Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1195: Looking for the Excalibur

On this night, the blood clan of Lun City suffered another massacre.

When they came, they came fiercely, but now they are terrible when they run away.

The kinsmen were killed by the strong and the prisoners, and the blood gathered in the square to form a trickle and meandering.

From the heights, the corpses and stumps of the kinsmen who were killed also fell one after another, constantly smashing on the street, making the sky like a rain of stumps and stumps.

Such killings continued until dawn. As soon as the sun came out, the few remaining vampires who had fled were illuminated in the sun and turned into bones and then died one after another.

And the human powers began to return to the palace that was nearly half destroyed, awaiting orders from the people sitting on the throne.

As it dawned, more news was inquired back.

People finally know that after this |night's killing| slaughter, the Mo Party, one of the three major blood parties, has basically been slaughtered.

The Mo Party is mainly concentrated in Lun City, and Zhang Yi has slaughtered the Mo Party in the monastery and Lun City Tower Prison before, which greatly hurt the Mo Party's vitality.

And last night, under the leadership of the leader of the Demon Party, Alec, the Demon Party came out to kill Zhang Yi in one fell swoop.

However, no one could have imagined that the blood clan dispatched so many masters at once. It can be said that the top masters under Cain have basically appeared in the palace, but they failed to kill Zhang Yi. Instead, they were killed by Zhang Yi. Four surrendered one.

In this way, the blood devil party has basically been wiped out.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Western world.

The Blood Demon Party has existed for thousands of years, and it has been developing along with the development of civilization in the Western world almost all the time. In the past, many legendary heroes in the Western world wanted to eliminate it and failed to succeed, but now they are actually destroyed by the arrival of an Oriental.

At this moment, the people of the entire Western world were once again encouraged, and they finally believed that humans could defeat the blood race.

As a result, an even bigger campaign to eliminate vampires continued to spread in the Western world, and people continued to encircle and suppress vampires in the Western world according to the prompts on the website.

While human beings are rejoicing, the blood world is like a concubine.

The kinsmen originally expected to rely on this action of the Demon Party to completely suppress the human hatred of the kinship movement, but they did not expect that this suppression would end in failure, and the Demon Party paid the price of destruction.

This caused the entire blood clan to finally see Zhang Yi's terrifying strength, and the blood clan finally understood that if the ancestor Cain could not hide, then no one in the blood clan could be Zhang Yi's opponent.

Immediately, the secret party and the neutral party remaining among the three kinship parties immediately declared hermit.

The hidden world means that they are about to change the state of ruling mankind, begin to withdraw from the sight of the world, and return to the state of being in the dark world at that time.

This is only a choice of self-protection, in order to let the blood race avoid the crisis of being extinct.

But this also sent a signal to the world that the blood race began to fear.

They feared from the **** slaughter and extinction of the Romani butcher, so they had to hide themselves in order to protect themselves.

But this announcement also sent a message to Zhang Yi.

That is Cain, the blood family, unable to come in a short time.

If Cain can descend into the world, then the blood family's greatest confidence will be, and they will not easily give up the foundation they have worked hard over the past fifty years.

This also further confirmed Zhang Yi's many speculations.

As soon as the blood clan that has ruled the Western human world for 50 years disappeared, there was a vacuum in power, so for a time organizations such as witches’ guilds, werewolves, wizards’ guilds began to flock to fight for power, which triggered one after another. The war, of course, is something later.

For London, the biggest news is the return of the royal family members.

After the blood clan declared her seclusion, members of the royal family finally knew that they had lost their biggest backer.

So the members of the royal family returned to the city one after another and surrendered to the new owner of the palace.

Zhang Yikan generously pardoned their death crimes on the face of Adele, but at the same time stripped them of their titles, demoted them to civilians, and asked Edward II to cede the throne to Princess Alice.

No one is happiest than Princess Alice.

She won the throne, and also won the support of a group of extraordinary people released by the Lunshi Tower, and the impediment of the royal family and blood family was also swept away.

Today, she can be said to be below one person and above ten thousand.

She only needs to be loyal to Zhang Yi to control the power of an entire country in the United Kingdom! You can sit on the throne she dreams of!

The new enthronement ceremony began soon.

Princess Alice finally succeeded in ascending the throne and became the youngest queen in the history of the United Kingdom.

While the enthronement ceremony in Lun City was in full swing, Zhang Yi had already left Lun City, and he took a plane towards his destination.

Only Vanessa and Adele were walking with him, and Zhang Yi didn't take anyone with him.

Vanessa needs to lead the way, and Adele is now a blood clan after all. If Zhang Yi is not there, she might do some harm to humans, so Zhang Yi also brought Adele by her side.

And this time the goal is the sword in the lake.

After getting off the plane, the three drove to a remote mountainous area in central United Kingdom.

According to the records of Van Helsing's diary, Vanessa has collected relevant information and intelligence, so if she leads the way this time, it will not be difficult to find that mythical place.

"It's getting late, I will rest in this place called Kejing Town for one|night, and enter the forest tomorrow morning to where the legendary lake is."

Vanessa introduced the itinerary. She drove Zhang Yi and Adele into this mountain town.

The arrival of three strangers made people in this mountain town attracted one after another.

The temperament of these three people is incompatible with this small town. Zhang Yi's vicissitudes of life are indifferent, Vanessa's strong bodybuilding and Adele's noble and glamorous, all show that they are extraordinary.

When the three people got out of the car and were looking for a hotel to rest for the night, they saw an old, dirty, beggar-like old woman suddenly came to the three of them.

This old woman had a hooked nose, and her eyes were filled with shady birds, and she could only hear her cry sharply at the three of them:

"Outsiders! We don't welcome you in Kejing Town! You'd better leave here as soon as possible!"

As the old woman spoke, a group of townspeople looked at the three people unkindly, and their eyes were full of unkindness and rejection. Obviously they also wished that Zhang Yi and the others would leave here soon.

Zhang Yi looked at the townspeople indifferently, raised his hand, and took out a stack of banknotes:

"We come here to stay overnight, and we will leave tomorrow. Who can provide a place to stay?"

Looking at the thick banknotes in Zhang Yi's hand, the eyes of the townspeople began to become kind, and they all smiled.

But the old lady with the eagle nose became even more annoyed. She pointed at Zhang Yi sharply and shouted:

"Do you want money to corrupt us? Our town will not be lured by you! Get out of our town! Otherwise, my two sons will be rude to you!"

With the sharp scream of the old woman, two strong men over two meters tall suddenly appeared from the town.

These two strong men are tall and strong, and seem to be the sons of this old woman.

I saw the two strong men over two meters walking towards the three of Zhang Yi. They were full of fierce faces, as if they wanted to use brute force to expel the three of them from the town.

Zhang Yi shrugged slightly, then waved gently at Vanessa.

Vanessa stepped forward, she raised her fist and hit the ground with one punch.


Accompanied by a loud noise, everyone felt that the ground shook suddenly, and there was a big hole on the ground.

Seeing such a fierce power, the surrounding townspeople and old women couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and the two tall and strong men also stopped together and looked at Vanessa in horror.

Vanessa waved her fist and shouted at the crowd:

"Who wants to be rude to us?"

At this moment, the two strong men hurriedly walked over and helped the old woman to leave.

They dared not say a word anymore, hung their heads and hurried, and soon disappeared at the end of the street.

At this time, I saw a pretty middle-aged woman in her thirties rushing to Zhang Yi eagerly, her eyes staring at the banknotes in Zhang Yi's hand:

"Sir, how much are you willing to pay for the accommodation?"

Zhang Yi raised the banknote gently, and the woman's eyes moved up along Zhang Yi's banknote, as if her eyes were completely locked on the banknote and would not move.

Her blue eyes were full of sparkling looks, as if banknotes were everything in her eyes.

Zhang Yi asked calmly:

"How much do you want?"

The woman hurriedly answered:

"You give me ten pounds, and I can provide you and your female companions with the best suite in town!"

Zhang Yi directly placed all the banknotes in his hand in the woman's palm:

"I'll give you a hundred pounds, don't let anyone disturb us."

The woman trembled excitedly:

"Don't worry, sir, I can guarantee that no one will interrupt your rest! Please follow me, sir, and I will take you to your accommodation!"

Immediately, the woman led the way.

And Zhang Yi, Vanessa and Adele followed the woman along.

After walking for a while, the woman led the three to a wooden house on the edge of the town.

The woman opened the door of the wooden house, and then turned on the light inside.

Zhang Yi and the three came in and saw that it was a spacious suite. There are three bedrooms, as well as a living room, kitchen and bathroom.

The woman said to Zhang Yi:

"Sir, my name is Mary. This was originally my home, but tonight you can stay here with your female companion, and I will live with my relatives."

Zhang Yi nodded towards the woman named Mary:

"Mary, go and rest. Tomorrow morning, we will leave by ourselves."

But Mary came to Zhang Yi mysteriously, and took out a small blue bottle of pills from her pocket and turned towards Zhang Yiyan| said ambiguously:

"Sir, if you are willing to give me another ten pounds, then you can get these medicines. I can guarantee that you will be able to have a good time with your female companions tonight! And if you are willing to give me another hundred pounds, then ...I can join you to play with you too! I have a lot of fun!"

Speaking of this, Mary looked at Zhang Yi teasingly, and she also deliberately pulled the collar apart to reveal a large swath of white.

Zhang Yi snorted coldly and said:

"Mrs. Mary, I need to rest."

Mary stretched out her hands helplessly, and then pulled her clothes up.

She started to walk outside the gate, but after two steps she suddenly turned around and said to Zhang Yi:

"By the way, sir, you and your female companions must not run around after nightfall! In the mountains and forests here, there are some evil things. If there is something to harass you at night, there is something in the closet. Shotgun. I hope you don't use that gun."

After reminding this sentence, Mary finally left.

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