Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1196: East-west myth

Night fell quickly.

In the mountains and forests of the United Kingdom after nightfall, the temperature is very low.

And in the closet in the living room of the wooden house, a raging fire has ignited.

Vanessa stretched her waist and said to Zhang Yi and Adele:

"Take a rest early. We will start going into the mountains tomorrow. It is estimated that there will be no chance to sleep in bed in two or three days."

After speaking, Vanessa went back to her room and went to bed.

In the living room, only Zhang Yi and Adele were left.

Zhang Yi sits quietly on the sofa, he is looking at the book in his hand.

What is recorded in the book are all ancient myths about the Western world.

Whether it is the Eastern world or the Western world, it is a whole of the earth.

Zhang Yi is not a person who stands still. While he understands the Eastern world, he does not mind understanding the Western world.

And through reading the ancient myths of the East and the West, Zhang Yi also found that the two have many surprising similarities.

In the ancient mythology of the Eastern world, after Pangu opened the world, there were two gods Fuxi and Nuwa. In the Western world, God also created Adam and Eve, the ancestors of the two human beings after opening the world.

In the mythology of the Western world, a snake coaxed Eve and Adam into stealing food and forbidding fruit to reproduce mankind. In the ancient Eastern mythology, Fuxi and Nüwa are also human-faced and snake-like bodies, and Nüwa is Fuxi's younger sister, and finally combined together, they became the ancestors of mankind.

It took seven days for God to create the world, and it took Nüwa to create various creatures such as chickens, dogs, pigs, sheep, cattle, horses, and humans. God began to create Adam and Eve on the seventh day. Nüwa also used her own appearance on the seventh day. Loess and water come to make people.

At the same time, there are records of the Great Flood in both the East and the West.

In our Eastern legend, in ancient times, floods were flooding and people couldn’t live their lives, so Dayu began his water control journey, leading everyone to dig nine canals and open nine mountains. It took 13 years to conquer the world. Divided into Kyushu and established a country.

In Western legends, God saw the fall of mankind and regretted creating man, so he thought of a way to restart the extinction of creatures. He chose the Noah family and let them as survivors bring every kind of creature. A pair of each, aboard the big built boat. So God sent a flood, and everything else was drowned except for the creatures in the ark.

Gun stole the “remaining soil” that could accumulate mountains and piles of land to block the flood from the heavens to help people subdue the flood, and was executed by the emperor; while Prometheus was severely punished by God for stealing fire for mankind, allowing the eagle to use it for profit. The claws tore and pecked at his body.

Heracles once killed Hydra, the nine-headed serpent. Hou Yi also killed the nine-headed serpent Jiuying. And many of the monsters killed by the two for the people's destruction are very similar.

The western sun **** Awa patrolled the world in a sun car, and the eastern sun **** Xihe also drove across the sky.

Centaur is a kind of half-man, half-horse monster in Western mythology. They have a human upper body and a horse lower body. The centaur is also the image symbol of the Western Sagittarius. "Shan Hai Jing-Bei Shan Jing" records: the head of all the northern mountain sutras, from the mountain of Taihang to the mountain of no encounter, where the gods are all forty-six thousand three hundred and fifty li, the shape of the **** is a horse with a human face Those twenty gods. It means that there are 46 mountains in total from Taihang Mountain to Wufeng Mountain, of which 20 mountain gods are the image of horse body and human face.

Harpies is a kind of monster with human face and bird body in Western mythology. It is responsible for bringing the dead to Hades. The image of human face and bird body is also very much in "Shan Hai Jing", such as "The Great Wilderness North Classic" In "Yu Qiang", there are also Dongfang Jumang and Donghai Yuguo, as well as the envoy blue bird under the seat of the Queen Mother of the West.

In addition, there are too many similarities.

There are many similarities in ancient myths in the eastern and western worlds, which makes Zhang Yi unavoidable to have some speculations.

Perhaps in those very ancient times, there was no East and West in the world. All human beings lived in the same place of origin, and they shared the same experience and encountered the same things. That’s why there are so many similar myths circulating. Come down.

Zhang Yi has no time to delve into the mystery of the origin of ancient humans, but he is full of interest in ancient civilization.

He can already be sure that there is a glorious ancient civilization in the Eastern world, and there may be a similar ancient civilization in the Western world.

And through the excavation of the secrets of the Western world, Zhang Yi believes that he can find answers to some ancient secrets of the Eastern world.

"Sect Master, don't you still rest?"

A gentle female voice came.

Zhang Yi recovered from his meditation. He turned his head and saw that it was Adele.

Adele is always a noble, glamorous and unapproachable appearance in front of outsiders, but in front of Zhang Yi, she is meek and humble, especially gentle.

Zhang Yi said:

"I'll read the book for a while, but you should rest earlier."

Adele shook her head slightly, she replied:

"The doorkeeper forgot that I am a vampire now. For us vampires, night is the most active time."

Zhang Yi Sharan.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, then smiled:

"I can't help but treat you as if you are still in the Fuxingmen."

Adele is also full of memories:

"Yes, I hadn't become a formal disciple at that time, and I was still serving as the personal servant of the master. Whenever the master stayed up late to review the official documents of the school, I would always make a pot of tea for the master and help the master Relax with a massage."

Having said that, Adele got up and came to Zhang Yi's skill.

She put her hands on Zhang Yi's shoulders, and said softly:

"The sect master, please let me relax like the group of sect masters back then."

Zhang Yi put down the book in his hand and closed his eyes:


So Adele began to squeeze Zhang Yi's shoulders and beat her back.

Her skill and strength are very suitable for Zhang Yi. Obviously, she has not forgotten the craftsmanship she trained at Fuxingmen.

Adele massaged Zhang Yi carefully for a while, and then whispered in Zhang Yi's ear:

"Sect Master, you don’t actually need to save me. I... I don’t deserve to be treated like that by the Sect Master. I know the Sect Master is very strong, but Cain... is really terrible! Sect Master, kill me. Let me not use it. Continue to exist in such humiliation, and do not want to be Cain’s slave anymore, let it be like a puppet at the mercy of a puppet. Please allow me to die as a proud queen and a glorious disciple of Fuxingmen."

Zhang Yi sighed slightly when he heard the words.

Of course he knew the strength of the ancient gods.

At the same time, he also knew that to save Adele, he had to kill Cain.

Zhang Yi once used Cain's blood to become a vampire himself, and once gave Monica a first embrace to turn her into a vampire, and he eventually made the two of them revert back to humans.

But with the same method, Zhang Yi could not perform on Adele.

There is no other reason. Zhang Yi and Monica both made the transition between human beings and vampires while they were alive.

And Adele was a vampire who became a vampire after being killed.

Human beings cannot be resurrected from the dead, this is the way of heaven.

Adele is dead, and it is because of Cain's blood in her body that she has been able to exist as a blood clan.

If Zhang Yi took away Cain's blood from her body, then she would really become a carrion.

Cain's blood cannot be taken away or replaced in Adele's body, and as long as Cain's blood exists in the body, Adele will always be Cain's slave and unconditionally obey Cain's orders.

The only way is to kill Cain.

In this way, Adele can continue to exist, and no one will give orders to her.

But how difficult it is to kill the ancient gods.

Ancient gods cannot be killed.

Even those powerful ancient Qi refiners did not find a way to kill the ancient gods, they could only use the Conferred God List to seal the ancient gods.

In the Western world, people also did not find a way to kill Cain, and could only seal him with two divine swords.

Even Zhang Yi has been following the clues of the ancient gods for so long, but he also failed to do so.

Adele came to Zhang Yi's face and knelt down at this time. She put her beautiful face on Zhang Yi's knee:

"Sect master, don’t be embarrassed. I don’t have any regrets in my life, but sooner or later I will continue to be an enemy of the sect master because of Cain’s orders. ...I am perfected. It is a lifetime honor for me to die in the hands of the sect master."

At this point, Adele was calm.

She has accepted her own destiny, and she is eager to end her life, it is her beloved and admired sect master.

However, Zhang Yi stretched out his hand, helped Adele from the ground, and sat down beside him.

Adele looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

But Zhang Yi looked at her red eyes seriously, and said solemnly:

"I don't want to hear from you again in the future."

Adele's eyes widened slightly.

Zhang Yi continued:

"I've told you so much before, do you think I'm joking with you? Adela, I tell you, you just need to be obedient and do your part."

Adele looked at Zhang Yi in a daze, and her eyes were a bit blurred for a while after listening to his domineering words.

Zhang Yi stood up, he came to the campfire and looked back at Adele:

"Ancient god? Is it amazing? I have encountered too many powerful enemies, and I have seen powerful creatures of the same level as the ancient gods in the heyday. But no matter what the difficulties are, I have already broken through, and what I want to do is There is nothing impossible, even the ancient gods cannot stop me!"

Having said that, Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to Adele:

"I Zhang Yi said to save you, I will definitely save you!"

Adele slammed her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes, and her emotions collapsed instantly.

She looked at Zhang Yi moved and nodded vigorously.

At this moment, she understood that the sect master in front of her was a sect master worthy of life to follow, and a sect master worthy of her life!

She felt very happy at this time.

Because in her life, she actually got the opportunity to follow such a person.

Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime, and she was fortunate enough to get it.

However, when Adele was so moved that she couldn't help herself, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly changed slightly.

He looked at the dark forest outside the window and said:

"Something is coming."

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