Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 693: Leave together

Feng Ziyan heard that Zhang Yi was about to leave her for a long time, and suddenly "Wow!" she continued to cry again.

She cried even more sadly this time:

"Zhang Yi! Oh! I don't want to leave you for so long! Don't stay closed, I want you to stay with me!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"There are still people waiting for me in the distance. I have to do everything to find her. So I have to retreat so that I can see her soon."

Feng Ziyan cried and said:

"Don't go find her! Would you like me?"

Zhang Yi said:

"Don't say childish words! I have already decided on this matter. I will leave when I help Vine to get rid of the poison. Now that the situation of Shenzong has stabilized, you can play happily here. Otherwise, the earth and the shaking star are you. I don’t like staying either. I don’t think it’s fun. I will come to you after I leave the customs."

Feng Zi Cigarette is stupid and doesn't know how to persuade Zhang Yi to stay with her, so she can only cry all the time, the more she crying, the louder and louder.

Zhang Yi got up and went back to the bedroom. She didn't intend to continue to persuade Feng Ziyan, but wanted to calm down herself slowly.

Feng Ziyan saw Zhang Yi ignored her and went back to the room, crying even more sadly.

Only the vine was on the side, watching the wind purple smoke curiously.

After a while, Teng asked:

"Why do you want him to stay with you like this?"

Feng Ziyan said unhappily:

"Zhang Yi is by my side, so I can feel happy and safe!"

Doudou asked:

"Happiness? Happiness, don't you want to find it yourself? And the sense of security is even more outrageous. You are stronger than him, and you still need him to give you a sense of security?"

Fengzi cigarette holder is stupid, she doesn't know how to explain clearly, she can only say:

"You don't understand anyway! You don't understand anything at all! I can't tell you one thing!"

After speaking, Feng Ziyan stopped talking to Teng.

She lifted a small bench to sit down at the door of Zhang Yi's bedroom, and then cried constantly at Zhang Yi's bedroom. She seemed to want to use her cry to make Zhang Yi change his mind.

Teng frowned, but in the end he didn't get angry.

She got up and went back to her bedroom, acting as if she didn't care about it all.

However, after she returned to the room, she had been eavesdropping outside.

She has become more and more curious about why, as the planet's wind purple smoke, she has such a wonderful feeling for the human race.

At the same time, in her heart, the envy of this kind of feeling is getting heavier and heavier.

For the Star Eater Devil's Vine, their life is destined to be lonely.

When it was still a seed, the Star Devouring Magic Vine wandered around in the time and space of the universe, looking for the planet as its host.

And when the Star Devouring Devil Vine is parasitic in the planet, they are basically desperately desperate for the energy of the star core to accelerate their growth, thus bearing seeds.

When the seeds are sent into outer space, their mission will be completed and their lives will come to an end.

If it wasn't for Teng who was sick this time, then she would never come into contact with Zhang Yi, let alone go to the world to collect the stars, which would lead to a series of consequences now.

Therefore, when Teng saw a kind of love for each other, she was also full of envy, and she couldn't help but hope that someone would also care about her and love her.

Especially now, when her life is in confusion, it is also when she is most vulnerable. That's why she envied these things more and more eagerly.

Originally, Teng had never dismissed the feelings of the human race in the world, let alone understand it.

However, when she saw Feng Ziyan as a planet, she was so concerned about the relationship with the human race, which made Teng curious and couldn't help but want to explore what it was all about.

So Tengyi is listening, listening attentively all the time.

Feng Ziyan cried until midnight, and the more she cried, the more sad she became.

Zhang Yi finally couldn't help but open the door and asked:

"Have you not cried enough? I have already told you that you have to learn to mature yourself! The separation of joys and sorrows has been difficult since ancient times, and you have to learn to adapt to it!"

Feng Ziyan shook his head:

"I don't want to get used to it! I just want you by my side!"

Zhang Yi said coldly:

"That's you too selfish!"

Feng Ziyan stood up and said:

"I don't care, I don't care! I am selfish and selfish!"

Zhang Yi shook his head, and was about to close the door again.

Feng Ziyan seized the opportunity to slip into Zhang Yi's room and couldn't drive away.

"Get out," Zhang Yi said, "I'm going to sleep."

Feng Ziyan replied:

"Then I will sleep with you!"

Zhang Yi answered:


Feng Ziyan said:

"Then tell me stories! We don't want to sleep tonight. I like to listen to you tell stories. I haven't heard you tell stories for a long time. Would you tell me one more night?"

Zhang Yi is helpless, this wind and purple smoke, as expected, is still a child's temper.

However, he is also ready to return to Shaking Planet tomorrow and start preparing for the retreat. Next, he will meet Feng Ziyan again, and I don't know how long it will be.

So in the end, Zhang Yi decided to meet Feng Ziyan's small requirement.

He closed the door and began to tell Feng Ziyan stories.

And Fuji has been secretly listening.

One | night, it passed like this.


On the third day, Zhang Yi continued to perform detoxification treatment for the vine.

This time, Zhang Yi could complete the detoxification treatment in just a few hours. After finishing, he will leave here.

Feng Ziyan left her residence early in the morning and didn't know what she was going to do.

It's okay not to see her, Zhang Yi, lest Feng Ziyan cries all day long, which is simply too annoying.

Several hours passed quickly, and Zhang Yi finally helped Teng get rid of all the toxins.

Teng checked his body and knew that Zhang Yi had fulfilled his promise.

Zhang Yi said to Teng:

"Let's live your life well, after all, now that your mission cannot be fulfilled, you might as well consider your own affairs seriously. But don't bully Feng Ziyan in the future, I know you have the ability to bully her. If you hurt her, then I will not let you go."

Teng said coldly:

"Why do you have the right not to let me go?"

Zhang Yi answered calmly:

"You will know then."

Hearing Zhang Yi's threats, Teng couldn't help but want to get angry.

But in the end, she suppressed her anger:

"You detoxify me, this time I won't care about you!"

Zhang Yi didn't care about her either, he said:

"Goodbye bye."

After speaking, Zhang Yi is about to leave.

Fuji could not help asking:

"Don't you wait for Feng Ziyan to come back, tell her something?"

Zhang Yi returned to the road:

"It is better not to see each other than not to see, and to speak is worse than to be silent."

After speaking, Zhang Yi got up and flew towards the outside of Lian Shenzong.

Zhang Yi has helped Feng Ziyan become the Sect Master of the Lian Shenzong this time, and used the vine to eliminate the old enemy of the Lian Shenzong Wuhen Mountain, and even the eight main forces that hated the Shenzong have been wiped out.

As a result, there is no force around Shenshen Sect that can threaten Shenshen Sect. Feng Ziyan can be stable for a long time as this suzerain.

As for what Feng Ziyan will do in the future, it will only be known after Zhang Yi comes out of retreat.

Dependent origination and demise, these are difficult to change with human power.

Zhang Yi soon came to the wild flower plain where the teleportation formation was located. It was still as beautiful and extraordinary as when he came, and the fragrance was overflowing.

He began to open the phantom array, making the teleportation array revealed.

Immediately Zhang Yi stood on the teleportation platform, ready to open the space-time channel.

However, at this time, there was a figure flying towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

"Zhang Yi! Wait for me!"

Afterwards, I saw this figure quickly fly to Zhang Yi's side. She is not someone else, it is Feng Ziyan.

Zhang Yi asked:

"Why are you here? Not to give it to me."

Feng Ziyan said excitedly:

"I'm not here to see you off! I'm here to go with you!"

Zhang Yi was slightly confused:

"Come with me?"

Feng Ziyan nodded vigorously:

"I have already agreed with the four old men today. They will keep me the position of Sovereign, and they will continue to do it when I come back! And I also bid farewell to many juniors and sisters, and everyone gave me a lot. Gifts, they all say they hope to wait for me to come back soon! Although I can't bear theirs...but I don't bear you even more!"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"Why are you going back with me? I'm going back to retreat, not going back to play!"

Feng Ziyan answered seriously:

"I just accompany you to retreat!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help saying:


But after speaking, he seemed to think that there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

The reason why retreats are often carried out by one person alone is to worry about being disturbed by others, so that at the most critical moment, they fall short, or even become crazy.

However, if the companion can keep quiet all the time and will not disturb the person in retreat, then it is all right.

As far as Zhang Yi is concerned, Ren Wang Jue's breakthrough is not really worried about too much interference.

Ren Wang Jue Zhang Yi had already cultivated thoroughly in his previous life, and he had breakthrough experience in every bottleneck of the level. Coupled with the particularity of Ren Wang Jue, even if someone played a karaoke sound when he broke through, it would not affect Zhang Yi.

In particular, Zhang Yi's soul is much stronger than his previous life, and he has acquired the star soul, so that he doesn't have to worry too much about getting confused.

Therefore, as long as Feng Ziyan does not attack Zhang Yi, then if she is just making noise, she really can't affect Zhang Yi.

Once Zhang Yi breaks through, he will quickly enter the state of meditation, and he will not worry about the noise of Feng Ziyan at all.

Especially Feng Ziyan is very powerful, so he wouldn't worry about the kind of terrorist shock wave caused by Zhang Yi when he broke through.

Based on these conditions, Zhang Yi finally said:

"If you are really willing to leave the Refining Sect, you can accompany me to retreat. But let me talk about it first. I won't pay attention to you when I retreat. I'm afraid you can't stand loneliness and affect me."

Feng Ziyan hurriedly promised:

"No! I can stand loneliness! I have been lonely in outer space for millions of years. Will I still be afraid of these decades?"

Zhang Yi nodded:

"Then let's go."

However, just when Zhang Yi was about to open the passage of time and space, another figure flew over.

This figure fell in front of Zhang Yi and Feng Ziyan, not someone else, but the vine.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but become more puzzled, why did Teng follow him?

Just listen to Teng said:

"I heard your words too. Don't worry, decades of time are just fleeting to me, and I won't bother you in retreat."

Zhang Yi was surprised:

"Do you want to accompany me to retreat too?"

Teng said embarrassedly:

"I just want to figure out why your human race can have such a wonderful connection and relationship with the planet. I also want to know how your life is different from mine. If you are willing to believe that I will not harm you, Then take me!"

After Zhang Yi and Feng Ziyan both left one after another, Teng Zeng left the Refining Sect alone.

But after leaving the Shenzong Sect, Teng didn't know where she should go and what she should do?

So in the end, she finally couldn't help but chased Zhang Yi and Feng Ziyan, wanting to go on the road with them.

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