a big belly wearing gold glasses came to Zhang Yi and the others, and laughed coldly:

"Coach Zhang Yi, players Zhang Jiameng, Lulu, you are so big! You don't participate in the pre-match training camp. I only met you for the first time today! You guys selected by the little squad , I really don't understand the rules at all!"

This shy man is a middle-level manager of the Longguo District Office this time, and his surname is Wang Shen, who is the director.

Director Wang's position is not high, but his official prestige is never small.

Another clerk next to him couldn't help but hurriedly persuade:

"Director Wang calm down and don't get angry."

Director Wang sneered with his hands behind his back:

"Such players and coaches who don't understand the rules really embarrass us Long Guo! Let the foreigners read the jokes!"

Director Wang didn't dare to offend the walkers of the ten major sects, but it was not a problem to offend these ordinary players. After all, he had read the information of Zhang Jiameng and Lulu, and knew that they had no background.

After hearing Director Wang's words, the faces of Jiameng and Lulu suddenly became ugly.

And Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Rules? When did we break the rules? The pre-match training is voluntary and not compulsory. This is clearly stated in the game rules. You always put a big hat on us, I want to know. Who is it that made Long Country shame!"

After Lulu and Jiameng were selected for selection, the Longguo District Office has already ruled the two and can voluntarily participate in the pre-match training.

The pre-match training will be held in the special venue of the Longguo District Office. This is a training dedicated to players participating in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition.

During the intensive training, the contestants can get together in advance to get to know each other. The most important thing is that there will be tactical masters of various martial arts to make corresponding training plans for each player.

It can be said that this kind of opportunity is very rare, so although the training is voluntary, there will not be any player in the previous competitions willing to miss such an opportunity.

But because Zhang Yi wanted to arrange Jiameng and Lulu to retreat and break through the Golden Core Realm, there was no arrangement for them to participate in the training camp.

Nowadays, I didn't expect this incident, but the director Wang in front of me used it as a matter.

When Director Wang heard Zhang Yi's retort, he couldn't help becoming irritated:

"Look at your attitude? What's the matter if the training is voluntary? If you don't participate, it's negativity! I don't think you are here to compete seriously, I think you are mixed and mixed. Foolish? I tell you, if you can't even pass the first round of the knockout by then, you will not only lose your own face, but our Dragon Kingdom's face!"

Zhang Yi heard this with a sneer:

"Director Wang's official accent is very large. He suppresses others with righteousness. If we don't participate in a training camp of voluntary choice, we will become like heinous people."

Director Wang smiled triumphantly upon hearing the words:

"Boy, let me tell you! You players and coaches who are selected from the small sects are rubbish! I really don’t know what the tournament committee thinks. It’s good to let all ten sects compete. Now, why are you still giving you two places for this kind of rubbish? If you let this kind of **** play, then you will only lose! Your kind of little sect **** caused us to lose, so you are embarrassing us. You are traitors! You are running dogs! You are traitors!"

Zhang Yi sneered. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped it at Director Wang's face.


With a clear applause, Director Wang was directly slapped to the ground with a slap.

His glasses flew out, and the whole person was lying on the ground screaming in pain.

Zhang Yi stepped forward and stepped on his head with one foot, and Director Wang screamed like a pig in pain.

Just listen to Zhang Yi said indifferently:

"This time I didn't want to do it, but you just want to get up and find a fight by yourself, then this is what you deserve."

With that said, Zhang Yi exerted a slight force under his feet.

Director Wang only felt that his head was about to explode, which made him scream.

The change here quickly attracted the attention of others.

The reporters have been shooting here one after another, seeming to have found an excellent news material.

At the same time, a person suddenly flew out from the tower of the aircraft carrier, roaring toward this side:

"Stop! This is not your presumptuous place!"

This person is actually an old man wearing a Chinese tunic.

The old man flew quickly to Zhang Yi's face like a big bird, and volleyed towards Zhang Yi to grab it.

Zhang Yi snorted coldly when he saw it.

"The Golden Core Realm also wants to catch me?"

He raised his hand gently, and a huge force suddenly gushed out.

The old man was about to catch Zhang Yi, but suddenly he noticed a strong breath coming, which made the old man startled:

"not good!"

Immediately, I saw the old man hurriedly circling a few times in midair, twisting his body abruptly and quickly backing away from Zhang Yi.

But even so, when the old man landed, he was still pushed by Zhang Yi's casual wave, making him kick back a few steps to the end even standing unsteadily and sitting on the ground.

But the old man quickly stood up from the ground, and he looked at Zhang Yi in horror:

"Who are you? Why are you here to make trouble?"

Zhang Yi answered calmly:

"I am the coach of this trip. As for making trouble, you should ask him yourself!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi kicked Director Wang.

Director Wang's fat body suddenly flew to the feet of the old man, which made Director Wang another painful scream.

The old man glanced at Director Wang, then pointed to a staff member beside him and asked:

"What the **** is going on, you say!"

The elder's identity seemed to be higher than that of Director Wang. How dare the staff conceal it, and immediately told the elder the conversation that Director Wang and Zhang Yi had said before.

After listening, the old man finally understood what was going on.

Immediately I saw the old man staring angrily at Director Wang at his feet:

"Dog stuff! The office asked you to eat this bowl of rice, so that you can receive good coaches and players! And you actually offended and humiliated Lao Tzu! Who do you think you are?"

Director Wang saw the old man furious, and immediately frightened and hurriedly begged for mercy:

"Commissioner Li, it's a mistake for the little one! The little one loves the dragon country eagerly for a while, so he said something that shouldn't be said. Please also ask Committee Li, your adult, forgive the little one once!"

It seems that this old man, known as Committee Member Li, has great power.

Just listen to the old man with a sneer:

"Do you know this dog thing, that group of reporters over there are not only reporters from Longguo, but also foreign reporters! Your dog thing made this farce, and at this time I am afraid that it has been photographed and spread by that group of foreign reporters. It's all over the world! You let foreigners watch the jokes of our Dragon Country, what right do you have to say that you love Dragon Country?"

After speaking, the old man actually kicked Director Wang.

Director Wang was kicked directly off the deck of the ship like a ball, and fell straight into the vast sea outside the aircraft carrier.

After solving that Director Wang, the old man suddenly came to Zhang Yi and said:

"Coach Zhang, there are many outside reporters, please move to the reception room and we will talk slowly. From now on, I will be directly responsible for your reception work. I promise that nothing similar will happen in the future."

Zhang Yi nodded, and then left the deck with the old man with Jiameng and Lulu.

Countless reporters are still shooting frantically here, and some foreign reporters have spread the content they have captured on the Internet, so that countless people can see everything just now.


The other side of the ocean.

Sitting in a luxurious palace.

An angel-like beautiful girl dressed in a gorgeous dress was sitting gracefully on the sofa.

She is blonde and blue-eyed, and she is a typical Western beauty. The most rare thing is her noble temperament, which can never be cultivated by ordinary nobles.

The girl is indeed not an ordinary nobleman, she is Princess Alice of the United Royal Family.

"His Royal Highness, this is the latest information sent back from Long Country just now."

An elderly gentleman is playing a scene for this beautiful princess.

And what is shown on the big screen is exactly the scene of the conflict between Zhang Yi and Director Wang on the aircraft carrier.

Just listen to the old gentleman with a scornful smile:

"This group of Longguo people, they can't compete, but they are very good at internal fighting. Before this match has started, they will fight on their own."

The words of the old gentleman caused the beautiful princess Alice to smile.

Just listen to Princess Alice said:

"Our opponent this time is only the extraordinary from the Pulsatilla Kingdom! The extraordinary from the Dragon Kingdom have never been in the stream, and in Asia there are only the island players with good strength. And... wait! That man!!!"

At this moment, Princess Alice seemed to see something incredible, she hurriedly pointed to the big screen and shouted:

"Quickly freeze the picture on that man's face! Then zoom in! I want to be able to clearly see what he looks like!"

The man on the screen that Princess Alice is referring to is Zhang Yi!

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