Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1207: Virtuous and virtuous

Lin Sijia is very clear about the people who won the rankings at the World Youth Extraordinary Competition.

The sixth place Lulu is basically a waitress who has been working at the Peace Hotel.

The third-placed Jiang Zhiqiu is also a cleaner at the Peace Hotel.

Even the number one Zhang Jiameng, she only met Zhang Yi in Taiping Lake.

Even Gu Yajun, the second disciple of Jingyue Tower, had come to the Peace Hotel to apply for a waiter.

And how was Lin Sijia back then?

When Lin Sijia went after Zhang Yi, many people in the Peace Hotel thought that Lin Sijia was very likely to become the proprietress of the Peace Hotel, so they treated Lin Sijia with courtesy one by one.

However, nowadays, the waiters and cleaners have turned into phoenixes one by one, and they have received nouns and rewards at the World Youth and Extraordinary Competition. They have doubled their worth in a time and are highly sought after.

Back then, Lin Sijia would never look directly at the roles of Jiameng and Lulu.

But now, Jiameng and Lulu, the people she once dismissed, have become celebrities that she just wants to flatter her, but she doesn't necessarily agree with them.

This kind of strong drop made Lin Sijia extremely sad for a while:

"Then everything... should have my share..."

Lin Sijia knew very well that if she stood firmly on Zhang Yi's side and worked hard to become the owner of the Peace Hotel, she could also shine in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition just like Lulu and Jiameng.

Once she can achieve results in the World Youth Extraordinary Competition, then she can also become the star of the stars. By then, she will still be the supreme eldest lady, even in the martial arts, she will inevitably be loved by the master and disciple. Our respect.

At least she will not end up in a situation where the master does not love or love her senior sister, but is bullied instead.

Lin Batian on the side could not help sighing:

"If I had known that Zhang Yi had such a strong ability, I would not have opposed you pursuing him, and I would never want to kill him. If I could have a good relationship with him in the first place, I would be able to have a few interviews, then How could my Lin family end up in such a field today? I knew this before, so why bother..."

Lin Batian will inevitably regret the beginning.

He tried his best throughout his life to stabilize the big ship of the Lin family from capsizing, so he has been cautiously walking on thin ice.

After the Lin family finally became the largest family in Changle City and occupied an absolute dominance, Li Batian would inevitably drift a little. He began to look down on those powerless and lowly people.

As a result, in his eyes, a powerless and lowly man actually led the contestants to win the championship in the World Young Superman Competition in one fell swoop, and also took the third and sixth places. He also smashed the lord of the island nation, Megatron International.

In this way, the kid that Lin Batian looked down on at the beginning has now become a great figure above all else. People of this level only need to show an intention to be dissatisfied with the Lin Family, and many people will come to destroy the Lin Family in order to please him.

Ye Tian and Wang Erye, the two vicious dogs raised by the Lin family back then, had already shown this tendency.

Ye Tian once ruled the ancient warriors of Changle City, and Wang Erye was in charge of the underground world, and they served the Lin family together.

However, now, after the Peace Hotel leaped up, Ye Tian and Wang Erye have begun to cheat on the Peace Hotel, and they even plan to attack the old master of the Lin family for their new master.

Although they haven't started directly, they have already begun to erode the forces outside the Lin Family, giving the Lin Family a strong oppression that the mountains and the rain are eager to blow the building.

The world is hot and cold, and it is only at this time that I can see it most clearly.

However, at this time, I saw Uncle Lin hurriedly ran in:

"Master! Miss! That Zhang Yi... Zhang Yi is back!"

When Lin Batian heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly asked:

"Which Zhang Yi is it?"

He suspected that he had heard it wrong, and also suspected that Uncle Lin was wrong, so he couldn't help asking again.

Uncle Lin hurriedly replied:

"It's the Zhang Yi who opened the Peace Hotel!"

With these words, Lin Batian, who had just stood up, couldn't help but fart again | and sat back on the chair. And Lin Sijia on the side also caused the chopsticks in her hand to fall to the ground because of a moment of excitement.

Zhang Yi is back!

People said a while ago that he was still in the United Kingdom, but he did not expect to come back so suddenly today.

Immediately Lin Batian hurriedly shouted:

"Quick! Get the car! Let's go to see Zhang Yi now! Whether the Lin family can survive or not depends on today!"

Although only half of the meal was eaten, Lin Batian couldn't take care of that much anymore.

He was afraid that if he was later, he would completely lose his last chance.

"Yes, sir!"

Uncle Lin said hurriedly, and then ran out of the restaurant all the way to prepare the car.

Of course Lin Sijia didn't care about eating, she had already stood up and went to get a coat for her father Lin Domineering.

Lin Sijia was also full of expectations for this visit.


peace restaurant.

Adele stood in the hotel, watching everything around her.

When she finished the tour, she couldn't help but ask Song Lin who was taking her to visit:

"This is where the sect master lives these days?"

Song Lin replied:

"Yes, ma'am."

Song Lin now also knew that Adele had already given birth to children, and that she already had a great-granddaughter. So she understands that it is not appropriate to call Adela "Miss". Compared to the Western world, only unmarried ladies can be called "Miss".

It is obviously more inappropriate to call her "mother-in-law". Adele is now very beautiful and has a great body. If she is only in her twenties and under thirty, then a lot of people will believe it. .

So after thinking about it, Song Lin still called Adele "Mrs.", which is more appropriate.

Adele couldn't help asking again:

"How long has the master lived here?"

Song Lin replied:

"It's been half a year."

Adele couldn't help but feel distressed when she heard the words, and almost shed tears:

"These days, the sect master has really live in such a bad environment, this kind of place is not worthy for the sect master to live in."

Song Lin couldn't help being surprised when she heard this:


In Song Lin's view, although the Peace Hotel is not a high-end hotel, it is at least at the level of a mid-level hotel, and although Zhang Yi's bedroom is a bit simpler, it can't be said to be simple.

So when she heard that Adele felt sad because Zhang Yi lived here, Song Lin just felt completely incomprehensible.

However, Song Lin didn't know that Adele was once a queen, and her vision was naturally higher. And Adele was the one who once looked down on Zhang Yi as a maid. She brought a group of maids in Fuxingmen to make every effort to create the best resting environment for Zhang Yi.

The environment of the Peace Hotel is naturally difficult to catch Adela's eyes.

Song Lin hesitated and said:

"In fact, our boss is very easy-going and doesn't care about these things."

Adele sighed after hearing the words:

"Yes, the doormaster is such an easygoing person. I used to take care of the life of the doormaster. Now since you are in charge, you must be more careful not to omit anything. If you don’t understand anything, you can do it in the future. Come and ask me. I will pass on to you all the experience of serving the sect master."

Song Lin was full of doubts, she could only casually perfuse:

"Oh oh……"

Song Lin still couldn't fully understand Adele's words.

She didn't know that her boss was the master of Fuxingmen fifty years ago.

As he was talking, he saw that Zhang Yi had already walked out with Xiao Budian in his arms.

Xiao Budian has been crying for several days because of Jiameng's sudden disappearance in the past few days. It was not until Zhang Yi's arrival that he calmed down.

At this moment, he hugged Zhang Yi's neck tightly, as if afraid that Zhang Yi would suddenly disappear like Jia Meng.

After Zhang Yi came over, he said:

"Song Lin, tell me like an airline, our private plane will fly north tomorrow, let them make arrangements."

Under the arrangement of Queen Alice, the royal family of the United Kingdom allocated a luxurious private jet for exclusive use by Zhang Yi and Adele. Now this plane stays at the airport in Changle City. Zhang Yi needs it as long as he needs it. You can take Zhang Yi to any place in this world at any time.

And when Zhang Yi came back this time, he saw that there was nothing major about the Peace Hotel except Jia Meng's disappearance, so he planned to go to Zhangjiazu to take a good look.

Song Lin hurriedly said:

"Okay, boss. I'm going to call now."

Song Lin walked on the front foot, but when he saw Jiang Zhiqiu walked in with the back foot.

"Boss, Lin Batian, the Lin Family Patriarch, and Lin Sijia, the Miss Lin Family, are asking to see you. This is their invitation."

With that said, Jiang Zhiqiu presented the greeting card.

Zhang Yi didn't expect that the Lin family's father and daughter would be so solemn, even using the greeting card.

He did not accept the greeting, but said:

"Go tell the Lin family and their daughters: Only virtuous and virtuous, able to subdue others."

Zhang Yi was not interested in seeing Lin's father and daughter, so he didn't bother to see them.

Don't say that the Lin family can't get into Zhang Yi's eyes now, even Zhang Yi didn't see them in their eyes at all at the beginning, so Zhang Yi said everything about the Lin family.

After listening to Jiang Zhiqiu, he immediately turned and left.

He understands the boss' rejection.

Outside the Peace Hotel.

The Lin family's father and daughter have been standing respectfully in the cold wind.

If it were half a year ago, someone saw Lin Batian and Miss Lin Sijia standing in the cold wind waiting for an interview, then witnesses would definitely drop their jaws.

However, today is different from the past, even if someone sees all this in front of them at this time, they will not be too surprised.

Because the Peace Hotel today is worthy of waiting for the Lin family and their daughters.


The door of the Peace Hotel finally opened, and Jiang Zhiqiu walked out of it.

Lin Batian and Lin Sijia couldn't help but look at Jiang Zhiqiu with expectation. They wanted to know whether Zhang Yi would like to meet them.

In the expectation of the two, only Jiang Zhiqiu said:

"Please come back, both of you, my boss has already rested."

When Lin Batian and Lin Sijia heard this, their faces suddenly couldn't stop floating in sadness, they were rejected after all.

Jiang Zhiqiu continued at this time:

"However, my boss has something to say to you."

When the two heard this, joy and anticipation reappeared on their faces.

Jiang Zhiqiu said:

"Only virtuous and virtuous, able to serve others."

After speaking, Jiang Zhiqiu turned around and returned to the Peace Hotel, and at the same time closed the door again.

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